The Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Regiment

180 Cracker: I want bloodbath The fish men island! (please order all)

On the cake boat, Charlotte Daifuku, the third son of Charlotte Linlin, the "bean minister", sat on the main seat.

The ten sons Cracker and the twenty-five sons Snage, who are also known as the "Four Stars of Dessert", are under him.

The three of them looked at Pokemus and Baron Dandan who had just returned from Ryugu angrily.

"Lord Daifuku! Lord Cracker! Lord Snag!

"That Mermaid King Neptune is so ignorant!

"I just told them about the arrival of the three adults, but he not only directly rejected our invitation, but also took the initiative to provoke our BIG·MOM Pirates!""

"They also said that if we move The fish men island, what dimensional pirate group is behind them, it will definitely make us go away without eating Kabuto!""

As soon as he returned to Pokermus on the boat, after seeing the three of Charlotte Daifuku, he began to cry, and his words were extremely provocative.

"What! There is such a thing!!!"

"That old guy from Neptune dared to provoke his mother and provoke our BIG·MOM pirates!"

"Brother Dafu, I'll take my biscuit soldiers to the Dragon Palace, and let that old Neptune kneel down for my mother to atone for it!

After hearing what Pokemus said, Daifuku, one of the four generals with a long beard, a strong build, and a biscuit-like armor on his right hand, held a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right, "The Biscuit Minister" Charlotte Cracker said. .

"Brother Cracker is right!

“The fish men island is so arrogant and unforgivable!!!”

"Brother Dafu, let me slaughter The fish men island with ordinary chessmen soldiers, and teach this arrogant guy a lesson!"

At the same time, on the left side of Daifuku, Charlotte Snag, the "Fry Minister" with a chubby hairstyle, a long hooked nose, a red and white striped scarf, a chubby body, and a huge samurai sword on his back, also shouting.

Seeing that Pokemus brought back such news, Charlotte Daifuku's brows, which were originally "囧" faces, were even more wrinkled.

With a relatively calm personality, he naturally heard the meaning of sowing discord and telling lies in Pokemus' words.

At the same time, he also believed that the time had come. As long as the Mermaid King Neptune was not crazy, he would not have made such an unwise choice to provoke their Four Emperors Pirates.

But there is no wind and no waves, and it is impossible for Pokemus to distort the facts too much in this matter.

So in order to verify the truth of the matter, he still waved his hand to persuade his two angry brothers, and asked Baron Eggy who was beside him: "Baron Eggy, is what Pokemus said true?"


Baron Dandan, who had not spoken much before, after hearing Charlotte Daifuku asking himself, he also held up the pink teacup on his head as a salute, and answered at the same time:

"Good afternoon, Lord Daifuku, Lord Cracker, and Lord Snag!"

"As Pokermus said, the Mermaid King Neptune has indeed rejected our solicitation!"

"And also arrogantly expressed that once we attack Mermaid Island, the Dimension Pirates, the sheltering force they found, will also come to trouble us!"

Charlotte Daifuku fell silent after hearing Baron Dandan's words.

In the entire BIG·MOM pirate group, Baron Dandan is a guy who has a bigger picture.

Even he said so, want to come... That Mermaid King Neptune did indeed do these seemingly "unwise" things.

But the more this happened, the more Charlotte Daifuku became more vigilant.

There must be some "extremely important" reason for a king like Neptune to make such a strange move.

Just as Dafu was thinking about it, Cracker and Snag on the side could no longer restrain the anger and impulse in their hearts.

For them, Neptune's behavior can be said to be a slap in the face of their BIG·MOM pirates.

Seeing that Dafu did not speak at this time, the two of them also stood up from their seats and advised Dafu:

"Brother Dafu, what kind of bullshit dimensional pirate group, I have never heard of it, I am here to call biscuits soldiers, bloodbath The fish men island!!!99

"Yeah! Big brother Dafuku, the majesty of mother is not to be challenged! The majesty of our BIG·MOM Pirates is not to be challenged either!"

The two of you exhorted and shouted at each other, directly interrupting Dafu's train of thought.

Looking at the two angry younger brothers in front of him, Dafu considered their own powerful strengths, plus himself, Pokemus, and Dandan Baron.

With such combat power, even if the three disasters of Kaido Beasts Pirates come together, it is not without the power of a battle.

Thinking of this, Charlotte Daifuku also frowned and said to her two younger brothers:

"Humph! Since Neptune and the others committed suicide and provoked the majesty of their mother, then we will bloodbath The fish men island today!!!

Hearing that Daifuku had agreed to the proposal, Cracker and Snag immediately began to gather their men.

In less than three or five minutes, a large number of pawns were already holding weapons and standing in front of the three of Dafuku.

The Dragon Palace guards, who had been left at the pier by Shaoxing and others at all times to observe the movements of the BIG·MOM Pirates, were already on guard.


When Charlotte Dafu gave an order, the imposing chess pieces and pawns rushed towards The fish men island.

'"Fire!!! Meet the enemy!!!"

"The Minister Right, Boss Jinbei, and the brothers of the Sun Pirates will arrive in a little while! 35

"Behind us are the compatriots of The fish men island, we must stop them here and kill!!!"

Seeing that the BIG·MOM pirates really attacked The fish men island, the general of the Ryugu guards who stayed here also shouted to the surrounding Ryugu guards.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Defend The fish men island! Kill!!!35

Along with the roaring cannons in the phalanx, the fish people who were the guards of the Dragon Palace also took up their weapons in their hands, roaring in their mouths to meet the chessmen who were charging.

"Hahahaha! Today I'm going to bloodbath The fish men island!!!"

“Cookie Soldiers!!!”

Charlotte Cracker grinned with a big mouth and swung the giant sword in her right hand, and a puff of dust swept up from behind him.

And in this dust and smoke, one after another, huge biscuit soldiers who were tall, dressed in biscuit armor, held a shield and a giant sword, and had the same face as him were created by him using his Devil Fruit ability.

"Boom boom~"

"Boom boom~"

The tall biscuit soldiers who looked like giants, led by Charlotte Cracker, stomped on the ground with a bang, striding towards the Ryugu guards.

A battle involving the life and death of The fish men island broke out!

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