Hua Tuo's famous saying: Heaven belongs to Yang; Earth belongs to Yin. Yang is the foundation of life; Yin is the foundation of death. Between heaven and earth, yin and yang assist people. Those who get its Yang will live, those who get its Yin will die.


Qingqing said sternly:"Sister, we need someone to protect our benefactors from going down the mountain, so we can fight with them!" Shangguan Jian covered the wound with one hand and said bluntly:"Miss Qingqing, Miss Liu, you two sisters will protect our benefactors from going down the mountain. I will join hands with Sister Fan." , kill them all too!"

The poisonous bat laughed wildly and said:"Hehe, hahaha... what nonsense are you bragging! Shangguan boy, I have known your ghost son for a long time! At that time, you smelled too much, otherwise, my gang leader I should have cut you open a long time ago! Now, you come here and kill another of my disciples. Seven or eight people were injured. We have to fight with our lives!"

Li Shizhen said sternly:"No more killings! It's only right to be ashamed of violence.! One person was killed on both sides, so it’s a tie. Besides, there are injured on both sides. Treating injuries is what this doctor is good at. Once the injuries are cured, it’s not too late to discuss the matter."

Let’s see how the poisonous bat fares in detail. But see: the devil's bone face is red and the hair is standing up, and the ghost's red mouth and fangs are curved upward.

There were a few messy black hairs on his chest, and his eyes were blood red as if he were eating people.

The gang leader Yu Wenquan was not willing to listen. He shook the bloody sword in his hand and sneered:"Hey, what theory - theory! Winning the fight, killing the most, and getting rich are the principles of the world. The world is big and the earth is big. , not as big as me! I'm trying to reason with you, I'm so full that I'm so full. Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After that, the injured person retreated a few feet away, while the uninjured person had a dozen or so bat killers flying in the air like black crows. They all gathered around. Chi chi chi - porphy porphyrin, bang bang bang bang, the sand and rocks were flying, and the green leaves were all over the sky.

Among the two girls, Miss Liu has been injured. Zhijian is protecting Li Shizhen, and Qingqing is protecting them both, and they still have to face the cruel killer. The nine-section whip was fierce, and it was a sharp weapon used by the two black bats to kill people. It was like lightning whirling around, disappearing without a trace, and Qingqing received another whip on his back.

When the battle was in full swing, the seven or eight injured killers of the Bat Gang kept moaning:"Ouch, it hurts like hell...ahhh...god kill me too."……"Some grinned, twisted their faces and groaned:"Master of the gang... I'm going to kill my disciples with pain... Don't kill the doctor."……"

"Gang leader, grab the doctor and stop the bleeding for the hurts me to death...hurry up……"

"Lord Yuwen, kill! Only the doctor was left, and the rest were killed to avenge the blood of the brothers.——"

"Bat Emperor, please show mercy... pull the doctor to treat the injury first. If you don't last more than one stick of incense, my blood will bleed out."

Leader Yuwen's nose was raised, he was moving with great force, his sword blade was spinning with great power, and he separated the two swords of Shangguan Sword and Yue Shangxiao, which were carrying great strength. He then slapped him ten feet high and flipped over from the top of his head. In an instant, he put the sharp blade on Li Shizhen's neck, frowned, and said coldly:"Step back three feet! quick! Otherwise, cut off his medical head with a sword!"Qingqing and Liu Fenshu also felt that they had made a mistake, but it was too late.

Shangguanjian and Yueshangxiao were sad, and secretly ashamed in their hearts: Why were they so sloppy and let Poison Bat take advantage of the loophole. Shangguanjian and Yueshangxiao were about to double The swords struck forward, and he immediately stopped his feet. He turned his sword horizontally and took a few steps back.

The leader of the Poison Gang scolded:"Back off again!" If you can't retreat more than three feet, I will cut him in two with one sword! Shangguan Jian stretched out his hands and said,"Don't break it...I'll retreat...three feet away...four feet as you long as my benefactor remains, I would rather retreat for him."……"

The leader of the Bat Gang kills people like crazy, and everyone in the world knows it. Yue Shangxiao couldn't help but be frightened. She was afraid that Li Engong would make a mistake. If something unexpected happened, it would be really serious. His tone softened and he tsked:"Clan leader Yuwen, don't kill Dr. Li... He is an innocent doctor, and we are the enemies... It has nothing to do with him... It has nothing to do with him……"

The leader of the Poison Gang gritted his teeth and was arrogant. He glared coldly and said with a sinister smile:"Hehe, you are all scared... I want to kill him easily. With just one click, his head falls to the ground... Quickly retreat... Three Anything more than ten feet away... give me back!"

The last sentence was like thunder, and his cold eyes were like fire and lightning, glancing at Qingqing and Yuexiaxiao who had not taken a few steps back. The two of them saw their eldest sister Yueshang's smiling eyes, and then they kept leaping and retreated three feet away.


Hua Tuo's famous saying: Superior medicine heals the country, traditional Chinese medicine heals people, and inferior medicine heals diseases.

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