Liu Tiejun held the glass of wine in his hand, staring at it admiringly, and said:"Haha, this glass of wine is unusual. When you see the wine of Dark Arrow, drinking it will strengthen your courage!" After that, he raised his head and drank it all.

Suddenly, the big candle light in the inn went out and it was dark. Several black shadows flashed in a frightening way.

Someone shouted sharply:"Who is that?!"

A black shadow fell rapidly in the sky, stealing people's souls, and hissed:"Hush! It's a fellow traveler! It's the Jinding of the East Sky who defected to the heroes, what a fuss!"

Suddenly there was a sword fight. , someone said in a cold voice:"Want to kill me?! Want to silence me? Or kill me and win the crown of heroes!"

Another voice was even more angry and said sternly:"Hey! Kill you! ? It’s a waste of grandpa’s true energy! Go away! Bitch!"

Among the ghostly figures, someone sighed and sighed:"The words are like a bell, otherworldly, and fluttering like an immortal, haha, that’s right! Brothers, please stop. Nervous, I went to a gathering of heroes, and all of them were influenced by Master Gu’s posts. They are not people who can eat people without spitting out their bones!"

"Ding ding - bang bang","Swish-swish."The swords were already shooting out bursts of sparks. A rough voice shouted:"Thieves have their own way, and officials have their own way. This is the path of chivalry, get out of here!"

After a crisp sound of weapons clashing, a female voice shouted:"The road is open. Go to the sky, each side! Hang on to me and seek death!" There was another ping-ping-ping-pong-pong.

Suddenly, someone climbed over the house and spiraled down the ridge, saying obscene words:"Little girls, for ten taels of silver a night, do you want to do it?!?"

The female voice cursed angrily:"Pervert! Pervert! I've cut off two ghost heads with this sword! Do you want to cremate those ghost heads of yours too!" A burst of laughter spread.

A sword energy picked up a wisp of strong wind, and a stern voice came:"Huangshan Inn! It's not peaceful either, who is provoking you! I've been tired all the way, and I can't rest at ease. It's a human or a ghost, come out."!"

"Du, duh, dun!" There was a knock on the door, and a flashing sword was placed on a person's neck, and he said sternly:"Bah! People in the light don't do secret things! What kind of thing are you! You are not even as good as a little girl, and you are bragging about yourself!"

The man said:"This hero never does anything secret! He is mentally ill! The hero has drank the water of the Milky Way. A glass of wine will instantly dilute right and wrong! Haha!——"After saying that, he raised his head to drink, and smashed the cup with a bang, causing the powder to fly out.

Someone asserted:"The little overlord Wang Jinxing put out the lights and it was dark. He was doing evil things in secret! Brothers, don't be suspicious!"

Suddenly there was a sound of"Totototo!" hitting and fighting with knives and sticks, and another"Ouch!" There was a sound, and someone said:"Which good brother has the medicine for golden sores?" Another voice came:"Well, this is the 'magic medicine for golden sores', it is valuable." The tone just now said again:"The medicine for golden sores from the gods? Prescribe it? What's the price? Hurry, help is urgent."

"No money! Here you go! Go on!" A pack of medicine was thrown into the darkness.

Someone warned:"There will be a bloody disaster tonight, who is causing trouble?!?"

Suddenly, a row of torches and knights rushed in, driving away the darkness from the inn. There was still a lot of discussion in the shimmering light. One wave is not over, another wave is rising...

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