The self-cultivation of the passer-by hero

Chapter 631 The Essence of a Goddess

"So—what to do now?"

When time was stopped and the world became pale, the era's own expulsion effect on Takeya was also suppressed.

In order to break the current almost hopeless situation, apart from the moon instrument that can jump in time and space, Wu also can't think of a second way.

However, the Moon Ceremony is on the surface of the moon, and the only way to get there is by reversing the realm of the moon's reflection or finding a way from above the Milky Way. In terms of time, the first way is impossible, and one end of the Milky Way is blocked, so it cannot be achieved. Takeya's wish, so

No, there is another way.

Walking in the gray world, Wu Ye's mastery of time ability has reached a new level. All the way across the land covered with corpses and scorched earth, Wu Ye finally found the only way to the moon.

That is the "channel" left by Toyohime Watatsuki when she used her own ability to transmit the Tsukitu troops to the ground.

Passing through the passage, through the Capital of the Moon, through the superficial prison of the Moon, the palace built on the white jade stone still stood tall, and time resumed its flow again. This time, Wu Ye was no longer affected by the times. Feeling of eviction.

"This is a special area isolated from time and space, so please don't worry too much, Adam."

The sweet voice conveyed a bit of joy of reunion, but the goddess's smile had a hint of meaning that she couldn't see through. She was not happy for her arrival.

But now, Wu Ye doesn't care about these things anymore, whether it's Adam or Dragon God, even he himself doesn't know who he is now.

"Because it is troublesome to explain, I will only say it once, Miss Chang'e, please activate the instrument of the moon."

Takeya's tone is quite polite, but it is just a habit left over from seventeen years of human social life. His inner self has already undergone earth-shaking changes, and the sharp aura that is exuding from his body is the best. proof.

"What a scary expression, Adam."

Chang'e clasped her hands behind her back, took steps and walked around Wu Ye, taking a good look at him with her eyes, and making "hmm" sounds of approval from time to time.

In the end, she stopped in front of Wu Ye, and the mischievous and funny expression was gone forever, replaced by a mysterious and noble solemnity.

"Sorry, Adam, for your request - I can't do it."

".Is this a joke?"

The red spear unconsciously emitted a dangerous red light, and Wu Ye's expression suddenly became terrifying, which he may not even be aware of.

"Anyway, calm down and listen to me—"

After stopping Wu Ye's uncontrollable rage, Chang'e said calmly: "It's not that I don't want to help you, but it's that there is no 'Moon Ceremony' on the current moon surface."

"." Wu Ye's momentum faltered, and Chang'e's words surprised him.

"I know you're in a hurry now, but let's talk about something else first, for example, what exactly is the 'Moon Instrument'?"

Chang'e held up her hands, and tables and chairs made of white jade appeared on the empty ground. She sat down and motioned to Wu Ye to sit opposite her with her eyes.

When Wu Ya sat down, the scene around him suddenly changed. The Guanghan Palace in front of him suddenly disappeared like a mirage in the desert, and was replaced by a huge cherry blossom tree in a gray world——

Westward Demon.

For no reason, Takeya's eyes became as sharp as a blade. Now he is no longer a child who doesn't understand anything. He can clearly tell that everything in front of him is not an illusion, but actually exists.

Whether it is the huge Westbound Demon above the head, or the two friends lying peacefully under the Westbound Demon, they all exist.

In other words, this is no longer the moon.

"I'm sorry for deciding the location of the conversation without authorization, but please forgive me for the fact that I have been trapped in that cage for so many years, right?"

As she talked to herself, Chang'e made Wu Ye a cup of tea. The white jade cup seemed to have been on the table from the beginning, without any sudden feeling.

"As you can see, this is no longer the moon, but the ground."

As Chang'e spoke, she made herself a cup of tea, took a sip and said, "Originally, Shenqi's curse is almost unbreakable, so I can't leave the Guanghan Palace on the moon even if I die. However, there is one exception."

Slowly turning her gaze to Wu Ye in front of her, Chang'e said calmly: "That's you, Adam."

"." Wu Ye remained silent, waiting for Chang'e's next words.

"To be precise, it should be 'you who have gained the power to control the realm'."

Chang'e slightly curved her eyes, her jewel-like eyes revealing an elusive mystery: "The gap that Yakumo Purple's gap monster manipulates is purely based on the concept of space, but you are different, Adam, your gap is not just about space. distance, and 'time' in the past and future."

"Time." Wu Ye was slightly taken aback.

"Do you think you got the ability to manipulate time just by chance?"

Chang'e pulled up her long hair, and the puppet holding the pocket watch rested quietly in her hand.

"The weapon of great sin of laziness - the weapon of great sin that was once owned by me, but it is now yours." After the words fell, the doll floated from Chang'e's hand and slowly moved behind Wuye , stays there along with the still pocket watch.

Wu Ye raised his head and looked at the familiar doll, and the figure of the blue and white maid appeared in front of his eyes unconsciously.

"What does Miss Sakuya have to do with you?"

"I'll tell you about this later when I have the opportunity."

