The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 387 There Has Never Been Unique

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. At the moment when Wu Ye put his hand on the crystal wall, everyone's hearts rose to their throats, and now even the breathing of each other can be heard in the already quiet underground. .

So after a minute when nothing happened, both Murasa and Tomaru Hoshi showed panicked expressions.

"Why, how could this happen!"

Tomaru Hoshi's blank eyes moved back and forth between Takeya and the crystal wall, and he kept muttering: "Impossible, why would Master Sheng not respond to Meiren's magic power, it's impossible"

Murasa also had a look of despair on her face. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have even felt that Takeya was simply perfunctory with them.

The world can learn from it, Wu Ye is really not lazy, his bulging cheeks are suffocated into a sauce purple, although I don't know why he has such a disgusting expression when using magic power, but this is indeed the proof that he tried his best .


Wu Ye let go of his throat and began to howl dryly, trying to create a heroic image that had failed in his efforts. After shouting out almost all the air in his lungs, he took a deep breath——

"Sorry, I can't seem to feel anything."

When Takeru said these words seriously, Murasa and Tomaru Hoshi already looked defeated, and the cruel reality hit them completely.

"How could this happen, Star."

"I don't know, is it really the same as what he said, he is not Minglian? Or is it that even Minglian's magic power can't wake up Lord Sheng?"

When the last straw is lost, all that is left is endless despair.

Wu could also see that the flame in Tomaruhoshi's eyes that had persisted for hundreds of years was being extinguished little by little. This monster, who dared to stand up even in the face of Yakumo Zi, finally suffered a crushing defeat in front of reality.


Although Murasa was also in despair, seeing her friend's expression, she had to cheer up and comfort him: "Don't worry, Xing, we still have a chance."

"Oh, yes."

Under such circumstances, even Takeshi couldn't stand it anymore, and he couldn't say those words of staying out of the matter. He followed Murasa and comforted Tomaru Xing: "It's okay, there is always a way, don't be so simple. Give up."

"Brother-in-law is right, Xing, what about us?"

Murasa's words paused, she looked at Takeya with dull eyes and said: "Brother-kun, you"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Wu Ye shrugged and said with a smile: "I will comfort you and just surprise you like this?"

"No, not that."

"Haha, I'm not that mean. You guys have worked so hard. Is it weird for me to give you a few words of comfort?"

"No! You seem to be stuck."

"Ah, yes, just think of it as being stuck in a mud boat."

"It's really sunk! Younger brother!" Murasa pointed at Takeya's arm pressed against the crystal wall and exclaimed, "Your hand has sunk into the wall!"


Takeru turned his head and glanced at his arm without knowing why, and his eyes suddenly froze: "What the hell?!"

The half of Wu Ye's arm that had been attached to the crystal wall just now was completely immersed in it, as if submerged in water, and strange ripples began to spread outward from that arm.

"Huh? What's going on? Why? What happened?"

The sudden situation made Wu Ye unable to react at all. At this moment, the center of the ripple, that is, the place where Wu Ye fell into the half of his arm, was like a submarine vortex, which produced a huge suction force. It seems that this posture is to put him The whole person is swallowed up.

"Hey, wait, wait! Help—!"

Wu Ye, who sensed something was wrong, stepped on the crystal wall, trying to pull out the arm that was trapped in it, but it was counterproductive, and even his feet began to sink into it.

"Xing, what on earth is this...?"

"I have no idea."

This sudden change caught everyone off guard, but Tomaru Xing quickly made a decision: "Although I don't know what's going on, it's always right to save people quickly!"

Tomaru Hoshi quickly rushed forward, trying to grab Takeya's other hand that was still outside: "Murasa, come and help!"

"oh oh!"

Murasa and Tomaru Hoshi came to Takeya as quickly as possible, but just when they wanted to pull Takeya back, God made a joke on them.

Wu Ye, who had more than half of his body exposed outside, was sucked into the wall in an instant, and the two of them could only bump their heads against the hard wall without leaving even a trace.

"What, what, what should I do!"

Murasa looked at Tomaru Hoshi with a sad face and asked, "Now even my younger brother-kun has entered!"

"." Yin Wanxing's face was full of bitterness. Too many unexpected things happened today, and she was overwhelmed.

But compared to these, Tomaru Hoshi is more worried about another thing now. She secretly looked at Yakumo Zi who was silent on the side. There didn't seem to be any obvious emotions on the other side's face, but this made her even more frightened.

I hope the other person won't get angry.

Tomaru is not blind, of course he can see that a person who can make Gensokyo's youkai sage travel all the way to the Demon Realm to pick him up, can he be a simple person?

But now even Wu is involved, what if she is unhappy and arranges for them all.

But Tomaru Xing's worries are obviously superfluous, because the sage Yakumo Zi didn't take them to heart at all, and he never worried about Takeya's situation at all.

To know the layout here, the so-called seal is just an enchantment that isolates the people and space inside from the outside world, and what is Wu Ye's ability?

Is it any wonder that a guy who can walk around the barrier of Gensokyo as he pleases has now entered a half-baked seal barrier?

Of course Tomaru Xing didn't understand Yakumo Zi's thoughts, she couldn't help but ask in the end, "That, that! Youkai Sage-sama!"


"Aren't you worried about my brother? Aren't you worried about Takeya-sama? He was suddenly absorbed by the seal."

"Ah, this," Yakumo Purple said casually: "Takeru will be fine, it's just a seal, nothing can be done to him."

"Yes, but."

"What's the big deal? With a seal like this, at worst we can just go in and take him out."

"Hey, go in, go in? Inside the seal?"

Tomaruho was dumbfounded, she and Murasa stared blankly at Yakumo Zi, as if amused by their surprised expressions, Yakumo Zi rarely explained to them.

"Why do you think the only way to unlock the seal is to wake up the people inside?"

Yakumo Zi smiled disdainfully: "Even if it's this kind of ancient seal, it's just something arranged by a few humans. Even if the seal is ten times stronger, we can take out one finger and break it. Those Onmyojis are so proud."


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