The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1038: After the autumn account 3

Three years ago, the sieges of several large groups not only did not destroy Bo Junyan, but also gave him strong support from G. In the past three years, Bo has reached a height much higher than that of Meng’s father. Height, he thinks that such a thin Jun Yan is what anyone wants.

If Mu Huan wants to continue with Yan Jun, she can't move him.

After all, blood relations are the most ruined in the world.

"Do you think you are still eligible to object?" Mu laughed mockingly.

Father Meng, "..."

Although he did not want to admit it, but in the past three years, no matter what means he used, he did not succeed in letting Jun Junyan see him.

It used to be against him and Mu Huan, not to mention the present.

Thinking of this, Meng’s father couldn’t help but feel a little bit of joy, because she! It’s all because of her, they will go to the present step!

If it wasn’t for her, how could it be like this now!

"No matter what, you want to be with Jun, it is best not to do anything!" The white-eyed wolf may not care about him, but his daughter is absolutely concerned about him.

Mu Huan did not speak, just mocked.

She was so contemptuous that she couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. He didn’t say anything, stood up and wanted to leave.

But suddenly, people fell into the chair.

There was a burst of pain in the chest, and the pain made him feel uncomfortable, letting him sweat out in a moment!

He has never been so painful, he has no heart disease, he should not suddenly be like this...


Suddenly, what Meng’s father thought of.

He looked at Mu Huan with horror, she was... What did she do to him?


She is not close to him! How did she do it!

It seems that he is seeing his doubts, and he is very cool. "There are many medicines in the world that are colorless and odorless and can be volatilized in the air."

"You..." Meng’s father wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say anything. This pain made him feel that he would die in the next second. He even fell down from his chair.

Curled to the ground.

When he couldn't help but want to ask for mercy, he only saw Mu Hua sitting there, so indifferent, looking at him condescendingly.

She is not cold or cold, not yin, but she is so horrible to Meng’s father!

This person in front of him is Mu Huan, but he is not the one he knows.

The one he knows, Mu Huan, although he is also embarrassed, but he will never start with an old man, still looking at it indifferently.

Such a woman, no humanity...

When Meng’s father felt that he was really going to die, the pain suddenly stopped.

"This is just the beginning. In the days to come, you will be more painful than today." There are many ways to make a life worse than death.

When Meng’s father just wanted to say something, people fainted.

When he woke up, he was already at home.

"Dad, you woke up, how do you feel?" Meng Yuehua saw him woke up, wanted to sit up and immediately stepped forward to help him.

Meng’s father looked at Meng Yueying, who had nothing to do with him, and the body that had no signs of injury after the pain. He couldn’t help but have the feeling that he was having a nightmare.

"I have been sleeping at home, have not gone out?"

Meng Yueying was a glimpse first, then, "Dad, what do you mean?"

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