The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 1196: Not willing to start 6

Mu Huan thought of what medicine she should use, and she thought about the consequences of that medicine. Then she was not willing to start. Thinking about whether she could think of another way, so she followed it again. "Hus, you are so smart. Let's think about something else!"

Think about the picture, I can't really hold my hand!

Her husband's so beautiful face!

"Don't think of other ways, this method is very good, direct and fast."

"Husband, really ruin the image!" Mu Huan increased the tone.

"It doesn't matter." Bo Jun is a man and a man. He lives on his own, not on the face, not on the image.

Besides, the more she is not willing, the more he wants it.

Let her care about his face so much!

Mu Hua thought of something, so he took out his mobile phone, "Come, give you a look at the renderings."

Bo Junyan glanced at it. "No problem, just like this, very good."

Mu Huan, "...!!!"

Still very good! Sure enough, there is no fear of being favored, I don’t know how precious it is!

"Come on!" You don't hesitate to see Junjun Yan's face, just like this, come on!

"What are you coming?"

"Isn't it going to ruin my face tonight?" Bo Junyan raised his eyebrows.

"I just made a mistake, but it will be destroyed tomorrow morning. It will be ruined this evening. I am afraid that I will have a nightmare and scare you out." Mu Huan said.

Bo Junyan, "..."

After a while.

"What would happen if my face was really ruined?"

"How come! How can I make this face really ruined! You can rest assured, and don't say that we don't have to ruin the face, even if you use this medicine, it will not leave a trace, it will only let you The face is smoother and more beautiful than before! Your wife, I am very good at this! Put your heart in your stomach!" Mu Huan patted the chest.

"I am not afraid that this medicine has ruined my face. I am asking you. If my face is ruined by accident, what will happen to you? Will you watch me make a nightmare and kick me out?" Probably, the twilight is a bit depressed.

Mu Huan, "..."

He is afraid, if he is ugly, will she not want him?


He is a big president, big man, big man, and he will ask such questions...


So cute! Cute makes her want to kiss him!

She picked up her toes and kissed him on his face. He held his face in both hands and smiled. "Hus, do you think I only love you?"

"Oh..." Bo Junyan snorted.

"How come! How can I only love you this face! I love you all! I love you every hair!"

"Oh..." She can exaggerate.

"Don't be so, I can swear to God! I like my husband, I love it! I love my husband most of the world!" Mu Huan said and kissed him on his face.

Although she knows that her words are very exaggerated, but thin Jun Yan is still stunned by the dragon heart.

I will go down if I bow.

However, it was blocked by Mu Huan. "We have no other way to discuss the matter first."

If she can not destroy his face, she still does not want to ruin, and does not want her husband's face to leave an imperfect record.

However, because Bo Junyan feels this, the most direct and fast, so, in the end, Mu Huan still has to kneel to him.

So in the morning of the next morning, Mu Huan took medicine on his face.

"More today, see you tomorrow.

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