The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 894: We don’t want to be cold war anymore.

Bo Junyan, "..."

She also asked him this!

"Do you not want me to talk?"

"Mu Huan, don't you think that you are stupid if you ask such a question?" He is so strong to keep her, she is afraid that he will not want her, the person who is afraid is him! Say no to him, don't, say go, be ready to go!

Mu Huan, "..."

She just likes him a little bit too much about it. If she wants to make sure that he gives her a definitive answer, it will be over, and she will never want it again.

He even said that she was stupid...

This man...

"You can't answer one. Are you sure?"

Bo Junyan, "..."

Finally, "I am very sure."

"That's not your parents, don't you feel sorry, can't you be filial? Mom and Dad won't want to be with you? So..."

"You don't have to think about it anymore! Parents, they really intended to settle in J, and you can see that their parents have a good relationship. They only have each other in their eyes. I am for them. Words are superfluous!"

"Before, my dad went there and my mom followed, they took time out to play, didn't take me, I always been the one who was left behind. Now my mom can't wait until my dad completely puts down her work, she only I don't want us to bother their two worlds, they don't want to live with me very much. Before you marry me, they are abroad, I am at home."

Their family is different from others. The parents of other people want to keep their children. His parents only want to guard each other.

Mu Huan, "..."

His words reminded her of the online section. For the loving parents, the children are all charged and charged. They are superfluous.

She reached out and patted the shoulder of Bo Junyan, and comforted, "I am hurting you."

"I only have my wife who is willing to accompany me, so good to me, so you can't think of leaving me later, you should go there and you will follow." Bo Junyan reached out and tightened her.

Mu Huan said that he would not want him, but he is still ready to leave. It seems to leave a shadow in Bo Jun’s heart. Always, he can’t leave him.

Mu Huan has always been a very refreshing person. The ones she worried about don't have to worry about it. She said that she would let go of those problems when she let go, so she reached out and tightened him. "Good! Husband, I won't leave you, I will always stay with you. Beside you, good to you!"

After that, she said again, "Husband, in the future, no matter what happens between us, we must communicate the first time, and then do not misunderstand, don't let us be worried, scared, think more!"


The hearts that have been hovering for so many days, all kinds of thoughts, have completely ended in his short one, and have been completely put down.

Mu Huan looked at Bo Junyan and looked at her such a good husband, his handsome face.

Suddenly there was a kind of excitement that was lost and recovered. The excitement also filled her whole heart instantly, making her difficult to control!

"Husband, we will not cold war again in the future, don't ignore each other again. When you ignore me, I am really scared! We are so good together for a lifetime!" Her voice was a little choked. .

She didn't want to have such a thing with him, she didn't want to fight with him anymore, she didn't want to be afraid again, she wanted to be with him, no one could separate them, he wouldn't want her, she wouldn't want him!

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