The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 370 You stay here, don’t move around

Monsters and humans were once just distinct black and white, but now they have turned into gray under the agitation of Sakuya's words.

It was Sakuya who asked the question, but it was Takeya who had to answer.

But in the end, this answer will determine whose future it will be, and this becomes Sakuya's multiple-choice question.

Unfortunately, there seems to be more than one right option.

"Come, let me hear your answer, Takeya."

Sakuya's words seemed to have a special magic power. Takeru couldn't look away and couldn't avoid his true feelings. Although it was strange to say this, he felt that if he answered at this moment, it would definitely not be his real answer. .

Yes, it is unavoidable and comes from the heart, but it is not the real answer. It is so contradictory, but it is the fact.

At this moment, the pace of time seemed to be slowed down. Every second was so long in Wu Ye's eyes. He opened his mouth and was about to spit out the answer that belonged to him but was not true.

Perhaps it was God's will, but at this moment——

"Got you!!"


"who is it?"

A burst of exclamation in the sky interrupted the conversation between the two. Takeya and Sakuya looked up at the same time. The huge holy chariot ship was hovering above the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Captain Murasa was standing on the bow of the ship, overlooking Two people.

"Murasa? Isn't this too fast?" Takeru glanced at the sky subconsciously and asked in surprise: "Did you find me in such a short time?"

"About twenty minutes or so."

Sakuya took out her pocket watch and took a look at it, thought for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It seems different from what you imagined. If Miss Marisa and Miss Wenwen are also on their side, you should be able to delay further." Take ten minutes."

"That means they didn't go to Hakurei Shrine, but came directly here?"

"It's normal, isn't it? After all, if the other party also has the other 'fragments' you mentioned, then it won't be difficult to find you."

Sakuya calmly took out three daggers and clamped them between his fingers, stared at Murasa above, and said calmly: "From the perspective of spiritual power alone, the opponent is not particularly strong. Just leave this to me. You retreat." Get off."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Wu Ye didn't show any pretense and was immediately ready to leave.

"Wait! Brother-kun!"

Having chased them all this way, Murasa certainly wouldn't just watch Takeya escape again. She jumped off the holy chariot ship with a flying body, holding a huge anchor behind her back. This should be her weapon.

"Stop running away, brother-kun, you still have your mission to complete!"

"Who cares about you! Also! Don't call me that weird way of calling me!"

"Wait! Brother-kun."

"I won't wait!"

Of course Takeya would not foolishly wait for Murasa and Sakuya to decide the winner before running away. Since the other party could find him so easily, he might as well just go back to Hakurei Shrine.

It was one thing that Reimu was unreliable, but she wouldn't let others run wild on her own territory, right?

Takeru made up his mind and ran away. No matter what Murasa called him, he didn't look back, but the others were a different matter.

"Ah, wait, guest!"


Takeya paused because he heard a voice that shouldn't be here. He looked back and saw that after Murasa, the next person to show up on the holy chariot ship was Hetori.

She actually came with the boat?

Hatori did not leave traces on the ground with her bold gesture like Murasa, but slowly floated down. She raised the thing in her hand to Takeya from a distance, which was his mobile phone.

"It will take a while before the special charging device can be given to you, but this is a special benefit. I will fully charge your mobile phone first."

Hatori glanced at Sakuya holding a dagger in front of him, and rationally stopped in a barely safe position, throwing the phone to Takeya.

"Take it."

And almost at the moment Katori threw the phone out, Takeya caught a glimpse of a planning smile on the corner of Murasa's mouth.

At this time, Sakuya looked back at Takeya. Even though he had no choice but to see the dagger ready to go in her hand, Takeya helplessly shouted those words.

"Wait, Sakuya!"

So Sakuya stopped moving, Takeru successfully received the intact cell phone, and Murasa took the lead.

""Deep Vortex" (Deep Sea Vortex)! "

Murasa's timing was perfect, and her attack had already been launched just before Takeya said his second sentence of "be careful".

The ability that Takeya can see in Murasa's eyes is "the ability to cause water disasters." It seems that this is a geographically restricted ability, but in fact it is not.

As a mind-bound spirit, Murasa is also the ghost of a dead crew member. Her ability is reflected in her ability to easily sink a moving ship, such as using the anchor in her hand to pierce the hull, or causing floods to flood the cabin.

And now she is using this ability. A slow but rapid vibration came from Murasa's feet, and at the same time, behind her, a wave suddenly appeared on the originally empty ground.

Like rivers converging into a big river, waves began to gather from all directions, and the piled up waves were three or four feet high.


Seeing this scene, Sakuya immediately jumped back and opened the distance again. Without saying a word, he threw out two daggers, but they were not aimed at Murasa, but at the sleeping figure not far away. Meiling.


The two consecutive dagger attacks were just the critical point for Mei Ling's sensory nerves to wake up. She opened her sleepy eyes and looked around blankly.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Get up, Menfan, let's get to work!"

Sakuye's piercing gaze that flashed past Mei Ling immediately made her sleepless. She stood up straight almost out of reflex and responded loudly: "Yes!"

But just as Mei Ling cheered up, she saw a huge wave coming in front of her eyes.


Mei Ling, who had not had time to scream, was drowned by the huge waves before she could even take a fighting stance, while Sakuya had already flown into the sky a step earlier.

She looked down at the waves under her feet that had been blocked by the ending of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Murasa with a more unkind look.

"I didn't expect this guy to have such a troublesome ability. He could actually summon waves of this magnitude in a place where there is no water. He is obviously a ghost, tsk."

Slightly angry, Sakuya didn't care about Mei Ling's embarrassing cry for help. She knew her family would drown no matter what happened, so she simply ignored it.

She turned to look at Takeya behind her who was also flying in the air to avoid the waves, and asked: "Takeya, what is that guy's ability?"

"Wait, Sakuya."

Takeru interrupted Sakuya's question. At this moment, he was staring at his mobile phone intently, with a serious expression on his face. Even Sakuya seemed to be infected by this serious attitude and did not dare to say anything.

After a long time, Wu Ye sighed, and there seemed to be lingering sadness between his brows.

"Sakuya," Takeru touched the screen of the phone with his finger, then put it to his ear and told Sakuya: "I'm going to buy one now. Make a call. You stay here and don't move around."


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