The heroes will approach. The"Hero Post" issued by the martial arts great sage Gu Songzi has been sent to the leaders of various sects in the world one after another. However, the original location, Lushan, has been seized by Duracell. If the location is not changed, it will bring about a bloody storm. The ancient master Huang Zhenren had to make a second post, relocating the once-a-decade martial arts meeting to Huangshan.

Taihu Lake Lord Yu'er felt particularly strange after receiving the second post. At this moment, the messenger who delivered the post stabbed Yu'er with a dagger. Fortunately, Yu'er dodged very quickly and was able to put the hand of the messenger under the sword. Unexpectedly, the man wiped Yu'er's Qinglong Sword blade on his neck and committed suicide. Yu'er was unable to get a confession and felt uneasy. The assassination shocked Taihu Lake.

Mother Shui Lian was even more frightened. These days, Yu'er has been inseparable. Guard him and don't allow him to leave even half a step. Xingzi had no choice but to come to accompany Yu'er and persuade him not to be impatient for the time being, so as not to make my mother angry. At this moment, in the simple residence of the Holy Trinity, Yu'er's father arrived. The Shui clan knew everything about the siege and counter-siege of"Ye Hua Lou", and kept scolding White-Eyed Wolf for helping the Shang Dynasty. It was supposed that he could kill public enemies with one sword, but Bai Nianlang was able to defeat him.

Hong Xingzi advised:"Mom, don't be angry... Besides, Yu'er can't live without his father. Bad people can also be reborn and change their minds... Cut off the ugly tail, bad people can become good people, and the family will be reunited, and everyone will be happy." He said angrily:"I can't be happy! My old lady is a human being, how can I be reunited with this old man with a wolf-like heart and a dog-like heart? Even if his tail is cut off, he is still a white-eyed wolf. He turns his face and refuses to recognize anyone! He actually tried his wife and children in the court, and wronged a good man. , became a big joke in the world. Now, not only people inside and outside Suzhou know about it, but the embarrassing news has spread all over the world. It is easy to change the country, but it is hard to change the nature! Everyone is scolding him, he has become a mouse crossing the street, everyone is shouting for beating. Rain. Son, if you want to recognize your father, go ahead and recognize him! Your mother and he are inseparable!"

Yu'er said:"Mom, don't be angry, you have to take care... Alas, who met"Ye Hua Lou" Father's affairs are passed on to mother!" Shui said sternly:"Can the fire be contained in the paper? Son, do you still want to keep me in the dark?" Yu'er only said:"Mother, I don't dare.." Xingzi harmoniously said:"Mom, drink tea quickly... This is the first-class Longjing tea, try it." He beat his back and patted his old mother's body. He was so obedient and gentle, which made his mother amused. Where is the energy?

Shui said:"Xingzi is a good girl, please hurry up and arrange your marriage. The last time I got seriously ill, it was also caused by the old woman who was angry with me. I was anemic, but I got better later, and then I heard that it was Yu'er who used the sword to He cut off his arm and poured the blood into the food for me to eat, so that he could replenish the blood deficiency. Oh, silly boy, you young people, I am old and have lived enough, how can I use your blood to make up for my mother? I shed blood for this There were a lot of tears. Yu'er is filial to mother, and Xingzi is also filial, sensible, upright and chaste. It's hard to find someone in the world. Once you get married, mother will feel relieved."

Yu'er said:"Mother, you After suffering so much, so many sins... Now, all businesses in the Taihu Gang are prosperous, and they are enjoying peace and happiness in this village of plenty; living in this paradise for twenty or thirty years... The child has no regrets. His mother said:"Twenty or thirty years later, when I think of that Bai Nianlang colluding with Duracell to imprison me in the Suzhou Yamen heart is as sharp as a knife...that resentful family! Now it's gone again." As Duracell's lackey, he will die a good death! I don't want to see this scene. Leave as soon as possible to avoid being a pissed off person!"

Xingzi said cleverly,"Mom, Duracell is like a rabbit with a tail that can't grow! He has those five The capable generals: Bai Niaojin, Zhai Jinyan, Chang Jinzui, Eugene Shou, Feijinji... are all dead, leaving only his father and son. When Dongting Lake is recovered and Tianhonghui is revived, they will Only when my mother goes to Dongting Lake can my daughter realize her wish." When her mother heard this, she was very happy and stopped shouting and fussing.

Yu'er got into the kitchen early and saw that Xiao Goose was busy happily. After steaming a cage of meat buns, she just opened the lid and turned off the fire. Yu'er was busy picking up the hot buns into a large sieve, and filled more than ten of them in large basins and small bowls. She brought them into the main room, put them on the table, and said:"Come on, mother, Xingzi, eat quickly... little Goose, come and eat too."

The little goose came out, and the four of them happened to sit at the same table. They ate and the flowers bloomed, and everyone praised the little goose for its good craftsmanship. Xingzi said while eating:"It smells so good. Thanks to the little goose for taking care of its mother, the little goose needs to eat more meat buns." The little goose said:"Eat quickly, come here." Pass a big bun to Yu'er. Mother. Shui said:"I didn't expect that I would be a beggar and have such a blessing. If God didn't kill me...I would many times would I die?"……"She counted on her fingers and said:"Hey, I've died a total of thirty-three times... I haven't died yet. I always miss my son... My old lady wants to see her son get married and give birth to a grandson. If I die, I won't die either. I'll die with my eyes closed." They all rejoiced and ate happily.

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