The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 897: I was the chubby 1 of the year.

"I thought you would send a cake, I didn't have people to buy a cake." Fu Si night did not know how to say it.

"This way." Shangguan Yu said that he took out his mobile phone, made a phone call, and ordered a cake.

Then look at Fu Si night.

“This cake tastes good.”

Fu Si night squatted on Shang Guanyu's hand, slamming a hard, painful Shangguan Yu frowned, but she said nothing.

"Shang Guanyu, this is your new trick? Is it a retreat? No, you have used it many times to retreat. This is an old trick." Will he not order the cake himself?

Need her to help him order?

"It is useful to retreat to the people who care about her. I have used it many times and it is useless. How can I use it." Shangguan Yu smiled.

Fu Si night looked at her like this, and violently slammed her into her arms. "What do you want to do on Shangguan Yu!"

Why are you no longer looking at him like you used to, no longer so full of love, so unyielding, then...

Shangguan Yu looked up at him. After watching it for a while, she couldn't help but reach out and gently touch his face. This loved one, the man she fell in love with, how much she wanted to live with him for a lifetime, she I have vowed to always like him, and I will be with him all my life. No matter what difficulties I encounter, I will insist on not letting go, but now she will not persist.

She is tired, really tired...

"Six night, one day, we will all be free."

Fu Si night did not know why he would have a sigh of relief, this kind of breathless feeling, let him violently bow his head, slamming...


Just now Mu Huan said that Yang Ning had something to do with her. It was just an excuse. She did not expect Yang Ning to find her.

"Would you like to join us?" What Yang Ning wanted was to find the one who attacked her and let her join them.

"What are you joining?"

"We become super Grand Theft Auto together!" Yang Conden.

Mu Huan, "..."

"Don't you think that the life of Grand Theft Auto is very exciting? You have such a skill, you don't do something meaningful, it's too wasteful!" She has such a cow's skill, but she hangs in the arms of Bo Junyan. When you are a good boy, it’s a waste!

"I don't think it's interesting." Mu Huan didn't know what Yang Ning thought, and didn't want to judge people's dreams, values, and in short, she didn't like it.

"You don't feel bad when you hear the thief. In fact, we can do something very meaningful. I told you that my original plan was..." Yang Ning was trying to talk to Mu Huan, and was given by Miyazawa. I am walking away.

"Miyazawa, what are you doing! You let me go!" Yang Ning struggled, but she simply broke away from the rule of Miyazawa.

Mu Huan, "..."

Fu Si night is not there, they are not cool, they are very happy to talk, only Gu Lingyin is sitting alone, no one asks her, she pulls her into the topic, she does not know what to say to others, Although she has seen these people several times, they are very high on her and are difficult to access.

In the whole circle, only she is an outsider, which makes her a little uncomfortable and very uncomfortable.

Probably the reason why Mu Huan once had been to her, she was not pleasing to the eye in her heart. I don’t know, how can a person like Mu Huan marry Bo Junyan, who clearly heard that she was born in Xiaojiamen.

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