The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 407 Existence outside the rules...X2

Chapter 407 Existence outside the rules.X2

Looking back now, when was the first time I saw Sakuya's abilities? It seems to be the time when the Scarlet Devil Mansion was just moved into Gensokyo, right?

Yakumo Purple, who can manipulate the power of the realm, has "all" abilities in a sense. She can imitate through the power of the realm, and even directly analyze the origin of the power, but there is only one ability that she has never been exposed to. of.


One of the two superior abilities at the same level as space, the ability to manipulate time is not only mysterious, but sometimes cannot be understood at all.

As far as Yakumo Murasaki knows, there are currently only two types of abilities that act on time.

One is Sakuya's ability, and the other is Kaguya's ability.

However, compared with Sakuya, Kaguya's ability is not so much affecting time as it is acting on matter itself. The "ability of moment and eternity" is more like manipulating concepts than manipulating time.

Kaguya's ability can make an apple remain the same apple even if it is placed in oxygen for ten thousand years, while Sakuya can only make the apple be sliced ​​flatly in an instant.

But the problem is that if the person who wants to eat the apple with the concept of "forever" imposed by Kaguya is a being of the level of Yakumo Murasaki, then the result of waiting for it will inevitably be an apple core.

However, if Sakuya is responsible for slicing, the only possible result is that the apple has been fed into Remilia's mouth by Sakuya before Yakumo Purple takes action, because during the stopped time, she is the only one who can move freely.

After all, not to mention Yakumo Murasaki, even Yashi Eirin, I am afraid that even Izayoi Sakuya himself cannot explain how to manipulate time.

By leveraging her ability to manipulate realms, Yakumo Murasaki has developed spatial movement methods such as "gaps". To mortals, this seems magical but unscientific, but in fact her gap displacement and magical teleportation are completely different concepts. .

For example, Patchouli's teleportation magic is to first determine two points on a piece of paper, then connect them to the city line, and then build a "channel" based on the "line" so that they can do it Reach your destination as quickly as possible.

Therefore, if the establishment of the "channel" is affected, the destination of the transmission will shift, but Yakumo Purple's gap displacement will not.

Because she does not move in a "line" between two points, but folds the entire paper so that the two points are directly connected, there is never an error in her gap.

This is the principle of manipulating space, but what about time?

A king can order his subjects to remain silent for one minute, and then he announces that he has suspended time for one minute, but what is the reality?

The sun will still rise the next day as usual. The king has taken away the time of his subjects, but the time of the world is still running as scheduled.

In other words, what does Sakuya's ability to pause time mean to the entire world?

Yakumo Purple has not investigated other things, but one thing she is sure of is that when Sakuya activates her ability, the entire time of Gensokyo stops.

This means that the basic area covered by Sakuya's ability is at least the entire Gensokyo. By analogy, the time of all spaces connected to Gensokyo may be stopped.

Then the most basic question arises, how did she do it? In other words, what price does she have to pay for doing this?

Taking Yakumo Murasaki herself as an example, she can make a rock suddenly become a thousand times heavier. This can be easily done by manipulating the "realm of light and heavy", and the cost is just some demonic power.

But what if she were to increase the weight of the entire Gensokyo a thousand times? That would probably be enough for her to die in an instant due to overdraft of her demonic power.

But what about Sakuya? She stopped the entire time in Gensokyo, was it wasted? Yes, but it's very insignificant. It can even be said that it is no more laborious than her throwing a few daggers.

Equivalent exchange is the cornerstone of the existence of this world. The price Sakuya paid and what she got were not on the same scale at all. This in itself is an unexplainable problem.

Sakuya's ability will never act on an independent existence. Once time stops, the entire world will be slowed down.

The most puzzling thing is that the stopped time does not create an independent space, but directly affects the original world.

For example, if Remilia uses her magic gun Gungnir to launch a powerful attack, it takes about five seconds from getting ready to throwing the gun, but if Sakuya assists, this will The time will become "zero" in five seconds.

"Zero" is different from "Xu Mou", which means "extremely short time", if it has to be measured, it is about one part in 1000 trillion, but "Zero" means non-existence.

Infinitely approaching zero and zero itself are two completely different levels of concepts.

Yakumo Purple can control the realm of speed and slowness to increase her speed, but no matter how fast she is, it will not be zero.

However, Sakuya directly erased the time that should have existed through his own ability, turning the original five seconds into zero, and the result transitioned to the real world, but there was no change.

For this, Yakumo Murasaki could not find a suitable explanation in the limited theory, so she could only think like this——

Rather than saying that the existing rules are not enough to support their ability to explain this kind of time manipulation, it is better to say that Sakuya Izaya himself is not within the constraints of the rules.

Jade General can only move one square, because the rules of shogi restrict the way it moves. It can only move in other ways under one situation, and that is cheating.

In other words, ignoring the rules, or better yet, changing them.

Move a chair, let a person stand on it, and then move the chair away. The person will fall to the ground, but if the person standing on it is a monster, then she will not fall to the ground.

Why can't ordinary humans hover in the air on their own? Because there is gravity.

Does this mean that monsters ignore gravity? No, monsters just use other powers to offset the influence of gravity. Monsters that lose their monster power will still be affected by gravity and return to the earth.

So is there a way to make a monster or a human stay in the air without relying on any force? The answer is yes, as long as you cheat.

The condition for a person to stay in the air without any external force is to change the rule acting on him from "universal gravity exists" to "universal gravity does not exist."

If explained in this way, Sakuya's ability makes sense. To sum it up, there is only one sentence, which is "Sakuya Izayoi is outside the rules."

In other words, Izayoi Sakuya's ability is subject to another higher-level rule, but it is completely divorced from the world view that Yakumo Murasaki and others can now accept.

Yachi Eirin allowed Yakumo Purple to re-understand how many unknown mysteries there were in the maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, but it was a pity that she awakened others, but did not awaken herself.

Yes, Yashi Eirin's words today made Yakumo Murasaki pay more attention to this human maid, but it was Takeya who attracted her more attention than Sakuya!

If Sakuya's ability to stop time is a cheating method that is not subject to existing rules, then how should Takeru be defined who is not subject to Sakuya's abilities?

Looking at Takeya who successfully made Yasaka Kanako put away the technique outside the gap, Yakumo Murasaki felt a strange feeling in her heart for no reason.

After successive conversations with Shiki Ehime and Yachi Eirin, Yakumo Purple suddenly realized that she didn't seem to understand the "Takeya" she had grown up seeing at all.

Looking at the figure of Takeya wearing a white robe, Yakumo Purple subconsciously said: "It would be enough if he were stronger."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Bayi Yonglin looked at her strangely.

"No, what we are saying is that if Takeya were stronger, he would be almost the same as the real Dragon God."

Yakumo Zi tilted her head and suddenly laughed out loud. At this moment, even she didn't know why she suddenly said such strange words.

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