Chang'e held her chin in her hands and leaned on the table with a lazy look: "What I want to tell you now is that the 'Moon Ceremony' has never been made by me or any god in the Moon City. It can cross the border at the same time. Due to the limitations of time and space, there is only one person who can achieve such a random miracle as time and space jump, and that is you, Adam."

"Me?" Wu Ye was stunned, but he didn't show too much surprise. Perhaps he experienced too much in a short period of time, which caused his acceptance ability to be greatly improved.

"That's right, it's you. You got the power to control gaps and realms from Yakumo Murasaki, and then you got the sin weapon of sloth that can control time. You who have these two powers at the same time are the ones who created the Moon. Necessary conditions for ritual.”

With a slight frown on her face, Chang'e said meaningfully: "In the end, that was what you were supposed to make."

".I understand, what should I do?" Wu Ye stood up, seemingly not wanting to waste another minute.

"Would you like to stop thinking about it? That's fine, since you have decided so, then I will fully assist you."

Chang'e waved her hand, and the white jade table and the tea cups on it turned into dust and dispersed. At this moment, the world's time resumed its flow, and the era's rejection of Wu Ye appeared again, but all this was like a miracle to Chang'e. becomes irrelevant in operation.

I saw countless streams of light spreading from Chang'e's feet, quickly covering the entire earth. Immediately, a swirling light and shadow swayed, the sun was covered, and the false moon was raised.

A quiet light scattered from the night sky, and the two powers in Wu Ye were activated. The Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer slowly appeared in his hand. Chang'e held the ancient seal in her hand and said to Wu Ye: "The Seven Deadly Sins" You have already obtained six weapons. As for their power, I think you have already seen them, right?"

Wu Ye was silent, six colors of light flashed on his body, and his eyes finally stayed on the broken hand mirror on his wrist.

"That is the weapon of arrogance," Chang'e explained after seeing Takeya's doubts: "No one knows her abilities and how to use them. Even I don't know why she is in the hands of that Onmyoji." , and no one knows, but these are meaningless. In the final analysis, they are just people in the world, so just treat them as meaningless coincidences."

Wu couldn't understand Chang'e's last words to herself. He just unconsciously recalled the girl who always chose to naively believe in the beauty of everything. His low mood made the air pressure around him lower a little.

Chang'e chose to turn a blind eye to this. She just started preparing her own spells and asked questions that even she knew the answers to.

"So, have you decided? You want to go back to your time."


Wu Ye shook his head and said firmly: "Miss Chang'e, please take me back to the time when I first met Youzi."

Yes, Takeya never thought about giving up from the beginning. Now that he knows that he is the source of all nightmares, he can definitely save everyone if he does it again.

He had to prove that he was right.

He was not wrong.

That's not a lie.

As long as - as long as he is given another chance, he will be able to save everyone. This is what he came for.

Yakumo Murasaki was wrong, he definitely did not come to this era to bring Yuko a desperate fate.

Yes, he came to this era in order to regain a happy future and make everyone happy. He will never become the Dragon God that Yakumo Purple calls him.

So he wants to change everything!


Chang'e's silent eyes seemed to be sighing. She seemed to have guessed it a long time ago. She was neither surprised nor said anything, but silently continued to manipulate the seal in her hand.

Wu Ye's body gradually became transparent, as if he was about to disappear, but at the same time, the starry sky array controlled by Chang'e also gathered the amount of spiritual power to the extreme.

"Well - not even close yet, Adam, lend me your gun."

Wu Ye didn't think much, and stretched out his hand to hand Gangnir to Chang'e.

Chang'e let go of the seal in her hand and took away the gun in Wu Ye's hand. In the next second, countless spiritual energy flowed from the starry sky array above his head into the Ten Thousand Treasure Mallet held in his other hand.

A burst of light surged, and a space crack like a gap spread in front of the eyes, forming the shape of a door. The "door" was sealed by spiritual power chains one after another. It seemed to be extremely strong, and only the Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer in Wu Ye's hand could compete with it. resonance.

"Use the Wanbao Mallet against the 'door' to open the passage of time and space."

After finishing everything, Chang'e just stood aside and watched Wu Ye raise the Ten Thousand Treasure Hammer high. When the aurora filled the night sky, the door of time and space was finally opened, and at this moment——

"This way all the preparations are complete."

Chang'e said this, and then she showed a relieved smile. At this moment, the look in her eyes towards Wu Ye was no longer the expectation and blessing before, but a subtle alienation.

"I did nothing wrong. It was all your fault for trusting others without permission."

Accompanied by arrogant and contemptuous words, Chang'e played with Gangnir in her hands and looked at the slowly opening gate of the gap. She turned her eyes to Wu Ye in front of her, the corners of her eyes were slightly curved, and her beautiful expression was like a hell exuding poison. flower.

"Farewell, Wu Ye-kun."

As the words of unknown meaning fell, the door of the gap in front of Wu Ye suddenly opened suddenly, like a bloody mouth, and a golden figure flew out from it, which was like red wine that became darker after being stored. There was hatred in those eyes.

"Dragon God, you can die here!!"


Takeru's eyes widened, and he caught a glimpse of Yakumo Murasaki who was in a coma at the side. Since the gap monster was lying here honestly, who was this guy in front of him? !


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