
"Today I will use your defeat to leave the name of my super dream in this world!!!"

Mewtwo stared at the sky full of fighting spirit, Kaido, who turned into a dragon and swirled in the mist, pointed at him with a huge spoon in his hand, and exclaimed.

When these words were blurted out, a momentum representing the identity of the super dream Pokémon mythical beast rose into the sky, pointing straight at the sky like a sharp sword.

At the same time, Mewtwo's mental power exploded, wrapping around his body, swooping away with a swoosh, and rushing towards Kaido's body.

Mewtwo arrived here from the momentary movement and the burst of breath was naturally perceived by Kaido.

At this time, when he heard Chaomeng's explosive drink, Ben 523 was scolded by Akunorolia one after another as "long bugs", and the angry Kaido was even more angry in his heart.

Even though the momentum that erupted from Chao Meng's body should not be underestimated at this time, he still roared at Chao Meng, who shot from bottom to top:

"Wow!!! The little mouse that just escaped not only dared to come back, but also dared to provoke Laozi!"

"You Dimension Pirates really think Laozi has no temper!!!99

"Roaring Thunder!!!

As soon as Kaido's voice fell, a thick thunder and lightning roared out of his mouth along with the dragon's roar, and the target was directed at Mewtwo.

Looking at the thunder that descended from the sky with an incomparably terrifying aura, Chao Meng did not stop his steps.

At the same time, he opened his mouth, and the energy in his body quickly condensed.

"Destroy the Light of Death!!!"



The destructive death light from Chaomeng's mouth collided with the terrifying thunderbolt in the air, and a huge roar suddenly collided.

It's just... the skill of destroying death light, in the skill evaluation of the Pokémon world, the power value has reached 150 points!

The thunder that Kaido spewed out did not cancel out Mewtwo's destructive death light, but instead was directly pierced and destroyed by him after a slight stalemate.

After penetrating Kaido's attack, Mewtwo's baeg light blazed towards Kaido's body at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, Observation Haki in Kaido warned him.

"Damn it! I underestimated you!"


Feeling the warning from Observation Haki in his body, Kaido also understood in his heart that he was underestimating Mewtwo, and while he was shouting angrily, his body twisted, the dragon claws on the dragon's body grabbed the surrounding clouds and mist , begins to rotate rapidly.

With the rapid rotation of Kaido's body, a tornado appeared from his body and surrounded him.

At the same time, countless wind blades were spit out from his mouth.

When those sharp and dense wind blades appeared, they were pulled by the tornado around Kaido and merged with them, protecting Kaido's safety like a loyal and dangerous ninja.

"Boom!!! 99


Mewtwo's destruction of death light and Kaido's tornado blade, two energies met unexpectedly and collided in the air.

It is a pity that Mewtwo's destructive death light consumed a lot of energy when it penetrated the thunder before.

At this time, he encountered those dense and sharp tornado blades, but failed to break through again.

A moment of effort, then disappeared and dissipated, and was disintegrated by those wind blades Ling Chi.

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