All it takes to destroy a city is a wave of barrage, but if you want to destroy the city's foundation, perhaps a wave of barrage is not enough, so——

"Question one, if you want to deal with a god with a large number of 'believers', what should you do first?"

Knocking on the door of the Moon Prison with her hand, Miko Jing asked her question, and was met with silence in response.


The witch's fist filled with spiritual power shattered the door, revealing the deep passage inside.

"Sorry, wrong answer." The miko grinned, seemingly talking to herself.

After walking dozens of steps, Miko Jing once again came to a door. There was a green sign on the wall above the door, with "Safe Passage" written in distorted text below.

The witch knocked on the door again and asked her second question: "Question 2, if you want to deal with a god who has a weapon of great sin, what should you prevent?"


This time the miko responded with a faint sound of electricity, and then the green sign seemed to have lost power, flashing for a few times before falling into darkness.


The handle of the door was broken by the witch Shizune with brute force, and the entire door became twisted. Finally, it was overwhelmed and fell backwards into the endless darkness.

"Unfortunately, the answer is still wrong." The witch clapped her hands and jumped into the invincible abyss without blinking an eye.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the palace built of white jade. The witch quietly stepped up the jade steps in front of the palace. When she lowered her head, she saw that her feet seemed to be frozen, dyed with a layer of dark blue.

The witch kept moving forward, but did not care about her feet that could no longer move. She faced the empty palace door and said, "Question three, what should you pay attention to if you want to deal with gods with multiple existences?"

After the words fell, the footsteps had reached the jade steps. Looking up, the Moon Goddess in white was watching the witch without saying a word.

A smile appeared on the witch's face and she said hello: "Hey, I thought you must be some kind of monster with three heads and six arms, but I didn't expect you to be quite beautiful."

The frivolous words made the goddess smile inexplicably. I am afraid that in her heart, she had the same idea as the other party. After all, the two had never met before.

This was a never-before-seen encounter in a double sense, both for the miko and the goddess.

"In the original trajectory, you should not have come to the moon, and you have never been to the moon." The goddess told the reason calmly, and she was sure that the witch at this moment would definitely understand what she meant.

The witch had a distant smile on her face and had no intention of interrupting. The goddess didn't care and continued: "You don't have our breath in your body. You still exist in this era, but because of some people's Relationship, you know the so-called 'truth', right? Reimu? Or Reimu?"

"I have rejected that name. Just call me Jing." The witch smiled heartily, not caring about the ghostly shadow under her feet that was like a tarsal maggot.

"Do you think you can avoid your original fate by deceiving yourself like that?"

"At least I didn't become an 'honest' miko like Zi expected."

"It can be seen that you have never been a good boy."

"No one can be a child forever, even him." Miko Jing sighed and said, "He will always grow up."


The goddess did not speak, but her gaze towards the witch became softer and softer, but the witch could clearly feel that that tenderness was not directed at her.

"You don't have to grow up," the goddess lowered her eyes and muttered to herself like a prayer: "We who once longed for adults have now become like this. After all, what are adults? We have always been Is the child not doing well?"

"Excessive pampering is also a sin."

"The price of growth is that he will have the worst future. Rather than that, it is better to let him stay in this beautiful dream forever. As a 'mother', are you willing to watch them send themselves into the abyss step by step? ?”

".Exactly," the witch said ruthlessly, but there was a special color in her eyes: "Even if the truth will make them despair, collapse, and even die miserably in an unknown corner, I will also watch all this silently, because this is my duty."

Yes, even if she is reluctant to let go, even if it is painful, she can't stop it. As she said herself, they can't always be children.

No matter what cruel future they will encounter, she has to watch it, because that's what being a "parent" is like.

From a similar perspective, although Chang'e's sins are serious, it is not incomprehensible. Everything she did was just to keep the world in "today" forever. Because she knew what terrible things lay ahead, she simply stopped. Not forward.

She protects important people in her own way. Jing doesn't think this is wrong. Doesn't she feel the same way? But compared to today, which remains unchanged, she pinned her hope on tomorrow.

Even if she is bruised and bruised, she will not stop. It has been like this before, and it will be like this in the future. The future may be dark, scary, and desperate, but there will definitely be beautiful parts.

Yes, Jing Jing firmly believes that the end of the abyss is the light of happiness, so——

"Sorry, it's time to say goodbye."

After a long silence, Chang'e whispered: "So that's it."

She seemed to have thousands of years of distant gaze, after all, she still lowered because of the golden key in Miko's hand: "It's the worst situation, but the seventh place is actually you, Miko."

"Ah, is that so?" The witch raised her eyebrows calmly, the golden key in her hand gradually changed its shape, and an inescapable sense of restraint enveloped the goddess.

The goddess's smile was gone. Even when the golden gun was pointed at her, she never showed a timid look, but there was no hope of making a comeback.

She knew, or should be said, they all knew what the miko was holding in her hands.

Among the seven weapons of great crime, there is actually no clear order of size. The abilities and usages are different, and the ideas of the contractors are almost all different.

There is no absolute advantage or disadvantage among the seven weapons of great crime. If they are contractors who are also weapons of great crime, the battles between them usually end in a loss for both sides.

However, even so, there is an exception among these seven deadly sin weapons, and it is also the only special existence, and that is——

"The weapon of great crime of anger, it is a forbidden weapon that can kill all the contractors of the weapon of great crime in this era indiscriminately, including myself," the goddess slowly closed her eyes: "But can you use it? Your current physical condition."

"Of course it can be used, if everything is at stake—" Jing put her fingers lightly on the cold trigger: "This is the end of the beginning, but also the beginning of the end, come, repent, lazy princess."


The flames from the muzzle of the gun gradually turned into stardust and floated into the Milky Way along with the broken body of the goddess. The witch's feet were free again, and she walked step by step to the place where the goddess disappeared, where the small hammer was quietly suspended , with strange lines engraved on it.

Holding it tightly in her hand, the witch let out a long breath: "The key is indeed here."

At this moment, a distorted gap suddenly opened in front of the Miko. Seeing this scene, a faint smile appeared on her face again: "The timing is just right. If it is a few minutes later in the evening, I am afraid that I will not even say goodbye." There’s no time left.”

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