The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 629 May You Be Happy Forever

The sakura-colored wings were once again covered by twisted sin, and Yuko hugged herself tightly with both hands, and Yuko, who was kneeling on the ground, curled up as much as possible, her body lit by the flames looked so weak and helpless.

Looking at his friend who was being swallowed up by the flames from a distance, Yakumo Shiqiang supported his scarred body and took steps, trying to get closer to him.

"Zi" Slowly, Yuko raised her head and issued a call that broke Zi's heart.

"Wait a minute, Yuuko, let's go there right now." Zi responded with an extremely gentle voice.

"Then you have to hurry up, Zi, I seem to be a little bit out of control." Youzi reluctantly cheered up, and the smile on the corner of her mouth looked so pale.


The pain that seemed to tear her heart made Yakumo Zi ignore all the dangers in front of her. After crossing the flames, she came to Yuko's body and held her friend's cheek in her hands. It's telling an irreversible fact.

I'm afraid that before Yuko's life is swallowed up by these flames, her consciousness will be swallowed up by the Saigyou Demon!

"It has reached its limit." Yuko buried her head in Zi's arms, her dull voice trembling slightly.

"Don't worry, there must be a way," Zi comforted Youzi, or maybe she was comforting herself: "Yes, there must be a way."

"It would be great if I can last until spring comes, obviously we haven't gone to enjoy the cherry blossoms together yet." Yuko lay quietly in Zi's embrace, her arm, which was scorched like dead wood, started to heal unexpectedly.

But contrary to her physical condition, Yuuko herself seemed to be even more haggard mentally.

Her breathing became lighter and lighter, as if she was about to fall asleep, but unfortunately the turbulent breath in her body was bringing the truth to another direction.

"What silly things are you talking about, Yuko, don't we have an appointment?" Putting her arms around Yuko, Zi rested her chin on the cherry-colored hair, unwilling to part for a moment.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I seem to be breaking the promise." The six wings behind Yuko began to open uncontrollably, as if something was being born.

"We will be angry, Yuuko. Breaking a promise or something is the worst." She couldn't help but her eyes turned red, and Zi's voice sounded a little unnatural.

"Hehehe, I'm sorry, Zi, it's the last time, can you forgive me?" Yuko stuck out her tongue, and used her last strength to act like a baby, I'm afraid no one would do that again.

"Shut up, you idiot!" As if worried about losing, Zi hugged Yuko tightly in her arms, even though the wings behind Yuko started to emit a dangerous aura, she remained indifferent.

"I'm actually most afraid of pain."

The hand holding the sleeve was being loosened little by little, Yuko reluctantly walked away from Yakumo Zi's arms, her eyes met, she stared at her friend's red eyes, and the corner of her mouth opened a helpless arc: "It hurts so much!" Oh, Zi, my body is being eroded by strange things, it hurts so much."


"So, na-"

The raised smile was Yuko's last strength. Feeling the comforting warmth from her friend, she said, "Please take this as my last willfulness, Zi, kill me."


Following Yuko's words, Yakumo Zi's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle's eye. After a brief shock, she flatly refused: "No! There must be other ways! Believe in Yuko! We will definitely save you!"

"I believe you, Zi, but——we don't have time." Although Yuko smiled, the smile that had lost color was three points more miserable than crying in Yakumo Zi's eyes.

"Don't say stupid things! Yuuko!"

A smile slowly appeared on Yakumo Zi's face, it was Yuko's confident smile that she had seen countless times: "We will definitely save you, no matter how many years, decades, even hundreds of thousands of years , as long as we are still alive, we will definitely save you!"

"That's why I said, we don't have time."


Yakumo Zi interrupted Yuko, held her cheeks and said seriously: "Youko, don't worry, although you may be temporarily swallowed by the Saigoi Demon, it doesn't matter, we will definitely rescue you, so don't worry about it. Give up, absolutely, absolutely stick to it!”

"You are wrong, Zi, it is not the Westward Demon that devours me."

Although the fear of death still remained in the smile, and the unstoppable trembling represented Yuko's restless heart, her gaze still chose to strengthen her belief.

"This is not for someone, but for us, for our future, for everyone's future, so, Zi, don't be willful."

"You are the one who is willful, right Yuko!"

