Dongmen Jiebing was covered in injuries, but he was heroic, his face was intact, and he was majestic. He waved his hand and said:"Teachers above, brothers above, Dongmen Jiebing deserves to be ashamed. I am just a drop in the ocean. , a drop in the bucket, just like a little ant, no need to be deified! Under the guidance of the seniors, and with the hard work of thousands of brothers who shed blood and sweat, the construction of Luban City went smoothly. Unfortunately, a fire broke out, burning the sky and the earth. Mansion, I hope you will calm down, take the overall situation into consideration, and take the prosperity of the city to benefit the people as your highest purpose! Don’t be impulsive and don’t make enemies with the Great Simon and the Second Simon!"

He also said:"Brothers and disciples, we are in the same boat and follow Immortal Master Lu Ban. Secretly passed down skills, framed the right path, built cities according to nature, cultivated good buildings, obeyed the laws of heaven above, followed the ancestors below, benevolent and virtuous, gathered relatives and raised families, sweated and shed blood, dedicated themselves to the people, cultivated righteousness, and advocated good deeds. To make the people rich and the country strong, add bricks and tiles. The spirit of the Immortal Master Lu Ban in heaven must see: the master and apprentice of the successors will make great achievements, swear to be public, be upright and upright, create wealth in the world, make every waste prosper, turn decay into magic, and turn conflicts into jade and silk."

Also. He shouted:"Immortal Master Lu Ban is in heaven, fellow craftsmen, heaven has entrusted us with great responsibilities! No matter how rough Ximen Tian and Ximen land are, the general trend is unstoppable. Those who obey the people's hearts will prosper, and those who lose the people's hearts will perish! Fire! After that, the city must be built, the houses must be repaired, and tens of millions of huge buildings must be installed to make the people of the world happy. It is imperative! Winter is approaching, and the construction has lasted for several months. In the next half year, Lubanqi City will be completed It was built with meticulous workmanship from top to bottom to benefit future generations."

Thousands of skilled carpenters shouted"Long live Luban" and stood up after paying their respects. It was bustling, bustling, talking, and excited, and everyone was involved in the construction of civil engineering buildings in Lubanqi City.

Luban City is divided into an upper city and an underground city. It is known as Shuntian City. It covers an area of ​​30 million square feet and has hundreds of circular and oval foundations, which are respectively connected with 332 stars and constellations. Officials correspond one to one. The internal and external design includes China's mountains and rivers, palaces and gardens, pavilions and towers, various social industries, and various aspects of daily life... Those star towers also echo the legendary realm of Lu Ban's mythology.

Lubanqi City is located on the south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There is a"Golden Statue of Lu Ban" standing in the center of the Immortal Master City of Heaven and Earth. Legend has it that the golden statue of Luban was 1.8 feet tall and majestic. Whenever Luban's birthday, tens of thousands of craftsmen worshiped it for three days and stopped all construction.

In Lubanqi City, there is a Luban high platform, which can be used for stargazing, worshiping stars and astrology. The most exquisite pottery, bronzes, porcelain, especially finely carved woodware and Luban utensils from all generations are used in grand ceremonies.

Luban's above-ground and underground city is a huge and meticulous unique construction project in the country. There are many types of roof shapes for wooden buildings, each representing a certain level. The Qidian style is the highest-level top-to-top shape, with four slopes in front, back, left, and right, leading to the Wujidian or Wudian. The structure of such a grand building is not necessarily the most complex, and its shape is generally neutral, peaceful, and magnificent.

Dongmen Jiebing followed the"Secret Notes of the Luban Sutra" that Ximenhua had memorized, and asked her to write it down and draw detailed pictures. Dongzi made single slopes, flat roofs, enclosed roofs, hard hills, and wind volcanic walls according to the secrets of Lu Ban. Round cusp, helmet top, triangle cusp, four-corner cusp, fan surface, octagonal cusp, etc.

The artistic architecture of the Luban Ancestral Hall is mainly reflected in the enclosed houses, especially in the construction of the wedge hall with the"国" shape. Dongmen Jie Bing ordered that he use his best wood qualifications and exquisite craftsmanship to go into decoration processing.

Before the beam is put on the beam, there must be a prayer, and the memorial tablets of the Three Realms Landlords and the Immortal Master Lu Ban are placed high on the beam. Generally, on an auspicious day, when the sky and earth are fine, five sticks of incense are lit on the golden incense burner. The craftsmen prostrate themselves in front of the shrine and worship devoutly as the person to perform this month and this day is naturally Dongmen Jiebing.

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