The following year, a major flood occurred in Qizhou, with huge waves. There is a poem to prove it: the yellow sand was built into a dike to prevent flooding.

The wild waves in autumn are coming, and the waves are even more unprecedented.

I used to be busy and toiled for a thousand days.

There are women, old and young, and the sweat is almost dry.

Where is Changba now? Like smoke on the ground.

Stopping floods with sand is like extinguishing a volcano with oil.

Cut off the flow of water with a knife, and the flow will become more joyful.

Drinking wine relieves the people's worries, and the worries become even greater and boundless.

What a fool, Master! Stupid between heaven and earth.

The torrent was ruthless, houses collapsed, and there were countless casualties. After the flood, the plague spread, spreading from person to person, and some whole families died.

Li Shizhen treated patients day and night in the medicine hall. His medical skills were superb, but once, he fainted from exhaustion and fell unconscious. Li Shizhen took the lead, treated patients, and supported herself independently.

Shui Guizi and Axiang also came to help. Li Shizhen asked them to purchase large quantities of Coptis chinensis and other medicinal herbs, set up a large pot, boil them into potions, and provide them to the people for drinking without charging a penny.

From then on, anyone who drank the potion would be free from plague. Once it spreads to ten, then spreads it to hundreds. After it becomes a household name, thousands of people come to ask for it.Drink water and the epidemic will end soon.

The common people called the large pot of potion"holy water" and told everyone about it, passing it on to each other among their relatives and friends. Li Shizhen is said to be a"miraculous doctor"",""God" has become famous far and wide.

Li Shizhen was determined to revise the old Materia Medica and write a new set of comprehensive and true pharmacological works to benefit the world's health at the cost of his life. One day, Li Shizhen carried herbal medicine home, and his wife Mrs. Wu took the basket and put it down, saying,"Oh, a few medicine-catchers came just now, and they didn't even have to cook a meal for you... Just rest for now, I'll go and cook for you.""

Li Shizhen fell on the bed so tired, snoring loudly.

He was dreaming in a trance. He dreamed that he was carrying a basket full of flower and butterfly herbs, and the basket was as big as a mountain. Li Shizhen was climbing the mountain, climbing and climbing...... Tired and sweating profusely, he thought to himself:"Hey, if you can fly over the mountain below, you can collect life-saving medicine."

Suddenly, the backpack on Li Shizhen's back really started to fly. He flew from one dangerous peak to another like a cloud and mist. When he saw the life-saving medicine he had collected - Ruyi Ginseng, he shouted in surprise:"Ah... Ruyi Ginseng... Life-saving ginseng...I found the life-saving medicine……"

Li Shizhen hurriedly dug ginseng. Suddenly, I felt myself falling off the cliff. When I woke up, I was lying on the bed, sweating profusely.

The wife brought the food and put it on the table and called out urgently:"What's wrong? Oh, are you sick?"

Li Shizhen struggled to get up and recalled:"I... where is the life-saving medicine I dug up?"

Wu said:"There... Isn't it in the backpack?"

Li Shizhen said:"No... no... there is no life-saving ginseng in the backpack. It turns out... I was dreaming."

His wife asked:"What dream did you have?"

Li Shizhen said Zhen said:"I dreamed...I dreamed that I could fly...over the mountain peaks and found Ruyi Ginseng."

The wife scolded:"Hey, you will tire yourself to death if you do this. Stop going up the mountain to collect medicine."!"

Li Shizhen said firmly:"No! I still have to go. What does it matter if I die! To write new herbal medicine... my death will bring more people new lives."

Wu was moved to tears...

The poem says:

The world is confused and it is difficult to find a way, but for the people, I have to survive nine deaths.

Sweat, tears and blood will plant a tree of virtue and goodness.

Stop being frightened by nightmares and travel thousands of miles, but take one step without selfishness.

Physicians are better than Da Luoxian, and their works on traditional Chinese medicine have been passed down through the ages.

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