Yakumo Zi's almost hysterical roar made Yuko stop her words, only to see that the eyes that were once full of calm were showing a desperate frenzy at this moment.

"For us, you are the future," Yakumo Zi lowered his head, and let out a low moan with a hoarse voice: "A future without you is meaningless to us."

Yuko's tears finally flowed down her cheeks, and she said helplessly: "Zi, this is for everyone, have you forgotten? We once agreed to build a world where everyone can laugh."

"Then let everyone go to hell——"

Yakumo Zi gently wiped away Yuko's tears, and said calmly and horrifying words: "If we have to choose between you and the world, we would rather let the world be destroyed."

"That won't work."

Listening to Zi Kuang's words, Yuko was not only not angry, but burst into laughter, and a cheerful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Who is the willful one, Zi?"

Yakumo Zi just wanted to speak, but found Yuko made a strange movement, she suddenly took a deep breath, leaned back with the little strength left, and then her head was getting closer and closer to her Close, getting closer



Yuko's head hit Yakumo Zi's head impartially, and this inexplicable suddenness made her unconsciously cry out in pain: "What are you doing. Huh?"

The unexpected headbutt made Yakumo Zi relax her vigilance, and when her hands left Yuko, she realized that the other party had embraced a red long sword in her arms at some point.

The sword exuded the same ominous aura as the wings on Yuuko's back.

"Forgive me, Zi."

"What are you going to do, Yu."

The words on her lips stopped abruptly, Yakumo Zi believed that Yuko would never hurt her, so she would never be on guard against Yuko, but it was this special trust that gave Yuko an excellent opportunity.

Two scarlet red threads wrapped around Yakumozi's body inadvertently, the long sword in Yuko's hand gave off a dazzling red light at this moment, Yakumozi's consciousness gradually fell into a mysterious confusion, and her ears An ancient and mysterious chant sounded—

"May your soul sink into the world of love and obtain eternal happiness as the price of exchange. No -"

Yuko interrupted the chanting content on her own, Yakumo Zi's consciousness regained clarity, and saw Yuko staring at herself with a smile, and said as if praying: "Zi, may your soul be able to live freely forever In a happy world, this is only temporary help, so now, please respond to my request——"

She left her best smile to her best friend, bathed in the rain of sakura flowers, Yuko wrote the bond between the two beyond friendship in the warmth of her eyes, held up the long sword in her hand, For a moment, these ominous red lights turned into a rainbow of blessings, until the hammer of nightmare smashed it all——

"Please, Zi, kill me."


That was not out of my own will, nor was it a conclusion drawn after brain thinking, but by directly modifying the final result, and then reversed the process, and then directly engraved it on the soul.

"what happened?!"

An indescribable sense of oppression enveloped her whole body, and Yakumo Purple felt a force beyond her understanding descend on her body.

Bundles of red light seemed to be bound by chains all over her body, disintegrating her resistance bit by bit, and even her will to resist was gradually disappearing.

The demon power was mobilized uncontrollably, and an uncontrollable force flowed at the fingertips. Yakumo Purple's body aimed it at Yuuko in front of her without authorization.

"Stop, stop.!"

Realizing what was about to happen, Zi Yakumo immediately felt deep fear, this fear was not about her uncontrollable body, but about the fact that she was going to hurt Yuko.

hurt her best friend.

"Please, this is the only thing, absolutely don't-"

Yakumo Zi looked at Yuko with pleading eyes, only to see that the other party had already let go of all defenses and was waiting for the upcoming fate, which made her feel even more desperate.

What made her even more desperate was that not only her body was being manipulated, even her mind and will were being rewritten bit by bit, but facing all this, she couldn't do anything, she could only be like a marionette Just like being played with at will.

The attachment to Yuko, the feelings for Yuko, the determination to not give up Yuko even if he gave up the whole world, were destroyed in front of this force.

All that was left was the uncontrollable sadness in the corners of her eyes, quietly recounting the ridiculous and useless efforts she had made. Finally, Yakumo Zi raised her hand without trembling, and stabbed Yuko's heart accurately.

"Stop. Stop ahhhhhhhhh!!"

Along with Yakumo Murasaki's broken cries, Yuko dropped an apology that she could never convey again——

"I'm sorry, Zi. Please forgive me for being willful this time. After all, this is also the last time."

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