Li Shizhen's famous saying: The body is like a boat against the current, and the heart is stronger than iron and stone. I hope my father will have my whole son's aspirations, and I will not be afraid of difficulties until death.


Li Shizhen walked steadily and stared:"It's better to be able to spit it out than not to be able to spit it out. Don't worry. Phew, your bride is so beautiful. I've seen her before. I think you are lucky to be a man on the water, and you will have good luck. Ah Xiang can't die!"

Shui Guizi was teased by Master Li, and then he calmed down and let out the anger he was holding in his chest. He took a long breath and said:"Hey...if she dies, I want to go into the coffin with her. I like her endlessly...I always take the lead, always take the lead. What an old bastard! The old bastard killed my wife, and I You have to kill that old beast first, and then I and Axiang will enter the coffin together!"

Li Shizhen looked at the setting sun like blood, and thought of Axiang with red cheeks, and said:"Axiang is not the kind of beautiful girl with a bad fate, how can you You can think of killing people! Axiang is innocent, how can you, a manly man, be evil!"

Upon hearing this, Shui Guizi showed respect on his miserable face and said,"Sir, you have great views. What Wan Sheng said just now is nothing but anger. Talk."

Li Shizhen looked solemn and calm, and said as he ran quickly:"Hurry! Hurry up a little bit, and I'll get to your house before dark." Shui Guizi only nodded, and the two of them sped up as fast as they could run.

After walking for thirty miles, we arrived at Shui Guizi's house. Li Shizhen rushed into the simple thatched house, and without saying a word, Li Shizhen went to Axiang's bed to check her appearance. Seeing that her face was ashen, she was in a trance, struggling to die, her mouth was dry and her lips were cracked. The half-dead person let out a low moan:"Ouch... Ouch... I can't live anymore... The water is expensive... I'm about to die....I can't even open my eyes... If I could open my eyes and look at you again, I would be willing to die.……"

Shui Guizi put down the medicine box and stepped forward to grab Axiang's hands. Porphyrus Bean's big tears fell on the back of Axiang's hands and cried tremblingly:"Axiang... you can't die! You won't die... I'll give it to you." Here comes Dr. Li, he can take good care of your disease."

Suddenly, Axiang said,"Wow.——"With a loud sound, he spit out a puddle of filth, was out of breath, passed out, and fell unconscious. Li Shizhen hurriedly took his pulse with his wrist, smiled after taking the pulse, and sighed sadly:"It's easy to cure, but life is very stubborn, how can you just die if you die."

Shui Guizi handed over Cong Zhongyun's prescription. Master Li took a look at it and said:" I said that the old leader did not prescribe the wrong prescription, and it was indeed good. However, we have to check it carefully." Li Shizhen took out a blank prescription paper from his pocket and said,"I have paper and ink here...prescribe some medicine. , hurry up and cook the medicine."

Li Shizhen practiced medicine conscientiously and meticulously. Originally, he could just grab a few medicines from the medicine box, but he had to follow the procedures and not be sloppy. I prescribed seven medicines, reviewed them carefully three times, changed one medicine, and then took the medicine from the small medicine box according to my own prescription. If one thing is gone, replace it with another. The big bowl Shui Guizi brought was only half full.

Shui Guizi asked doubtfully:"Just this little medicine? Can it work?"

Li Shizhen said in a deep voice:"The mountain is not as high as the water, the water is not as deep as the water, and the medicine is not as abundant as it is! A spoonful of medicine is used for the purpose. It can also save lives."

After the medicine is cooked, the cool breeze will warm it up. Shui Guizi fed Axiang into his mouth with a small spoon. Li Shizhen wanted to leave, but felt it was inappropriate. Looking at the dark sky, I felt a little anxious, but I calmed down. He saw that Axiang didn't feel much relieved and was still moaning, feeling a little ashamed of himself.

Li Shizhen knocked on his forehead and asked,"Shui Guizi, are the dregs of the medicine that Dr. Cong paid for... still there?"

Shui Guizi said,"It fell on the edge of the yard. I haven't had time to clean it up yet."

Li Shizhen said anxiously,"Quickly. , light the lamp and check."

Shui Guizi took the small oil lamp and went to check with Li Shizhen, and saw that Ji had thrown away the pile of medicine. The wind blows out the lamp from time to time, extinguishes it and lights it again. Li Shizhen checked the medicine prescriptions and searched again and again, but did not find the medicine"Leaky Basket" in the medicine bag. Instead, she found a medicine that was not on the prescription:"Tiger Palm" (the leaves of Aracenia).

Li Shizhen was shocked:"Ah - I grabbed the wrong medicine! It turned out that the drug store mistakenly picked 'leaky basket' as 'tiger paw'. Tiger paw is very poisonous.""


《"Gui Cao Gang Mu" All diseases accumulate, all originating from deficiency, and deficiency causes all kinds of diseases——Li Shizhen

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