"I'm back - um, are there guests?"

Takeru returned home with Youmu and unexpectedly saw a pair of unfamiliar shoes at the door, which made him feel confused.

There are only Rikka and Elliot at home. Elliot has no friends who can visit him. Rikka basically knows all his friends. It is absolutely impossible for them to go out wearing high heels.

With a lot of questions, Wu Ye walked into the living room, and then——

"Ah, you're back."

"Miss Toka?"

An unexpected person appeared. Miss Toka appeared in front of him once again wearing Takeya's special apron, still holding the long-handled spoon that never left her body.

"Didn't you go to Italy to work? Were you fired?"


The moment Takeya finished speaking, there was a red patch on his head. Miss Toka hit him on the head with a spoon mercilessly, with frightening precision.

"It hurts. It's just a joke. Don't take it so seriously!"

Still unsure about Miss Toka's character, this made Takeya very distressed. Rikka sat on the sofa a little unhappy. Elliot hadn't gone downstairs yet, and now it was only the two of them talking, which made Takeya even more distressed. up.

"It's just reciprocity."

Toka answered Takeya coldly, then looked around him and landed on Youmu who just came in behind him:

"she is?"

"Ah, she is."

Just as Takeru was about to open his mouth and try to fool him by randomly guessing his identity, Toka took the first step and guessed:

"Is it your daughter?"

As soon as Tohka's words came out, there was an eerie silence. Youmu's expression was a little dazed. Rikka seemed to have accidentally thrown away the black Zechs Original Type 2 in his hand, and Takeya sprayed it directly——

"How invincible do I have to be to give birth to a daughter about the same age as me!"

Wu Ye's strong reaction made Shihua slightly frowned:

"What, why don't you laugh, it's an Italian joke, haven't you heard it?"

"...Ghost knows!"

Wu Ye suddenly broke down. Miss Toka was still the same Miss Toka. You must not joke when talking to her, but you must not take it too seriously or you will go crazy.

After finally regaining his composure from Miss Toka's nonsensical joke, Takeya re-introduced to Youmu behind him:

"What, she is my sister."

Stared at by Miss Shihua's sharp eyes at that moment, Wu Ye, who knew he had slipped his tongue by accident, immediately changed his words:

"She's my sister's friend!"

Youmu looked at Takeya in surprise, as if he was wondering why the other party's lines were different from what he said, but he still cooperated and politely said to everyone:

"Soul Youmeng, please give me some advice."

"She's your sister's friend?"

Although Takeru didn't understand that Miss Toka skipped the name with countless flaws and went straight to the point, but he didn't have time to care about that now, because he clearly found a questioning look in the other person's eyes:

"A friend of your sister's?"

"Uh, that's right."

"Why did your sister's friend come to you?"

".There are very complicated reasons for it. It is too troublesome for me to explain it, so I will make it up for you next time when I have time. Cough, I will tell you again."


Miss Shihua's eyes clearly read the word "do not believe", but for some reason, she did not expose Wu Ye on the spot, but just stared at him with that subtle look.

This made Takeru confused for a while whether he should thank the other party or not.

Just when the silence between the two fell again, Takeru was slightly startled by the fragrance coming from the kitchen. He sniffed it vigorously:

"It smells so fragrant, like curry?"

"Well, I heard Rikka say you want to eat curry, so I'll prepare it for you if I have time."

I don’t know if this is considered forcing me to forget what happened just now. Miss Shihua said very cooperatively:

"Consider it a thank you gift in return for taking care of Rikka."

"How embarrassing."

Wu Ye was just about to say that he was going to have a good meal tonight, when suddenly the plan flashed through his mind, and the smile on his face slowly became stiff.

The uncertain expression on his face changed several times, and finally Wu Ya could only struggle to squeeze out an expression that was neither crying nor laughing:

"Uh, Miss Tohka, what about that? Shouldn't Rokuka be the one making the curry tonight?"

Hearing this, Rikka, who was depressed at first, suddenly stood up excitedly, but Miss Toka looked puzzled:

"Takeya, are you serious? You want Rikka to cook for you?"

As an older sister, she couldn't understand her younger sister's level very well. To put it too far, unless Wu was also lost in his mind, how could he not be able to distinguish between food and poison?

"Uh, no, that's right."

Seeing Rikka's eyes that were moved and even admired, Takeya said bravely:

"I, I'm looking forward to Rikka's cuisine, ahem, and her curry!"

God knows what kind of mood he was in when he said such terrifying lines.

But although the reason was very confusing, Toka finally agreed to Takeya's request. I really don't know whether Takeya is happy or should cry.

Of course, the cooking process was extremely scary. On the way, Miss Shihua saw that the pot of curry that was dark and green finally turned into a normal color, and she was shocked and speechless.

She wanted to stop Rikka several times, but when she saw Takeya's expression that he would rather bite his fingers to make himself cry than shout to stop, she still held back.

Inexplicably, Toka felt that she might not be able to keep up with the times. She found that she seemed to have no idea what Takeya wanted to do.

Judging from his expression, it was obvious that he knew how terrible Rikka's food was, but he took the initiative to ask Rikka to cook it for him, but now he showed such a sad and angry expression.

I don’t understand, I really don’t understand.

Miss Toka, who lamented that she was already behind the times, shook her head and left the kitchen. When she returned to the living room, she met the eyes of Youmu who was waiting silently on the sofa, but she quickly took the initiative to look away due to her cold nature.

But this brief glance made her discover something strange.

Previously, she didn't take a closer look because of Takeru, but now she took a closer look and found that there were too many strange things about this so-called "sister's friend".

Putting aside the issue of identity for the time being, there was no evidence for this issue related to Takeya's moral character. She didn't want to say more, so she just talked about the other party's attire. It seemed to be the attire of a dojo. The two swords behind him, one long and one short, also highlighted this. .

However, will any dojo teach the two-sword style? Not to mention that she had never heard of using model swords to practice kendo, and even if she had, she had never seen anyone practicing the two-sword style.

At this time, Takeru came out of the kitchen and brought out a watermelon, which made Miss Toka slightly stunned:

"Watermelon? Why did you buy this this season?"

"It's not what I wanted to buy. It was Youmu who wanted to buy it. I just brought an extra one with me."

Hearing this, Youmeng also nodded in time:

"The watermelon in Gensokyo doesn't taste very good this season. There are watermelons that can grow all year round in the outside world, so I want to take one back to Yuyuko-sama."

"That's it, so I bought one by the way, just to quench my thirst."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Miss Shihua looked confused. She wondered why she couldn't seem to understand what they were talking about.

Wu Ye, who was in a depressed mood, had no energy to pay attention to the eyes of the people around him at this time. He looked at the watermelon in his hand as if he were watching the Last Supper, his eyes were extremely desolate:

"Youmu, help me cut it."


As Yuyuko's court master and royal fruit-cutting master, Youmu has long been used to this kind of thing, so she didn't say anything more, just raised her hand and struck out with a sword.

Miss Shihua on the side only felt a bright light flash in front of her eyes, and then the watermelons in front of her turned into pieces and were neatly arranged on the coffee table.

She was completely stunned when she saw this scene. After a while, her eyes looking at Youmu burst out with a heat that made even Takeru feel palpitations.

She stepped forward and suddenly held Youmu's hand, and said sincerely:

"You, learn to cook from me."


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