"You're back? So fast. I thought you wouldn't be back until at least evening."

"What a delicate time, why?"

"Judging from how lazy that guy is, that torii gate must not have been repaired."

"Sure enough, you did it on purpose! You bastard Yuko! You actually asked me to pay off your debt!"

"Hey hey."

Takeya, who returned to Saigyou's house early, besides seeing Yuko's evil deeds once again, probably could only lament his own naivety.

"Here, tea." With a flattering smile, Yuko handed Wuya a cup of tea. Did she think that just a cup of tea could eliminate her resentment? Heh——Actually, Yuko's tea is quite delicious.

A cup of tea melted away the scorching summer heat, and Wu Ye felt a lot calmer.

"By the way," Wu Ye put down the tea cup and asked curiously: "When I came back, I saw the pedestrians on the road looking in a hurry. What happened?"

"Huh? Takeya, don't you know yet? I thought Seimei must have told you," Yuko glanced at Takeya in surprise, and said calmly: "Those are common things for businessmen."

"Often things?"

"It is their instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When I heard that monsters are coming, they will naturally not stay in Kyoto."

"Didn't the monster come early?"

"No, look at this." As he said that, Yuko took out a long letter. It was more appropriate to call it a report than a letter, because it was too long, and it still had the meaning after being folded several times. The thickness of the tip.

Takeru took it and looked through it in a serious manner, and then said to Yuko seriously: "I don't understand."


In desperation, Yuko had no choice but to personally explain the content of the letter to Takeya, which was mainly summarized in one sentence - another city has fallen.

This is shocking news. You must know that they just repelled the Tengu troops who came to investigate yesterday, and they lost ground today. What kind of magic operation is this?

"Well, it's actually an error in the intelligence." Yuko's tone suddenly became a little embarrassed.

After her explanation, Takeya understood the problem. It turned out that the Wenwen he and Seimei had defeated yesterday was not a "reconnaissance force" at all, but the vanguard of the monsters who came to show off their power near Kyoto after their victory.

The monsters had formulated a raid plan earlier. With their strong strength and various weird abilities, the monsters easily cut off most of the outposts north of Kyoto. By the time Kyoto got the news, the North Land had already fallen. .

As for Wenwen and the others, they just accidentally encountered a human reconnaissance force when they went out for a "walk", and were dismissed by Seimei.

On the surface, this is indeed a hard-won victory for mankind. In reality, it is not much different. It is just that it comes with the bad news that the Northland is completely wiped out.

The complete fall of Northland means that no other city can serve as the defense line of Kyoto. This luxurious capital will become the front line against monsters.

"No wonder those businessmen want to run away." Wu also sighed with emotion.

The frontline city is naturally not too safe. Although almost the strongest human power is concentrated here, businessmen always have to leave themselves a way out.

Yuuko was not surprised by this, as if he was used to it, and even joked: "Takeya, if you want something, you can definitely buy it at the cheapest price in the market now."

"You are quite tolerant."

"It's nothing strange, isn't it a matter of time?"

Yuko was not surprised because she was a good friend of Yakumo Murasaki, so she must have an intuitive understanding of the strength of monsters. In contrast, it was natural for humans to retreat steadily.

Although Wu also knew the gap between the two, he still didn't expect it.

I didn’t expect that human beings would be defeated so quickly.

But thanks to the speed of the monster's advance, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can see Yakumo Murasaki. Although this idea seems a bit heartless, there is nothing he can do about it. He is not here to be the savior.

Besides, anyway, according to the trend of history, human beings will win in the end, and it's over when the monsters lose by themselves.

After comforting himself with selfish thoughts, Wu also found that his depressed mood did not seem to be relieved.

"What's wrong, Wu Ye? You're looking sad."

Youzi filled the cups of both of them with tea, and comforted them meaningfully: "Don't worry, at least this capital will not fall."

"So confident? Zi, ahem, you have seen the strength of the monster sage, right? There is also such a powerful army. I admit that Qingming is ridiculously strong, but can she stop all the monsters by herself?"

"You're right, Seimei is no match for the monster army no matter how strong he is."

"Then why are you still-"

"But what if the monsters themselves have no intention of attacking Kyoto?" Yuko said with a sly smile, "You know, Murasaki is the monster sage who leads them."


I remember that Yuko seemed to have said something like this to herself yesterday - "Zi also thinks so."

That is to say, it is not only the whimsical Yuko who wishes for peace, but also the yokai sage Yakumo Zi who accompanies her to daydream.

Then this situation is very delicate, isn't it? You must know that if Yakumo Zi acts seriously, it is not impossible to even send off the entire coalition of monsters.

Could this be the purpose of Yuuko and Yakumo Murasaki? To exchange for peace with a lose-lose outcome?

"It seems that you have already guessed what we are going to do."

Takeru was silent for a moment, and after confirming that Yuuko was not joking, he said: "Yuko, let's not talk about the difficulties in executing this method. In terms of success rate, what do you think it can be?"

"Less than 20%."

"Wrong, not even 10%."

Takeya shattered Yuko's luck with his own hands and said in a deep voice: "You should know, living in this world, you should understand that the war between monsters and humans will not stop when one side loses power. Once a war starts, It will never stop until one side becomes extinct.”

Yuuko's idea was simply playing with fire. A runaway carriage could never be stopped by the people on board. The only outcome would be for it to rush off the cliff and fall to pieces.

"I know." Youzi looked directly at Wu Ye and said, "So, I hope you can help me."

"Me?" Wu Ye was stunned, could it be that Yuko was thinking——

"Fantasy Township."

As if catching the only light at the end of the night, Yuko said word by word: "The ideal world you described, I want to recreate it, here!"

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