The Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Regiment

177 Super Dream's Offering? (please order)



As the entire octopus of Kulaken was taken in, the eyes on the spherical object began to pierce the eyes.

It wasn't until the eyes blinked three or four times that a sound on the buckle card was heard from the spherical object~.

When the blink of an eye ended, the spherical object floated back from the sea under the control of Mewtwo's superpower.

"This... what kind of technology is this?"

"Ninjutsu? Magic?"

"It's amazing to be able to accommodate such a large sea beast!

Such a hand of Chaomeng directly attracted everyone's attention, and they discussed it one after another.

Su Yang, who was different from everyone who didn't understand the situation, also spoke to everyone at this time:

"It's called a Poké Ball, and it's a tool used by Mewtwo to recover Pokémon!

"And what Mewtwo just used was the Mewtwo ball that he invented and created himself!"5

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense, Kraken was recovered by Mewtwo, and it can't be used as an ingredient. The dispute between Madara and Diablo is meaningless!"

"It's not even five minutes now! Kill it!!! Give me money!"

It's just that the first two sentences are still simple popular science for everyone, and the last two sentences are a slap in the face, but they have to pay.

Tornado, Ace Kano, Giorno Chopper, and Aknolia looked at each other for a while.

Instead, both Uchiha Madara and Diablo started laughing.

He also made fun of a few people, saying that whoever let them bet with themselves will be killed by Su Yang now!

This time, I don't know if it caused public anger, or it was due to the fact that the Tornado and Ace Kano were prepared to rely on Su Yang's account, and the Tornado and Ace Kano turned their artillery on Uchiha Madara and Diablo .

For a time, the entire Shura was noisy again.

On the contrary, after Mewtwo completed the subduing behavior, he informed Emily and Anna of the data that he had just observed, and asked them to talk about these data and record them. next to the two sisters.

"This was originally supposed to be supplied to Su Yang, but he shouldn't be able to use it with his strength! I'll give it to you! 35

Mewtwo raised her hand and handed the Mewtwo ball with Kurakon to the sisters Rem and Ram, and said to the two sisters.

"This... Lord Su Yang?"

Seeing that Mewtwo wanted to give the Mewtwo balls to her sisters, Rem and Ram didn't expect it, so they had to look at Su Yang and ask him to give them an idea.

"Super Dream said to send you, you should take self-defense!

"If you are really in danger in the future, let the meat shield of Kulaken be released to protect you!"

Feeling the eyes of sisters Rem and Ram, Su Yang said to them while eating dessert.

"But...but if it's self-defense, it should also be given to Emily and Anna!""

"Their strength is lower than my sister and I, and they need this kind of protection even more!

After hearing Su Yang's words, Rem thought hesitantly for a moment, then cast his eyes on Anna and Emily before speaking.

Su Yang looked at Rem's kind-hearted appearance of considering others, and smiled and explained his arrangement:

"You don't have to worry too much about the safety of Anna and Emily!

"The steel battle suits that Chao Meng has been researching in the past two days have already got some clues. I believe that the steel battle suits will be manufactured soon!"

"At that time, Anna and Emily, who are wearing steel suits, will be turned into mobile turrets!

"If Kuraken is given to them and released in battle, it will affect their mobility and prevent them from letting go! 35

Rem was relieved after hearing Su Yang's arrangement.

And I also understand why Emily and Anna recently went to the research room to help Mewtwo with their research whenever they were free.

After Rem and her sister Ram looked at each other, the two sisters expressed their gratitude to Mewtwo together.

After receiving the thanks from the two sisters, Chao Meng did not stay on the deck any longer, and took Anna and Emily, who had recorded the data, back to the cabin to continue his scientific research.

After the "barricades" on the road were resolved, the Shura continued to head towards The fish men island under the operation of Su Yang's mind.

In the dragon palace of The fish men island, the situation at this time was a little anxious.

It was a little different from what Neptune had envisioned.

Originally, they thought that this time, it was only Baron Dandan and Pokemus that were sent by the BIG·MOM Pirates.

So I wondered if I could hold a banquet or something to stabilize the two of them first, so as to prolong my plan a little longer.

·0 for flowers ·.....

Unexpectedly, this time the BIG·MOM pirate group was dispatched, and it was not only the two of them who came to The fish men island.

Along with them, there is Charlotte Daifuku, the third son of Charlotte Linlin, the "bean minister".

And two of the dim sum four stars: "Fry Minister" Charlotte Snag, "Cookie Minister" Charlotte Cracker.

With such a heavyweight specification, the attitude of the BIG·MOM Pirates here can be very clear.

If you can talk, then have a good talk.

If they can't reach an agreement, the fish men island will be attacked by a group of chessmen and soldiers led by the three brothers.

It is also because of these three people's valuable identities that Baron Dandan and Pokemus, who are subordinates, naturally intend to show off well.

So after they saw Shark Star and Jinbei, they ignored Shark Star's proposal to hold a banquet to entertain them. Instead, they hurried to Dragon Palace and wanted to talk to Neptune as soon as possible.

"King Neptune, you have thought about it!

"I tell you clearly, the Whitebeard Pirates have been disbanded, and there are not many pirates who can keep you The fish men island!"

"This time is an invitation from our BIG·MOM Pirates! 35

"If you refuse, or have any other thoughts, then it's not the uncle, I'm talking to you!"

"Master Dafuku, Master Cracker, Master Snag, they are still waiting for me to return to my life!"

As soon as Napokmus arrived at the Dragon Palace and saw Neptune, the mermaid king, he said to Neptune straight to the point.

"We, The fish men island, can naturally feel the kindness of your pirate group!"

"It's just... the conditions set out before are really too harsh. Even if we have the will, we are actually powerless..."

Although Nepton didn't think that Pokemus would be so urgent before, and he gave himself such a show almost as soon as they met, he still spoke to him.

But before Neptune could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Pokemus:

"Humph! The conditions are harsh?"

"If you want to get the protection of our BIG·MOM pirates, you have to feel harsh on such a condition!

"Then I can only let a few adults. Come and talk to you!"

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