(11) Exploring the Treasure Code and Decisive Battle in Baihua Valley

Chapter 70: Luban Flying City

Dongmen Jiebing obtained the four treasures of Luban's relics:"Secret Code, True Ruler, Axe, and Pusher". Along the way with Hua'er, they worshiped the spirit of the great sage and immortal master Lu Ban in heaven three times. Although they were overjoyed, they felt sad at the same time. The two of them discussed: quit the world of fighting and killing! Dongzi decided to survive as a carpenter, and Ximenhua planned to weave and spend happy days with him. This is a great joy, but the sad thing is that Dongzi's parents are still missing, and they can't even find their graves, which makes them sad again.

Dongzi didn't stop practicing. The real ruler, axe, and pusher were playing smoothly in his hands, making the sound of steel blades and electric wind. He often sticks to the light of his axe, causing a big shock with one blow, and performs several moves to create a whirlwind. Fengpai Luban's real ruler can measure wood as fast as lightning. Leaping and pushing the wood, he was born out of the sky. With sufficient internal strength, he used an ax with one hand and a pusher with the other, performing tricks in the air, his bright eyes shining, and he worked happily.

Ximen Hua is weaving and refining her craft, her strength goes smoothly, the machine whines, she can't stop being idle, and the young couple leads a sweet life. Hua'er also learned the art of cooking and had good skills in making delicious dishes. Dongmen Jiebing saw the endless flow of flowers and weaving shuttles, and suddenly thought of the Weaver Girl descending to the earth, and she often made metaphors in her heart, secretly comparing herself to the Cowherd.

Hua'er was originally a daughter of the scholarly Jianmen family. She had read the golden book"Lu Ban Bao Dian", a total of thirty-six pages, and had memorized it like a stream. She often read to Dongzi:"Dian Liang Yi Zong"》,《Liang Yi Zong》,《Door opening size》,《Ruler on the moon》,《Standing horse method》,《Five-frame house grid》,《Drag three aircraft method》,《Seven shelves and three compartments》,《Zhengwujiajiujiantang》,《Build a gate tower》,《Hiding method》,《The secret of true ruler》……

Dongmen Jie Bing pondered over it one by one, looked at the diagrams in the book, and studied the art diligently.

In Muxiang Town, six hundred miles away from Luban City, Dongzi and Huaer learned their unique skills and became famous in one fell swoop. The momentum could not be suppressed, and it was spread from one to ten, and from ten to hundreds. When craftsmen in thousands of miles around heard his name, they were filled with admiration like thunder piercing their ears.

Ximenhua loves embroidery, and she embroidered a"Colorful Dream City", which Dongzi called"Luban Flying City". Look at the exquisite city, which is unparalleled. It looks like clouds are floating on the sea, and it is full of energy. It is eye-opening and intoxicating. Dongmen Jiebing named it"Luban Flying City" and used the skills of craftsmen to create a trial model, which can be described as a miraculous feat.…………

《The wonderful divine words and fairy tales of"Lu Ban Fei Cheng" have been legends for thousands of years, and it is not that the writing of"The Light of Fireflies" is unknown. Note to viewers, Dongzi Huaer did indeed become prosperous back then. There are long queues for door-to-door buyers. They pay a deposit first and have to pick it up six months later.

Dongzi flowers are booming and happy. But there are also jealous villains who secretly attack. As the saying goes, those who work with you are enemies, and it is true. Rumors spread that the"Sky Tower" in Muxiang Town was a"fake idea".","daydreaming",""Tianfang Yetan". The bad words said to Dongmen Jie Bing"got into trouble"","A blind man lights a lamp and boils oil in vain","Mental illness," and so on.

Ximen is good at playing music, playing chess, calligraphy and painting, playing music, singing and dancing. Dongmen is clear and dazzling with flowers, and the music is elegant. I can't help but be happy and laugh. I am really happy, and I am as happy as heaven and earth. Generally speaking.

However, good flowers don’t always bloom and good times don’t always last. In one case, the Tsing Yi killer invaded at night; in the second case, Ximen sent warriors to force Ximen Hua to return home; in the third case, Ximen Tian personally led his minions to recruit hundreds of swordsmen. , besieged Muxiang Tower for three days and three nights, and were defeated by Dongzi's three treasures: axe, pusher, and Luban iron ruler.

Dongmen Jiebing and Ximenhua implicated the folks of Muxiang Town, so they He took out 20,000 taels of silver and distributed it generously to the people. The hard-earned money for more than two years was used to help the people, and was deeply loved by thousands of households in Muxiang Town. On this day,

Dongzi and Hua'er packed her bags, prepared her equipment, tied up her clothes and armor, made a wish, and hurriedly said goodbye to her fellow villagers in the town with tears. The two of them rode a black iron horse and galloped out of the village like arrows to find another place to settle down.

They hurried towards Baihua Valley. Dongzi wanted to find Gaoshanhan again and had high hopes of finding his parents' graves. On the way, he suddenly remembered the"Secret Book of Luban Sutra". The two of them looked around, but the golden book"Luban Baocan" was missing. 》, panicked for a moment.

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