The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 561 A glimmer of light

Deep in the dark hall, for the Tengu clan who hate darkness, this kind of place is definitely not a place they like to stay for a long time. Every time the Great Tengu comes here, he feels like he is in another world.

Especially when facing the one above, his true appearance is only revealed during the dusk.

"Master Tianmo, you have already given the order. Wenwen will personally be responsible for the search work."

The Great Tengu lowered its wings respectfully, not daring to look directly at the demon's eyes that were full of strange energy.

"You should have conveyed my 'instructions' to her before departure, right?"

"Yes." The Great Tengu said with difficulty: "'You don't have to explore with all your strength, you just need to show your efforts.' That's what I told Wenwen."

"very good."

The dim room once again returned to a deathly silence, and what was beating in the eyes of the one-winged tengu was a throbbing that originated from the heart.

While the monsters were responding, the human team fighting against the ghosts also made a major discovery.

"I made a strange discovery, I don't know if it's good or bad." Qingming stopped the team with a weird look on his face and said this.

Lai Guang, who was not dealing with her, immediately jumped out and urged with a stinky face: "If you have something to say, just say it, don't pretend to be a ghost!"

After looking around at the expressions of everyone around him, Seimei said: "On the plus side, Ibaraki-douji is not too far away from us and is still within the range that can be tracked."

"What's so strange about that?"

"Listen to me," Qingming glared at Laiguang who couldn't wait to find trouble, and said in confusion: "But according to the route I followed, it seems that the other party has no intention of leaving here immediately. To be precise, she is completely Going in circles."

"Going in circles? With us?" It was Wu Ye who spoke, and he seemed to have vaguely guessed something.

"I don't know," Qingming shook his head honestly: "She seems to be just unwilling to leave this wasteland. She seems to be looking for something. This may be good news for us?"


They couldn't answer Seimei's rhetorical question, because compared to the simple ones, Takeru, who had a dual identity, had already guessed the reason why Hua Shan didn't flee the area immediately.

She is looking for herself!

Because the task given to her by Cuixiang is to be her "guard", Gui respects her promise very much. In other words, Hua Shan will never leave if she doesn't find him.

Wu Ye's fists were quietly clenched under his robe. Originally, he had hoped that the other party would escape from this place early so that he could explain better. But now it seems that the conflict is unavoidable.

Now I have to do something.

Now that Yakumo Murasaki is trapped in the Astronomical Secret Burial Technique, Takeya alone will never be able to gain the trust of the monsters, so moving reinforcements from the north becomes a fantasy.

As for the others, even if he called Yaoji and Meihong over at all costs, it might not be enough for Lai Guang and Qingming to show off. Sure enough, he could only take action himself?

Wu Ye thought with a gloomy expression. If he adopts the same solution as Wenwen that time, success is not discussed first, the risk will be too great in the first place, and that will be the last resort.

Where and where are reinforcements to move?

In this land of a thousand years, who else can fight against these two monsters? The strongest samurai, the invincible Onmyoji, happened to appear in the same era, and in front of him, he was forced to do something Make a choice? Is this fate?

If you want to find a way to save people from these two guys, in terms of the power of monsters, those who are not at the level of a big monster are more or less dead. But even if you become a big monster, facing the two of them joining forces, you have a chance of winning. There don't seem to be many.

The sage is trapped, the ghost king does not trust him, the tyrant is not considered at all, and the only thing left is

"Hey, everyone, pay attention, there is a situation!"

Seimei's voice woke Takeru out of his thoughts, and he heard the Onmyoji say with a slightly solemn expression: "From the due north, there is a large amount of youkai emerging, probably the reinforcements of youkai."

At this speed, it can only be the Tengu, right? It seems that the monster side has also made a decision, but even if the big tengu and the demon take action personally, I'm afraid the chance of winning will not be great, right?

Turning his vision, which had been enhanced to the extreme by the demonic power, to look far into the distance, Wu also discovered dozens of Tengu traces in the distant sky, and the leader was actually Wenwen!

Wu Ya, who almost burst into tears without mentioning it in one breath, almost wanted to curse. She who was saved by Seimei last time actually dared to come and send her off? Has this idiot's IQ been assimilated? Sure enough, the world is as stupid as crows!

Hey, wait, crow?

"Everyone, pay attention, Lai Guang, you and me." Qingming thought for a moment and then made the arrangement, but was interrupted by Takeya before he could finish his words.

"Wait, Seimei, leave it to me!"


Seimei was stunned, but found that Takeru had already jumped into the sky first, flying towards the direction of the tengu. He only said: "You continue to track the whereabouts of Ibaraki Doji, and leave these monster reinforcements to me."

"Hey, Aaron——!" Qingming opened her mouth to say something, but realized that Wuya had already flown far away.

"Hey~ there are really people rushing to do such a thankless job." Laiguang rode up to Qingming and encouraged him with a funny face.

From the point of view of General Laiguang, it is a waste of energy to ignore serious targets like Takeya and get involved in some miscellaneous things. Compared with the feat of defeating ghosts, the reinforcements that repel a group of monsters are not worth mentioning at all. .

"Humph" Qingming glanced at Laiguang coldly, which was why the two of them couldn't get along.

Although Seimei also came from a public family background, Qingming also knew that Wu Ye's actions were very disadvantageous, but she would still make the same choice instead. This was not for profit, but for righteousness.

"Let's go. Don't let Aaron wait too long. What we should do is quickly find out the whereabouts of Ibaraki Doji."

Takeya, who has already gone far away, will naturally not know what strange attributes he has been added to Qingming's mind, but these are things for another time.

He met the Tengu's team head-on at the fastest speed. Although the opponent was flustered at the beginning, they calmed down quickly under Wen Wen's leadership.

"Aaron? Are you okay?" Wenwen's concern does not seem to be fake, even though Daitengu once gave her such a strange order, but this concern about Wu Ye is real.

The other person had saved her life, and they were kindred spirits. To put it simply, they were friends.

As for the unhappiness caused by Hua Fan earlier, Wenwen has forgotten it, she is not a monster who does not know right from wrong, even if she is angry, she will not blame Wu Ye.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Wu Ye got to the point: "Wenwen, I know you are here to find the whereabouts of Master Zi and the others, but now I need your help with something urgent."


"Yes," Wu Ye took a deep breath and pleaded seriously: "I hope you can take me to the original residence of the Tengu."

"Original Takeya, are you talking about the Monster Mountain?"

"Yes." Wu Ye, who doesn't know the exact location of the monster mountain, can only find the right direction by relying on Wenwen: "I know this is difficult for you, but trust me, only..."


"Huh?" Wu Ye was stunned. He didn't expect Wenwen to agree so quickly, without any hesitation or embarrassment at all? Has their relationship actually gotten this good?

However, what Wu doesn't know is that it is most difficult for Wenwen to stay here and continue to find talents. Since Wu also gave her a reason to leave——

Why not do it?

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