“It’s a great honor to invite Mr. Bo to come to our talk show today.”

When I heard Mr. Bo, Li Meng could have thought that it would be a thin Jun Yan, looking up at the past, it was really thin Jun Yan!

"Xiaohuan, your husband has a talk show!"

"No, you didn't say that he was very low-key, what programs were not on, and even did not accept interviews from newspapers? How do you interview the show now?" Li Meng curiously said.

The first newspaper report on Bo Junyan and Ling Wei, the main report was the fireworks that night. In the report, Bo Junyan was only a couple who was captured, or the side, and the newspaper later closed down.

In addition, there is no report related to Bo Junyan in the past. Recently, reports of the arrival of Bo Junyan and Ling Wei are the highlights of the summit. The domestic newspapers all use photos at the summit.

So strictly speaking, except at the summit, he accepted interviews with mainstream reporters. Before he was interviewed by Bo Junyan, he did not receive any media interviews, and he never had any interviews. A person who did not like to be exposed to the public’s eyes, Now I have taken the initiative to the public's sight.

Mu Huan snorted, did not speak, but still looked at the big screen.

Seeing the neatly dressed thin Jun Yan, sitting there a serious, she sneered, Sven scum!

Li Meng carefully peeked at Mu Huan and couldn’t say it. What is her expression now? What is the mood now, is it really angry or what?

After the host asked Thin Junyan about some new energy, he began to ask about the upcoming issue of Bo Junyan's marriage.

"I don't know if Mr. Bo can easily disclose information about your fiancee? I think that apart from the question about new energy, everyone is most concerned about who you are going to marry."

"Not a fiancee, a wife, we have already obtained marriage. Just before my father was in poor health and could not preside over our wedding, I did not hold a wedding. Now my father's body is very good. I said that the wedding period is coming, it is me and me. The wife is going to hold a wedding soon."

"It turned out to be married."


"Is it convenient to disclose your wife's message?"

"Only you can provide photos of me and my wife." Bo Jun Yan on the show is to let everyone know who his wife is, and that is the host.

When Mu Huan heard that he could only provide photos, he stood up in amazement and lying down! What is he going to do!

When she stood up, on TV, she and Thin Junyan's photo was just released. The guide also gave a big shot, so that everyone could clearly see the thin Jun Yan and Mu Huan on the photo.

That was the photo of both of them in the T country, she was very happy with his smile.

And he is watching her in a petty way.

"God! So happy! Good couple!"

"Yes! Yes! Especially the professor's eyes are so love! Good love! Love! Love!"

"I decided to powder this CP for a lifetime!"

"I am also powder!"

"However, this thin professor's wife looks good!"

"Yes! Yes! Although this photo is not completely positive, it looks good."

"It seems like our goddess of learning, Mu Huan!" suddenly a man shouted.

"The trough! It doesn't seem like it is, it is Mu Huan!"

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