When Ximenhua walked into the hell passage, her hairy face was full of claws, and she was like a devilish little devil, with iron weapons in her hands. The stench filled the sky, making her soul stagnant and terrifying.

Hua'er saw the guillotine in the dungeon. There was a large stone pillar on the guillotine, and Dongmen Jiebing was tied to it with thick iron chains on his wrists. Dongmen was hung so that his head was hanging as if dead. His shirt was stripped off, and his muscles were covered with bloody wounds. His face almost looked like another person, thin and black, with long, messy hair...

The door opened with a clang, and Ximen Hua threw herself on the guillotine, shouting:"Dongzi...Brother Dongzi... Dongmen Jiebing……"She hugged him and gently wiped the blood on his body with her dress.

The executioners, axe-hands, and bare-chested thugs on all sides all came to an end. The butler winked and all of them retreated.

Ximen Hua cried loudly and said:"Mr. Lang... my father is so cruel! These lackeys beat you until your skin is bruised and the blood scabs are festering... These executioners... I can't wait to kill you!"

Dongmen Jie Bing is still unconscious. In the middle of the night, but already in a daze, I could hear the cry of Ximen Hua. Hua'er was so anxious that she gave him some life-saving medicine. After a short while, Dongzi regained consciousness.

Ximen Hua caressed his cheek and said sadly:"Our life is so hard... How can there be such hardship in life... I have never seen it before... Oh, fortunately you are not dead... As long as you are alive... Why don't you say anything? Dongzi……"

Dongzi struggled and said:"Hua...er...I...have nothing...to do..."……"

Ximen Hua said angrily:"It's simply a devil's palace! It's heartbreaking, worse than hell! You did so much to build Luban New City, but you ended up like this. It's all Ximentian and my father's fault... They are so cruel."

Dongmen Jiebing tried his best to raise his head like a savage and said:"There are eighty-one difficulties in life, Hua'er, we have only passed a dozen times, and there are still sixty or seventy catastrophes ahead... Look at it. I can't see...it was me who caused you...and made you suffer."

Ximen Hua caressed him, used Luban's ax to chop the iron chain, used Luban's True Ruler to unlock the lock, took off the blood-covered ankle and handcuff locks, and gave them to her again. Wipe blood from hands and ankles. While tearing off the skirt strips carefully, first sprinkle the wound with golden sore powder, and then the bandage is completed.

Dongmen Jiebing was much more awake, she stood up for her luck, cheered up, and said:"Hua'er, the medicine is really effective! It was you who saved me. If you didn't come, I would be dead... At that time, I only had one strong wish , even if I see you one last time, I would be willing to die."

Ximen Hua said with deep affection:"You are my heart, my liver, my everything... You can't die... That fire is not you Come on, it won't happen. It's them who planted the dirt on you."

Dongmen Jiebing recovered most of his power after some luck, but it still didn't work. He said:"Alas, my power has been greatly reduced... The big task of Xiuluban Dungeon , I have to delay."

Ximen Hua said:"The delay is the delay, it is caused by his city lord Ximen Tian! Your power can be restored! Don't worry."

Dongzi's heart was almost bleeding, and said:"There are thousands of pains in life, but you Your righteousness to me, your love for me, and your loyalty to me have eliminated all the pain."

Ximen Hua said:"Mr. Sir, we have a sincere and transcendent heart. Tribulation is also fate, and fate is ever changing. It's fate. Let's practice together and pass on the secret skills of Lu Ban to the world, benefiting all cities and villages in the world, and benefiting the people all over the world. Even if there are a hundred disasters, they can't stop us!"

Dongmen Jiebing said sonorously:"Thank you for your first aid, concern, and full help. No matter how hard or tired you are, you are always with me, thinking of me, and protecting me. There will never be another you in the world...With these, no matter how hard I suffer, it will be the same." Sweet."

Ximen Hua wiped away her tears of excitement and said:"Let's go, Langjun, this is not a place for people to stay, let's get out! Quick, I will help you."

Dongmen Jiebing said in surprise:"Your father is willing to let me go. What about you?"

Ximen Hua helped him and said as he walked:"You are threatening death again. I will wipe your neck with a sword before my father agrees to let you out of the dungeon."

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