Li Shizhen often said: When a person encounters a desperate situation, he will achieve great enlightenment. It is destiny to fulfill your destiny and live up to the world


The brave man in the feature film Big Sword was shocked and said:"Huh! It turns out it's a woman with three smiles. A dog catches a mouse and meddles in other people's business! I don't recognize anyone in the world." Fan Lizheng winked again, and Qingqing took a step back, holding her sword to protect Li Shizhen. Retreat into the shade. Li Shizhen stretched out her hands and said:"It's easy to say nice things, but you are not allowed to fight, kill or injure me! I hate violence! I hate violence!"

Fan Li was fighting against the reckless man. She saw Qingqing's benefactor hiding far away, and the three girls He also detained Wang Yangshan and his wife, the liar Hengjian, who played the double act. Shao Jianfeng pointed at the big man and said sternly:"Hmph! Your name is Wan Daofeng! I've heard of your name in the world for a long time! You specialize in eating two-moon buns! Eat gangsters! When you see money, you are actually a well-known vanguard!"

Wan Daofeng! When Feng heard this, he was furious and extremely angry, saying:"Hey! Who is right and who is wrong! Only by killing each other, the winner will be determined! Let's die quickly! You stinky woman!"

A very narrow path like a single-plank bridge, with two sides. It's a steep slope, and you'll be shattered if you fall. The two of them started fighting on the path with swords and swords. Wan Daofeng's"long sword reaches the sky", Yueshangxiao's"laughing sword sweeps the leaves"; Nao's"ten thousand swords are like a net", and Fan Lizheng is another"Weaver Girl throwing shuttle". The female laughing hero uses the"laughing and falling leaves" style to fight against the"dragon coming out of the water" style; uses the"left and right sweeping thousands of troops" style to fight against the"left and right splitting Huashan" style; and uses the"meteor chasing the moon" style to chase after the"fish leaping over the dragon's gate" style..

Yue Shangxiao has a series of"Laughing Sword" techniques, which appear to be soft but are actually strong; appear to be straight but are actually curved; they may appear to be weak but are actually twice as powerful. Among the three laughing girls, only the eldest Yue Shangxiao’s"Laughing Sword" is so unique that no one can beat her.

I saw Fan Li making a circle in the laughing sword style, the silver light formed an arc, and she was invulnerable. In an instant, the sword was as fast as lightning, as if one sword turned into hundreds of swords. The sword style of Wan Daofeng is treacherous and powerful, slashing across the air with a fierce steel blade."Chi chi chi - porphy porphyrin""dang dang dang - whizzing", the sound shook the mountain.

In the wild forest, Li Shizhen asked Qingqing to give way, and said sternly:"Get out of the way! I'm going to make peace with you!" But Qingqing blocked the way with his sword and even said loudly:"Don't go! Otherwise, my benefactor will be injured, and I won't let you go." Easy to explain." Li Shizhen was anxious and rushed over. Na Yue Zhongxiao held the scabbard with his other hand, held it flat on the big tree, and blocked the way, saying:"You can't go! Master, you absolutely can't go!" Li Shizhen said angrily:"Quickly give up! I don't want this doctor to bleed to death.! Human life is at stake! Don't let them fight to the death!" Wherever Qingqing was willing to give in, she put on her flower skirt and blocked a small road, saying sternly:"I can't give way even if I die! If this girl turns her face, she won't recognize anyone!"Li Shizhen said:"Qingqing, do you want to make way for someone who has been killed?!" Qingqingxiu's face was as solid as stone, and she said sternly:"The one who deserves to die must not live! The one who deserves to live must not die! That guy deserves to be killed and beheaded. It’s time to get rid of these liars and scoundrels, kill one and lose one, kill two and lose a pair, so as not to harm others again!" There was a sudden"hoo la la" sound, and the two of them thought a small wild thing fell from the tree. But there were bloodstains everywhere, and the thing fell down and died without any movement. Qingqing used her sword to open up the grass, and Li Shizhen was shocked:"Ah - it's a hand... the hand was cut off... another person is going to die, this is not a big deal."

Li Shizhen stepped forward and picked up the hand that was still microscopic. With trembling fingers and bloody palms, Qingqing turned around and blocked him with the sheath, saying sternly:"Stop! What's the fuss about? He deserves to be chopped into pieces with ten thousand knives."

Li Shizhen looked at it The blood on the palm was still dripping, so he didn't care too much, so he gathered his two fingers and quickly touched the green"Tiantu point" and then the"Tanzhong point". Yue Zhongxiao couldn't move, he was fixed there. Li Shizhen was afraid that she would fall down the slope, so he moved her and leaned her against a pine tree.

Li Shizhen hurriedly picked up the bloody palm from the grass, thinking to herself:"Oh, how cruel! It was cut off two inches from the wrist... hurry up, it's still early." Then he hurried down the forest slope and came to the killing place. I saw Wan Daofeng's broken left hand, wrapped in his clothes, gnashing his teeth, grabbing his right hand and wielding a long blade, and still fighting with Fan Lizheng, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

Li Shizhen stepped forward and said,"Miss Xiaoxiao, stop it! Don't hit me! Stop it!"

Yue Shangxiao hit her hard, the sword was laughing, and she was laughing too. Laughter can also confuse the opponent, disrupt the opponent's moves, and paralyze the opponent's thoughts. This is also the unique and outstanding feature of"Laughing Sword". It's exactly that: the laughing sword fights loudly, the crisp sound and the cool sound are like stars.

It looks like a flower holding a sword, numbing the opponent's heart and weakening it.

The enemy's steps are confused and chaotic, as if they are in a dream and it is difficult to perform.

If the three swords and three smiles are combined into one, the hero will be frightened to death.

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