When there are outsiders, Akagi will appear to be a lot "well-behaved", at least not obstructing walking with dancing.

It's just that her cheeks are slightly drunk, and she looks like she is drunk.

But after reaching people, it is not so good-looking.

It was only until the downstairs of the unit that Bai Yanxi, who supported her all the way back, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the eldest sister's body is soft, it is not weightless at all. In addition to the high temperature at night in summer, he is already sweating.

Besides, he would not take advantage of Akagi.

Leaving aside the issue of taking advantage of others' danger, who knows if she is really drunk like this.

Brother Bai can't, but that doesn't mean other people can't.

"You can really hold back." A voice that made people feel numb and numb sounded in his ears, and with this came a force that was simply irresistible.

In the next instant, he was pushed against the wall.

"Am I not beautiful, or my figure is not good enough, so you really helped me all the way back?" Sister Fox, who hasn't appeared for a long time, is not as good-tempered as Akagi Castle.

Brother Bai didn't touch her, but that didn't mean she wouldn't do something.

491. Once born, twice cooked

Why did Sister Fox appear for the first time?

If brother Bai remembers correctly, it seems that Akagi drank three or two more cups, which led to the opportunity.

This time the situation is similar.

The family drank a lot, and then he was dragged to drink for the second time.

Actually, I didn't expect this level... Besides, it's the cohabitation relationship between the admiral and the ship's mother, and it's so sad to be guarded against this and that all day long.

Therefore, in the face of this kind of face-protruding scene, Admiral Bai actually lacks similar experience.

Of course, even if you have experience, it's useless. The ship's efforts determine that in some scenarios, even if the admiral resists, it can only be said to be futile.

Just like now.

Sister Fox easily pushed her brother Bai against the wall.

He wanted to move, but his shoulders were immobilized. Although it doesn't hurt, unless you call for help from Dafeng and the girls at home, there really isn't much to do.

But if she did, it would appear that Sister Fox was too pitiful.

Seeing that her brother Bai still seemed a little dishonest, she stretched out her legs again, and her rounded knees supported his thighs.

But this contact made Akagi stunned for a moment, and then showed an ambiguous smile.

This personality brought by the infection of the deep sea is fundamentally different from the ship girl. Sister Fox and Akagi share memories and feelings, but they don't have many restrictions like Akagi.

To put it more simply, there is no sense of shame, especially when facing his younger brother Bai.

If the second time, that is, the last time, if Akagi didn't take the initiative to brake, it is estimated that this person would have been eaten and wiped clean.

Deep-sea ship girls also have a relationship of trust, but they don't value ceremony as much.

Once you get people, your heart is relatively less important.

"Your body is much more honest than your mouth." After a little touch, Sister Fox showed an ambiguous smile, and her eyes seemed to contain deadly poison.

Let people see the idea that they know it can't be done, but they can't resist the idea.

Normally, she might care about Dafeng, but now, her thinking pattern has completely changed.

You took the initiative to send your man to your door, so why can't I eat it?

The alcohol in the body has some effect on Akagi... Otherwise, the eldest sister will not let this vixen escape.

With those words on her lips, she rubbed her long legs in black stockings for a while.

She herself has no experience, and what to do in the future is all based on instinct, as well as a few books she has read and drawn.

Out of revenge, Bei Zhai actually drew quite a few books about the head of the eldest sister of the gendarmerie.

Although they were all confiscated one by one in the end, and I was severely punished, but... if you have seen it, you have seen it.

Therefore, there is still a lot of theoretical experience in Sister Fox.

"..." Brother Bai was silent for a while, ready to speak.

But she preemptively said: "If you're going to say some big truths, just turn off your voice as soon as possible."


Sister Fox shared memories and emotions with Akagi, and she knew everything about the daily interactions before.

Isn't Akagi agitated?

Of course not, it's just that Akagi perfectly suppressed it.

At the same time, she was well aware of the character of the little villain in front of her.

If he really made him talk, the ambiguous atmosphere of no one around would definitely be destroyed.

At that time, even if I wanted to do something again, I lost such interest.

Sister Fox is not the kind of girl who can be fooled.

She also knew that she might face unexpected situations if she dragged it on. "She" was just Akagi who had unlocked the limiter. If her younger sister Feng came out, would she really be able to grab it.

In order to avoid night long dreams, she took advantage of the arrogant kiss before the little villain had time to speak again.


Akagi's kiss is of course unfamiliar, even if he has theoretical experience, it is not enough to support various situations in actual combat.

For example... what if the other party refuses to open his mouth?

Tried several times, all ended in failure.

Threats are the least emotional thing to do.

Besides, the key powder depot is still being held up, and Sister Fox doesn't believe that this person has no idea at all.

The biggest advantage of cotton T-shirts is that they are loose and comfortable, even if Akagi wears a tight fit.

In addition, it was too late, the monitoring blind spot, and no one was approaching in the enemy search sensor.

