Luban's surname is Gongshu, his given name is Yizhi, and his given name is Ban. Born in 507 BC and died around 444 BC, he was a famous craftsman and architect in China. He was influenced by his family since childhood and made many inventions and creations in major machinery and civil engineering.

Lu Ban was a native of Dongping Village in the State of Lu. His father's name was Xian and his mother was Wu. Lu Ban was praised as an immortal master by later generations. He was born at noon on the seventh day of the fifth month of Jiaxu in the third year of Lu Dinggong. Legend has it that on the day he was born, white cranes covered the sky and covered the earth, and a strange and strong fragrance filled the birthing room and did not disappear for several days. , is said to be a miracle, and some people think it is the reincarnation of an immortal.

When Lu Ban was seven years old, he was very playful and disliked studying. His parents did not have high hopes for him. When he was fifteen years old, Fang began to realize his regrets and studied at Zixia's disciple Duanmuqi. He soon became educated and became a scholar. His studies in his youth began to be brilliant, laying a solid foundation for his great achievements.

In his youth, Lu Ban already had ambitions, worried about the world, and was indignant at the princes who usurped the title of king. Afterwards, he lobbied other countries and determined to follow the etiquette of the Zhou Dynasty. However, the world is rough, there are many obstacles, and ideals are equal to illusions.

Suffering setbacks everywhere and having difficulty realizing his ambition, Lu Ban had to retreat to the south and hills of Mount Tai, where he remained anonymous for thirteen years.

By chance, he met an old man named Bao. He and the old man gradually became familiar with each other, and they were very close to each other. Luban has since changed his goals, from political orientation to scientific and technological orientation. He became a disciple of Master Bao and began his career in technical training.

From then on, Lu Ban studied hard, got up early and went to bed late, worked hard with great wisdom, became obsessed with exquisite carvings, and established his ambition to give Chinese utensils a new look.

Lu Ban had long had the ideal of dedicating himself to the world, and gradually implemented it in the industry of changing the world. They worked tirelessly and tried their best to use their brains, and successively invented rules, regulations, standards, ropes and other tools to build high-end residences and palaces, manufacture boats and vehicles, and design and trial-produce unprecedented new utensils.

Luban's creations far surpass those of his previous ancient craftsmen. Almost more than ninety percent of such creations were invented by him. After practical trials and comparisons, people have chosen and imitated his more advanced methods.

Lu Ban has superb skills and has reached a state of perfection. Lu Ban's wife, Yun, is virtuous, intelligent, talented, and particularly clever. The objects she made with her own hands were superhuman. It was also tempered by her husband Lu Ban over the years, and she became a rare virtuous wife for Lu Ban.

When Lu Ban was not forty years old, he once again lived in seclusion in Mount Li. Later, he suddenly met an expert who taught him secret skills, and he traveled around the world from then on. Legend has it that he was like a god, floating and misty, and flew up to the sky in broad daylight, leaving only the ax and saw he used in Bailu Xianyan.

During the Warring States Period, Immortal Master Lu Ban was widely hailed as an outstanding martyr and was awarded the glorious title of"Yongcheng Waiting for the Imperial Order". Three years later, the monarch of Chen State, Chen Hou, gave him the title of"Master Zhihui".

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, when the emperor built the Dragon Temple in Beijing, he relied on the guidance of the immortal master Lu Ban to relieve the difficulties of tens of thousands of craftsmen, eliminate their fears, save their lives, and complete the Dragon Temple. For this reason, later generations held plaques in various temples to worship him, named him"Lu Banmen", and granted Lu Ban the title of"Beicheng Marquis of Beicheng, the Taishi of the country waiting for the imperial edict." The two sacrifices in the Spring and Autumn Period were both Tailao etiquette. According to legend, when later craftsmen prayed to him, they all responded to him. Rumor has it that Lu Ban often appeared as a god and helped secretly with the spirit of heaven. Later generations hung portraits of Lu Ban and admired him forever.

Master Lu Ban's creations went through the Han, Tang, Song and other dynasties. It is as if he is still alive, and his inventions can still be seen to rejuvenate the country and help the people, relieve dangers and difficulties, make fortunes, make great achievements, restore mountains and rivers, turn conflicts into friendship, turn decay into magic, be upright and upright, and prosper all kinds of things. Let future generations get married and start a business, work together in the same boat, have great ambitions, look to the motherland, create wealth for the people, save lives, and be immortal for generations to come.

In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a legend about the"Secret Book of the Luban Classic", also known as the"Golden Book of the Luban Classic". In fact, this collection is the original Lu Ban Jing. The legend of"Lu Ban's Book of Constructing a Flying City" arose.…………

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