The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 438 The Willful Saint

"It's so dangerous! I'm almost going to be sent to the Santu River."

A donkey rolled on the ground and turned in a circle, Wu Ye pressed his chest in fear, panting uncontrollably.

"Reimu, you bastard! This is trying to kill me! No, you have already done it. Damn it! You really want to kill me!"

"How can it be"

Speaking of Wu Ye's unbelievable expression of the rest of his life after a catastrophe, in fact, Reimu's state is not much better than him.

She stared blankly at Wu Ye, surprised and even forgot that there were still two guys in the sky who hadn't dealt with them.

"Wu Ye, you actually escaped? My Fengshen feet?"

"Huh? If I don't hide, am I waiting to be kicked to death by you!"

Having said that he was so angry just now, Takeru almost forgot a very important fact - he actually dodged Reimu's attack, and it was a serious attack from the other party.

Looking back now, Wu Ya was acting almost instinctively at that moment, and his lightning-like thoughts passed by in a flash. Even if he tried to grasp that feeling, he would find nothing.

But there was one thing he remembered very clearly, and that was that he saw it.

Although Reimu is very fast, very fast, and even with the unreasonable teleportation skill "Dream Sub Hole", even Bunbun, who is best at speed, may not be able to match it, but Takeya still saw .

To explain it simply, he just saw Reimu's attack and dodged it at the right time.

However, the fact of "seeing Reimu's attack" itself is a very unreasonable doubt.

Before Takeru could figure out the clues, the situation of the battle had changed suddenly.


Shenzi's worried voice came from the air. It seemed that she had escaped from Reimu's attack, but Tu on the other side had not been so relaxed since ancient times.

Even Murasaki Yakumo had praised Reimu's fighting talent. While throwing out the Yin Yang Jade, Reimu also added the Eight Directions Ghost Binding Formation to it.

This formation specifically for ghosts has no special effect on the undead, but the basic binding effect is still there.

Even though Tu Zi was a contemporary of Prince Shotoku a thousand years ago, Reimu had directly inherited the power of the first generation of miko. Let alone dealing with an undead, even against the Son of God, the odds of winning were very high.

Tu Zigu was trapped, and it seemed that there was no way to break free in a short period of time. The current battle situation had subtly turned into the original one-on-one situation, if Reimu no longer targeted Takeya forcefully.

"Hey, Reimu, I have an idea."

"Hey, I'll let you go for now."

I don't know if it was because of the accidental interruption just now, but Reimu's resentment dropped a lot. She crossed Takeya and slowly flew into the air: "Let's get rid of her now."

After saying that, Reimu turned around and glared at Takeya threateningly: "Come and help."

"Yes Yes."

Knowing that he had no way to hide, Takeya had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Should it be said that it is normal for wars to change in an instant, or that fighting in Gensokyo is inherently unethical? In short, the two people who were fighting each other just now are now standing on a united front.

Everyone was already used to this. Yakumo Purple and Yakumo Ai, who were watching from the outside, didn't care at all, and Marisa was even more regretful that these two people didn't pinch each other for a while.

The one who was most shocked was the Son of God.

"Why? Budu?" Shenzi looked shocked and asked sadly, "Why do you want to help the enemy?"

"Well, I've said it several times, I'm not a Budou." Takeru scratched his head. It's really troublesome for a guy who accepts death like this.

"Impossible," Shenzi said firmly, "If you were not Budu, why would you respond to my call?"

"I don't know either. He came here out of nowhere."

"Then you must be Budu!"

"I told you I'm not."

"There must be some other reason that causes problems with your memory!"

Shenzi was certain that Takeya must have come to Budou in response to the summons, but Takeya himself knew that his coming had nothing to do with the so-called summons.

Shenzi concluded that the reason why Takeru is "Budu" is that only Budou will respond to her summons, and at the same time, only people with the blood of a wealthy family can cross the summoning barrier.

Shenzi had many loyal subordinates during her lifetime, but the only ones who followed her until her death were Mononobu Futou and Soga Tujigu. Tujigu had already been summoned, so whoever comes next in response to the summons must be Budu.

Although the truth is this, it does not apply to an unreasonable existence like Takeya.

Let's not mention that he has the ability to cross all barriers at will. Let's just say that there is such a huge difference in appearance and spiritual power between the two people. Is it really possible to explain it by reviving a corpse?

Shenzi didn't listen to anyone at all, insisting that "as long as you answer the call, you must be her budou."

This kind of willfulness is just like those children who brag that their father can fly a plane! How did this guy become a saint?

"I see."

Holding the Seven Star Sword tightly, Shenzi solemnly swore: "Even if you have forgotten the past and the memories of the past, I will definitely bring you back, Budu!"


Takeya's expression was distorted for a moment. A guy who doesn't listen to anyone at all is really scary.


Just when Shenzi solemnly vowed to "bring Takeya back to the right path", an untimely cough interrupted her.

"Who is it? Zi.?"

Reimu paused halfway and looked at the gaping crack behind Shenzi with some uncertainty.

It stands to reason that there would be no one else but the realm monster Yakumo Murasaki in such a weird way of appearance, but Reimu just felt a sense of disobedience.

Intuition is really hard to say for sure, but Lingmeng has been saved by her intuition more than once, and she has absolute confidence in her sixth sense.

Although this is almost exactly the same as a gap, or even a gap, she can be sure that the guy inside is definitely not Yakumo Murasaki!

"Really, Son of God, you really haven't changed."

"Hey, who is this voice?"

Shenzi turned around in surprise, and immediately became overjoyed when he saw the person coming: "Qing'e!"

The figure that emerged from the weird crack was none other than the Immortal Huo Qing'e, who had previously played tricks on Lingmeng, and then moved away directly, leaving the other party helpless.

Now Lingmeng understands and understands how the other party escaped just now. With such weird movement methods, it's no wonder that she couldn't catch him.

"Ahem, Son of God, we'll talk about old times later. It's better to follow me now."

Huo Qing'e's expression was mixed with a hint of imperceptible shame, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Well, but."

Shenzi showed hesitation, presumably he was still worried about the "Budu" below, probably Huo Qing'e also guessed this point, or she came here for this.

"Anyway, you'd better come with me first. I'll make it clear to you about 'Budu' later."

Thank you, I should still feel pity for the flowers to fade all over the city, and give me a reward

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