Sister Fox rudely grabbed her brother Bai's hand and let him stretch in through the collar of his shirt, no matter how embarrassing Akagi would be when he woke up tomorrow.

She doesn't ask this, as long as it's cool now.

The heartbeat is faster than ever, especially after the other person's hand is covering his chest.

I said no, but I didn't eat what was delivered to my hand. Sister Fox took the initiative to open some distance, enough to see each other's cheeks.

The little villain also drank, but not as much as she did.

If you count the amount of alcohol, he is already on top.

Therefore, in the second attack, the fox spirit was not as reckless and unfamiliar as the first time. She first bit her brother Bai's neck lightly, and then licked the other's earlobe.

He spoke softly, with ambiguity: "Kiss me."

So hooking people really depends on talent.

After a long time, she finally let go of Bai Yanxi's hand, took out her phone and checked the time, it was just right.

Sister Feng had already fallen asleep by this point, and they could go back too.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Sister Fox won't let the ducks she got fly.

Just kissing can't solve her physical needs at all.

Just like the sisters used to taunt each other.

You say my body is sensitive.

Are you not?

The house was quiet, the air conditioner in the living room was turned off, and it was almost midnight.

She took out the key in a light car and opened the door, followed by her younger brother Bai who wanted to drill into her room.

How can this be done, does she really want to let her solve it by herself in the big night?

Sister Fox stretched out her hand to grab the little rascal who wanted to run away, and said softly, "Why are you so cowardly? You kissed and touched, and now you are going to run away?"

"What are you doing in your room?"

"Sleep, what else can I do, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"You lie to the ghost. If you want to simply go back to sleep, give me your cell phone." Sister Fox doesn't want to do this. Men are always less resistant than women in this regard. What was in her brother Bai's phone, even if she didn't look at it, she would know.


"Sister Feng is already asleep, but you may not feel it." She quietly stood on tiptoe, leaned over to her brother Bai Er and continued, "There is still so long in the night, we can do something more comfortable."

"Of course it won't touch the bottom line. You can use your mouth, hands, and chest. Isn't it better than yourself?"


When the sisters whispered in private, sister Feng also revealed her progress with Bai Jun.

So the fox is very clear.

Of course she doesn't care, but considering the character of the little villain and her sister Feng, this kind of rhetoric is the easiest to accept.

"You are an admiral. The usual admiral and sisters are so happy that they are dying. Why did they dawdle when they came to your side. If you really resisted, why didn't you explain it directly." Sister Fox patted her brother Bai. Back, pull him directly to his room.

Both action and speech are superb.


When he opened his eyes the next day, Akagi was standing beside the bed wearing underwear with his back to him. He lifted up his long hair that reached his lower waist, revealing a whole back without the slightest blemish.

Bai Yanxi opened his eyes and watched for a while, then realized what happened last night.

"Go take a shower when you wake up, the whole room is full of strange smells." Feeling the movement on the bed, the eldest sister said angrily. He didn't even mention what happened last night.

Saying this thing will only add to the embarrassment. She bought this wine, but she didn't expect to drink so much.

Besides, if she really didn't have any thoughts in her heart, she wouldn't be like this in the vixen mode.

Akagi sniffed his nose subconsciously. After putting on his coat, he opened the window and began to breathe. He turned around and tied the plastic bag in the trash can.

I didn't even look at this little bastard.

Only his face was a little red. After all, little sister Feng has been cultivating for several years, and she has caught up with her overnight.

"Look at what I'm doing, there's a bathroom on the master bedroom side, hurry up and take a shower, I'll get you some clothes." Akagi touched his cheek subconsciously, feeling a little hot. Glancing at the little rascal, he left the house as if he were escaping.

Only brother Bai touched his nose and glanced at Akagi's room.

This is the first time I've come in.

When he came out after taking a shower, the room was already cleaned up. The garbage bags were gone, the sheets were changed, and the quilts were neatly folded.

There is also a whole set of clean clothes on the bed, the kind that have underwear and socks.

It was still very early, and there was still more than half an hour before Richelieu woke up the second time every day, not to mention Da Fengfeng, who only woke up three poles in the sun.

As for Saratoga, and the little girl blowing snow, he is a little unclear.

When I came to the living room, the eldest sister, who had already washed up, was busy with breakfast in the kitchen.

Today, she can be relatively leisurely, because neither her younger sister Feng nor her younger brother Bai have told her about the Xuefeng Steamed Bun Shop at the gate of the community.

Say you want to eat some.

It's just that the bad phoenix is ​​hiding evil intentions, while the admiral Bai is simply recruited by the other side for business.

"Good morning." He greeted Akagi.


As a result, the other party was silent, as if he hadn't heard, and was still busy in the kitchen.

Didn't even bother to look back.

He came to the living room, took out from under the coffee table the tea that the elder sister liked to drink on weekdays, and made a cup.

"I made you some tea, come and take a rest?"

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