The Seventeenth Division of the Whitebeard Regiment

Chapter 254 The Power of Secrets! Different Spaces!

As Kaido's battle with Aknorollia escalated, so did their battle.

This also makes Mewtwo have to take Anna and Emily, and dodge a little more distance than originally planned.

"Secret Power!!!"

Chao Meng held this huge spoon and drank it lightly in his mouth, while hitting the seabed sand pile in front of him.

Strange forces followed the top of the huge spoon in Chao Meng's hand and scattered towards the inside of the seabed sand pile.

At ten o'clock, a space node of a different dimension was opened by it.

And under the blessing of the wonderful power input before Chaomeng, the space nodes that appeared here were quickly widened and expanded.

In a moment of effort, an independent and empty space was expanded.

After completing all of this and confirming that the space barriers in the entire different-dimensional space have been completely firmed, Chao Meng controlled the power of thought and entered the space with Anna and Emily.

"This is a different space created by me using the power of secrets!"

"It is a space independent of the whole world, you will be safer here! 35

After recovering the mind power wrapped in Anna and Emily, Chao Meng also introduced to the two.

"Alien space?"

"Wow~ Mr. Chaomeng is amazing!"

Finally got out of the floating state, and after regaining a down-to-earth feeling, Anna looked at the wonderful space around her and couldn't help but sigh.

Unlike Anna, who was cheering and full of freshness and curiosity, Emily asked Mewtwo with a worried look:

"But... Master Chao Meng, this place is under the deep sea!

"Once you come into contact with the energy from the seawater, and you are soaked in seawater for a long time, will your ability fail because of this?

Hearing Emily's words, Anna, who was still very curious, also instantly realized the problem, and her face suddenly became extremely frightened, as if thinking of some terrifying picture.

Seeing the two of them react like this, Chao Meng smiled involuntarily.

He knew in his heart that even though Emily and the others had been in contact with the people of their Dimensional Pirates for a long time, they even knew that the people on board were basically from other worlds.

But from time to time, they will still be limited by the limitations of this world's power system.

For example, the secret power that he uses is obviously the power of the Pokémon world.

But Emily would subconsciously think about Devil Fruit's ability.

So, Mewtwo also explained to Emily:

"The power of secrets will not be weakened by the erosion of the sea!

"And the reason why I opened up this alien space on the bottom of the sea is to use the seawater to block the spread of Devil Fruit's ability!

"After all... as far as I know, this world still has the Devil Fruit ability that touches the power of space!"

When 523 heard Mewtwo's explanation, Emily and Anna also showed a hint of understanding, and the originally worried and frightened expressions also eased.

"Then you can do something to eat, drink, or get out your sleeping bag and rest here for a while!"

"I have already set a space anchor here just now, and I can find you at any time!"

"After I go out for a while, I will use the power of secrets to seal this place again! 35

"So you don't have to worry that there will be sea water pouring in here!"

After seeing them better, Chao Meng did not forget the previous plan.

After explaining the last few words to the two women, he waved the spoon in his hand lightly, and stepped out of the space.

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