Facts have proven that girls’ intuition is sometimes more accurate than boys’.

"Okay, I admit, there are more eyes than usual today."

Wu Ye, who walked out of the gift shop, admitted this frankly. The tourists around them all focused their attention on them. Such a visual effect was indeed not comparable to usual.

It's just that Dan Shenggu obviously doesn't think so now.

"So, you didn't understand what I meant at all, and the reason why we became so conspicuous has nothing to do with what I just said!"

She pointed at the two couriers behind Wu Ye speechlessly, or at the little sapling they held in their hands:

"Takasaka-san, did you eat up what you just said? Why did you still buy this?"

"Because I suddenly thought it would be nice to buy a tree as a gift, wouldn't it?"

Wu also explained it very seriously:

"Buying back a town house or leaving it as a family heirloom has potential, right?"

".I just want to know why your logic is so far from normal people?"

Dan Shenggu didn't understand. In fact, the answer was very simple. Originally, Wu just wanted to buy a model, but when he found that the price of the model was the same as the price of the sapling, he hesitated.

He doesn't know whether Elliot likes dead or living trees, but as far as he is concerned, bigger things are definitely better.

So he changed the gift into a sapling. He felt that his sister should understand his painstaking efforts. Besides, the sapling is free of postage, so convenient!

Under Dan Shenggu's speechless gaze, Wu Ye happily signed the list and watched the two couriers pack his "gift" away.

At the end of the day, the waitress in the store gave him an extra gift:

"Sir, do you need to name the sapling you purchased?"



The waiter explained:

"Every customer who buys our saplings can name it, and we will give them a small wooden tag with their name on it, which they can take back as a decoration for the tree."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Takeru understood that it was a gift for Elliot, and it would be best for her to name it. However, because of his sister’s character, I’m afraid this matter is a bit uncertain, so he might as well do it himself.


The pen in his hand had been paused in the air for a long time, and Takeru still couldn't decide on the name of the tree. A bunch of cool names flashed through his mind, but he denied them all one by one.

He is afraid that if the name is too flashy, others will not be able to hold it, and if it is too low, it will make him feel stingy. It is best to have a name that is actually powerful, but no one can see it.

Um? wait, that's the case

Looking at the huge thing above his head, Wu Ye had a flash of inspiration and wrote three words on the paper -

Westward Demon.

In Gensokyo, most monsters like parties and celebrate their happiness unscrupulously, which is a kind of enjoyment for them.

Among the many banquets, the spring banquet is the most popular, because it is really a beautiful thing to drink while enjoying the flowers, and if you want to talk about the best place to enjoy the flowers, it must be in the underworld.

In the White Jade Tower in the underworld, there are countless cherry blossoms. In spring, the petals flying all over the sky are simply breathtakingly beautiful.

But the most commendable thing is the largest cherry blossom tree in the White Jade Tower, the Westward Demon.

The Saigyouyo will bloom in spring, and its huge body is covered with gorgeous cherry blossoms. I don’t know how many monsters are immersed in its beauty and can’t extricate themselves.

It's a pity that the Westward Demon will never be fully opened. Sometimes it can be opened to five or six points, but under normal circumstances it can only be opened to two or three points.

This is a very regrettable thing, but the incompleteness of Xi Xing Yao has further expanded its reputation.

It is autumn, a bleak season. The cherry blossoms in the underworld have long since fallen. The only ones who will still appear under these dead branches from time to time in this season are the master and servant of Baiyu Tower.


"What's wrong, Lord Yuyuko?"

The cherry-haired girl under the tree let out a cry, causing the garden master beside her to stop and wonder.

"No, it was just a sudden gust of wind that made me a little distracted."

Yuyuko tucked her hair that was accidentally blown away by the wind behind her ears, and smiled softly at the garden master Youmu who was doing the cleaning. She didn't speak until her shy little garden master looked embarrassed. road:

"By the way, Youmu, I heard that something happened to Yaoji a while ago?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah."

Lowering her rosy little face, Youmu replied in a quick but not messy tone:

"My grandfather seemed to have accidentally fallen while walking at night, but it was nothing serious."

"Pfft, what the hell, has Yaoji finally reached this age?"

Although she seemed a bit heartless, Yuyuko did smile happily, which made Youmu a little confused and didn't know what to say.

Following Yuyuko's words, she feels sorry for her grandfather. Going against Yuyuko's words, she also feels sorry for her status as a court master. Youmu, who is full of inner drama, is now in a stage of struggle.

It's just that she thought things too simply. Yuyuko did look silly and sweet, but her heart was much more delicate than Youmu imagined.

Not to mention that Soul Yaoji's actual age is much older than Yuyuko's, just because of his understanding of this court master who has been with him since he was born, Yuyuko will not believe that he will be so old that he can't even walk Not sure.

A horse travels a thousand miles to eat grass, and a wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat. Even if the soul demon Ji is really too old to hold a sword one day, he will not cause such a shameful thing.

It's just that although Youyouzi understands that Yaoji's matter is strange, she has no intention of delving into it. One is that Yaoji didn't open her mouth, and the other is that the underworld has been safe and sound recently.

If there is no big deal, just treat it as nothing. Youyouzi has always been used to being so "careless".

"It's just that it's more appropriate to go and visit, right?"

Yuyuko murmured to herself to the Xigyouyou in front of her. She had already made up her mind, and she immediately gave instructions to Youmu:

"Yumu, it's already getting late, let's continue tomorrow after cleaning here, help me pack a portion of the snacks I bought today, and go to see Yaoji with me tomorrow."

"Hey, do you want to give some snacks to grandpa?"

Youmeng was stunned:

"But my grandfather doesn't like sweets. The last time I brought it to him, he said he was old and had bad teeth."

"I know."

Youyouzi curled her lips:

"That's why I gave it to him. I'm also curious about whether Yaoji's teeth will stick when he eats the snacks."

"Uh, okay, okay."

Seeing Yuyuko's figure leaving in a fluttering manner, Youmu didn't know what her grandfather had done. He was so unlucky that Yuyuko teased him personally.

But of course she couldn't say these words, she could only prepare according to Youyouzi's words, but at this moment a strong wind blew, and she lost her eyes without paying attention.

Not only that, but the wind seemed to have blown something down from the tree, rattling—it sounded like something made of wood, and before Youmu could react, the thing had already hit her on the head.


After finally rubbing the sand out of her eyes, and being hit on the head, Youmu immediately became depressed. She bent down to see what it was, but suddenly, a feeling of dizziness swept over her. whole body.

"What, what's going on?!"

At the same time, a certain young man outside who was also standing under a huge tree was also invaded by this feeling:

"What the hell?! Again?!"

Thanks for the tip from Shit Lei who doesn’t know the truth.

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