The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 857: Strong and strong touch 6

"Mr. Gong, you know the president best. You are going to enlighten the president. If you go on like this, I feel that I can't live anymore." Wang Te, who was with him near Bo Junyan, suffered the most.

I feel that my heart is pressing a mountain, so that he can't breathe. He feels that if he goes on like this, he will have a heart attack.

"What happened? What happened?" Miyazawa just returned from a holiday abroad, and I don't know what it is like.

"From the summit..." Wang Te helped, he probably knows.

"Oh, my poor thin brother, rushing back and rushing back, rushing back to his wife but not wanting him, wow! I can't calculate the injured area in his heart! He didn't blow up, didn't lock the little scorpion in the room and let it not She went out and let her go to school, which really surprised me!" The last time he saw his friend's circle of friends dancing, he knew that his family was going to finish, and sure enough, something happened!

"The president has not come to work for three days, specifically to accompany his wife, but after returning, he feels that his mood is even worse." The husband and wife are not quarreling at the bed and ringing, and how the president and their wife are fighting more and more.

"It’s hard for you." Miyazawa took the shoulder of Wang Tesuke and walked in.

When he entered, Bo Junyan was handling the official business, and the brows could be tied to death.

"Thin brother."

Bo Junyan looked up at him and didn't speak.

"Drinking wine together at night." He gave his family a thin brother to talk about his heart and teach him all the essential techniques of a girl!

"Don't go." He was going to be with his wife at night.

"Thin brother, sharpen the knife and cut the woodworker. You talk to me about this love field master. I will teach you to take the dice in minutes! It’s not my Miyazawa bragging, there is no girl I can't make!" With so many years of experience in the field of love, he is well aware of all kinds of girls, and no woman is a problem!

Bo Junyan stopped the pen in his hand. "Talk now."

"You don't have a job to be busy, let's wait for you to get off work, drink while talking." Miyazawa said.

"Now talk." Bo Junyan's work in his hand was pushed aside.

Miyazawa, "..."

His family is really can't wait.


Miyazawa, "First of all, you have to change your attitude toward the commander."

Bo Junyan, "..."

How to change this?

Miyazawa thinks that if his family is changed to this gas field, how can he shock others in the mall after that?

So, "Don't change this!"

Bo Junyan, "..."

Is he reliable?

"You just don't use the tone of the commander for the little scorpion. Before, we all think that the little scorpion is a quiet and supple little girl. For such a little girl, what do you call her, she certainly does what, but the little scorpion is not Such a girl, she is still a very strong person, in this case, she is strong and you are strong, you are strong and strong, only two loses." Miyazawa's emotional understanding is not really blowing.

The word is in the middle of the heart.

Bo Junyan is a very strong person. He was very fond of before, but it was all under the premise that Mu Huan listened to him. They could live a beautiful life safely. But now, Mu Huan is not so embarrassed. The obedient person, she does not have to confront him.

She just wants an equal relationship. She can't stand the threat to her. After all the heart is tired, he threatens her when she doesn't move. How can she still laugh at him?

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