Gao Shanhan said:"You and I, there is only love, no resentment, how beautiful it is!"

Zhuge Yunxian said,"Without hatred, we can't be father and son! Without hatred, we can't be husband and wife!"

Gao Shanhan recalled:"It is said that twenty years ago, Dongmen De was almost killed. The torrent washed away, and suddenly, a Luban boat appeared and rescued him... Another time, Dongmende encountered an unprecedented fire in Luban City... The Luban Gate automatically opened again, and the flood put out the Qingcheng Catching Sky Fire, and again He was saved from death... Are these legends true?"

Zhuge said:"Yes, it is true! It is definitely not a rumor. God will not kill him... Therefore, it is not true to say that he has died long ago."

Gao Shanhan asked anxiously:" Is he really not dead?"

Zhuge said:"I hope he is not dead, and you can reunite with him again. You already have a daughter, so I won't take it too seriously."

Gao Shanhan smiled and said,"You are so kind, you are a good man. Good old man, good husband, I can never leave you."

Zhuge said:"Haha, women's hearts are also changeable! Twenty years ago, I remember you also said 'never leave me' on Mother Lake, but What happened later? Of course, after twenty years of separation, we are still deeply in love. It is also a blessing for the couple to come to the shore of lovesickness again." Gao Shanhan said coldly:"This time, I dare to break my heart to you; this time, I said If I don't leave you, I won't change anymore. You believe that my wife will renew her oath this time."

Zhuge said:"This... God knows and the earth knows. You don't know whether you can achieve it or not. By the way, no matter how changing the world is, This time, Lubanqi City is being rebuilt, and you and I should share our love for each other."

Gao Shanhan said doubtfully:"Well, maybe things are counterproductive. Good people want to do good things, but they end up being unfavorable."

Zhuge asked in surprise:"This is what I said. What do you mean?"

Gao Shanhan said calmly:"In order to save Sima Da, that disciple of yours, Dongmen Boy, used too much power and injured Sima Da when he opened the acupuncture points. Li Qingxia avenged Sima Da's husband and almost killed Dongmen Jie Bing. Fortunately, I rescued you and saved your only disciple."

Zhuge Yunxian said angrily:"He is a good disciple! In the world of martial arts, he has the wisdom of self-sacrifice: in order to save Gongsun Jue, he threw his own arm He was broken and used his own blood to make up for others. Because of the injustice, Zeng Juvenile was imprisoned and suffered torture. It was because of the crime of being imprisoned for others that I took a fancy to him and accepted him as a disciple."

Gao Shanhan I have been with the white ape for many years, and have been silent and speechless with heaven and earth, but today it is like the floodgates are opening, and I keep talking:"Dongzi is a good boy. The three monsters of Huangshan have assassinated Dongmen Jiebing many times and want to steal this golden book." , but were defeated. The three monsters almost died from the 'Black Killing Formation' mechanism of Princess Ximen. Dongmen Jiebing did not remember the past grudges and went to save the three monsters of Huangshan."

Zhuge Yunxian laughed and said:"Haha, go back on your word. , Eat your words! Didn't you say at the beginning that we would not discuss official matters in the world today? Why are you violating your words?"

She deliberately joked, slapped him, and said with a smile:"I was deceived by you... You old liar, Just by quoting the words, you led me to a second generation."

Zhuge Yunxian smiled and said:"By the way, I really want to lead you to a second generation... It is said that there is a story of 'Luban Flying City', I flipped through that golden book, and it was indeed recorded……《Luban Spaceship" is a true god! After it is built, it can fly in the sky. People can live on a spaceship larger than this lake. They can have love, happiness and sweetness, and have a life like heaven. They can be distributed according to their needs and have no shortage of everything...vegetables can also be grown on the spaceship. Fruit and food... Wow, maybe after thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, there will be such a miracle……"

Suddenly, a large stone tablet was erected on the shore of Acacia in the cold mountains. On it was engraved a long poem"Water Burial", which read loudly:

When the sun rises on the shore of Acacia, the lake is covered with silver light.

There was a poor girl who was very busy doing laundry.

There is no one at home except my mother.

Maybe it was because of my unlucky fate that my father died at an early age.

There is no end to the road, and there is no fear of running out of food.

Mother and daughter rely on each other for life, including washing clothes.

Every time it rains, I feel really sad.

It's sunny today, surprise girl.

The water is clear, the daughter is happy, and she smiles brightly.

It alarmed the sky in He Zhongtian, but it was a pity that the days were long.

Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and they competed secretly with swords and spears.

There was a sound of tears behind me, and it was my mother who looked back.

The right hand holds the crutch and the left arm hangs the pot of pulp.

Blood was pouring from his chest, staining his white clothes red.

He was as stiff as a clay god, staring into the sky.

The pots fell and the earthen jars were broken, and the bodies of people fell and fell cold.

The daughter threw herself into tears, and the sound of swords and gunshots became louder.

Suddenly there was a sad cry, and the girl was hit by an arrow and died.

The storm comes at night, and the great lake is sad.

The mother and daughter were buried in the water, only to see the vast ocean.

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