The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 900: I was the chubby 4 of the year.

It’s just that the big, wealthy company is spending money to build such a huge maze for people to find stimulating, which is better, I’m afraid it’s not the case.

"If not?" Li Meng said.

"If this is not the case, we may be in trouble." Mu Huan's twilight sinks a few points, then said, "Xiao Meng, you keep up with me, no matter what happens, don't stay away from me."

"Yeah!" Li Meng immediately approached Mu Huan and grabbed her arm.

"Don't be afraid, there is me! I am best at going through the maze!" Longfei shouted.

However, the faces of both of them were filled with distrust.

Dragonfly, "..."

The characters of his dragon and grandfather are so full of no sense of existence, no light!

However, Long Feifei is not blowing. He does have some skills. After discovering that this may be a giant labyrinth, he took his experience of walking through the maze for many years and took them out of the original place to a new road. !

"How? I am amazing!" Longfei looked proud.

"Great! Great!" Li Meng gave him a lot of praise.

But Mu Huan, did not speak, she just carefully observed the situation around, it seems to be a living, but it is not like.

Before, Bo Junyan said that Mu Huan’s greatest skill should be to go to the old man who opened the pet shop next to her grandmother’s clinic. The old man is not simple. The old man is really not simple. In addition to his kung fu, he also taught Mu Huan. A lot, many things.

"Go here, we will be able to go out soon." Longfeiyi pointed in one direction.

Mu Huan carefully observed the surrounding just wanted to say, don't go forward, there may be problems in front.

Long Feiyu walked forward, and Li Meng, who felt that he really had some skills, followed Mu Huan and followed the past...

I haven't waited for Mu Huan's words to say it, and all three have fallen.

After a tumbling, they stopped and they were dark.

"Xiao Meng, how are you?" Mu Huan cares for the first time.

"Nothing big, it seems to hit the leg, it hurts, can't stand up." Li Meng said.

Mu Huan hurriedly followed her voice toward her. After touching Li Meng, she followed her leg and touched it. She squeezed her bones. "No bones were injured, it should be a skin injury."


"Where! How is this possible!" After Longfeiyi stood up, I felt that it was impossible. With his many years of experience in the labyrinth, he could not find the exit, but also the trap inside!

"This is not simply a maze, there are some other designs in it." Mu Huan said.

"What design?" Longfei squatted along their voice.

"It will not be clear to you at one and a half. In short, after the action, you will listen to me." Mu Huan said.

Dragonfly, "..."

Mu Huan groped into the darkness of her mobile phone and said, "I am going to explore the road. You stay here to take care of Xiaomeng."

"I am going to explore the road!" Longfei 霆 instinct, how should he be the boy to face the unknown danger.

"I just said that this is not just a labyrinth. It is also mixed with other designs. I understand, you don't understand. I am coming, don't mess with it, just keep it here, don't waste time." When Mu Huan said, he stood up and left. Who knows this underground trap will not be deprived of oxygen for a while.

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