The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 892: We don’t want to fight cold again 2

Let her finally forgive her grandfather this time, she will strictly guard her grandfather, definitely not the next time.

After her mother-in-law hung up the phone, her father-in-law called again and asked her to forgive Bo Junyan. Don’t be angry with him. He couldn’t help it, because her mother-in-law couldn’t stand it, no matter whether it’s the father or the Huo’s accident, it’s his own life. Mother, how can he not feel bad.

Don't care, don't protect them both.

Also said that her mother-in-law is tough to take away the father, and said that if the father is mad, her mother-in-law will follow!

Mu Huan heard such words, my heart is really uncomfortable, it is very difficult, her mother-in-law is so good, she is so filial, let her say such words, she has to be forced to what, she really Don't want her to be so painful, don't want them to be like this.

Therefore, she has been thinking these days, whether they are not suitable for her, she will not hurt him to lose his family, if he loses his family, he will not be very painful in the future.

After all, people are alive, not just for themselves. People are not only love in this life.

He didn't want him to lose his family, he didn't want him to live, he didn't want his family to live, she wanted his wonderful family, and he always lived happily and happy.

"My parents had planned to wait until after our wedding, and went to settle in J. Dad used to nurse the body there. The environment there is suitable for the elderly, so it doesn't exist because you can't let them stay with me for the rest of the world. ”

"And, it's my fault to not do the relationship between you. It's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself for this. It's not that you hurt me. I don't have to balance this relationship. My fault, my bad, let you be wronged."

She did nothing wrong, her grandmother did nothing, and the result was hurt like this, every time she was wronged.

Mu Huan, "..."

What he said is justified...

It’s said by him that the things she considers are completely unnecessary!

Mu Hua looked at him for a while and then suddenly asked, "Are you drunk?"

A drunken station is standing unsteadily. If you are in a crowd, you will be so clear-headed, can you speak so well?

The tall man’s body suddenly jerked, and then he softened and fell over to her. “Wife...wife...”

It became an unconscious mutter.

Mu Huan, "..."

Others are intermittent mental illnesses. Is this intermittent drunk?

"Wife doesn't want to be angry with me... don't... don't want me... wife..." He didn't want to go on with her anymore. He wanted her to laugh at him, sweetly call his husband, and want them to go back.

"Wife, we are still as good as before..."

"In the future, my grandfather, Huo Li will not appear in front of you again."


His voice, the wife of the voice, melted.

"I am like this now, you are sure you really like it, do you want it? I am not the same as before. Can you really accept me?" Let Mu Huan always worry about this, after he discovered her true face. I haven't had a good time with her.

"Besides not being as weak as I thought, it will be different. You are different there? I see it all the same..."

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