"I have used all my connections to search. I will also clean up and I will inform you if there is news." Ling Wei said, pulling her arm back and going upstairs.

"I... I will go with you..." Xue Yun keeps up with her and wants to go together.

"I can go on my own. You can't do anything with the past. Then, you go, what should I do?"

"But..." Xue Yun didn't feel relieved, she wanted to find Ling Feng quickly. "Right! Xiaoxiao is on holiday, we can take him with him!"

Ling Wei looked at her, after the silence, "You want to go, let's go together."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Xue Yun did not expect that she would always be cold to her, ignoring her existence of Ling Wei, will be willing to take her at this critical moment.

I was grateful to Xue Wei of Ling Wei. I didn’t see Ling Wei turning around. When I went upstairs, the sneer sneer that was raised from the corner of my mouth.

After going back to the house, Ling Wei called Meng Yueman.

"Van, I heard that you are hurt, I wanted to see you, but my dad has something to do, I have to go and see."

"I don't get in the way, let's say, I will go back soon, you don't have to run to see me." Meng Yueman said.

"Will you come back?" Ling Wei's mouth is slightly hooked, and sure enough, he is coming back.

"Well, Xiaohuan’s child is too sensible, too good." Meng Yueman said that she was a good wife. She felt that she was really good. She didn’t use her son at all. She didn’t wait for him to say anything, she thought about them. Ok, take the initiative to let them return to the country to receive the best protection.

"Yeah." Ling Wei responded with a smile.

However, I felt that Meng Yueman was probably sick. They were all rushed abroad by Mu Huan, and they still felt that they were happy.

There is no such thing as the majesty of a mother-in-law, and it does not serve much.

"Right, what happened to your father?" Meng Yueman cares.

"I don't know if it is a failure, or how... I used to look at the situation to be sure." Ling Wei's voice is full of fatigue.

Meng Yueman hurriedly said, "Then you will go over and see what is needed, and you will talk to the vines!"


Then Meng Yueman, who cares about his daughter, has never thought about it. Their address in foreign countries is that Ling Wei pretends to inadvertently leak out...

Ling Wei knows about the thin family and knows too much. The two years of cooperation have taught her that there are many things inside the company. She is familiar with Bo, and she is the biggest capital she can cooperate with. .

Xue Yun and Ling Wei searched Ling Feng in foreign countries. After searching for a week, they did not find Ling Feng. Ling Feng was like that. He couldn’t see anyone, and he could not see the dead.

Both of them were screaming at Ling Xiao, telling him that they came here to play, and they also went out to play with Ling Xiao, but this day, Ling Xiao suddenly came back, and then, they hit two of them. Talk and learn that his father may have died.

This makes Ling Xiao very scared.

"Oh... Mom... what to do... what to do..." He did not have a father, and both sisters hated him so much.

His mother is so weak again.

Although Ling Xiao is small, the environment he is exposed to makes him not so simple and does not understand anything.

He knows that Ling Wei always wants to dominate the property of Lingjia. He knows that Mu Huan has pushed his grandmother because he accidentally let his grandmother be hit by a car. He hates him and does not want to see him.

The only big patron he can rely on is his father.

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