Chapter 342 is a bonus

   Everyone stood there watching Shen Qiuhua and Su Binglan.

  Because of excitement and nervousness, there is a feeling that there is nowhere to put the hand on the side.

   Some people's palms were sweaty, so they wiped it lightly on their clothes.

   Some people wish they could wash their hands and then get paid.

   One hundred and fifty pennies a month.

   It’s only been a month. If you bring it home, your life at home will be improved.

   They calculated in their hearts, this hundred and fifty pennies can really buy a lot of things.

  Some people are thinking in their hearts, these 150 papers will be saved.

  Some people just think, save a part, take out a part to buy things, buy some meat or something, and the family will improve their life.

   Anyway, I can still send money next month.

   You can save a lot by the end of the year.

   There are still people who think that there are so many people in the family that they haven’t had a good meal for a long time.

  It's all coarse grains and wild vegetable soups that are not nutritious.

   After receiving the wages, I first took the money to buy some meat in the town, and went home to make meat-filled dumplings to eat.

   Besides, I heard that there are many delicious food in town.

   The food studied by Su Binglan must be delicious.

   But they can’t afford hot pot, but they can buy one or two skewers, a sesame seed cake, a bowl of lamb offal soup or duck blood fans, and the family can eat a bowl and try it out.

  Because of the money on hand, this month, the family can occasionally eat some white noodles and a few eggs.

  Usually, when the chickens at home lay eggs, she is reluctant to take them out to cook and eat them, so she saves money to sell them.

  In previous years, after the autumn harvest, they would have nothing to do at home. They would cook and feed chickens every day, and they would be reluctant to cook delicious food.

   But it's different now.

   Now I don’t have any delays in any work at home, and I can still make money every month.

   This feeling is really good.

   There are people who think that the family must be very excited to take this one hundred and fifty pennies home.

   Just counting 150 characters together makes me feel good.

   When everyone thought about this, their hearts became even warmer.

   have already figured out what to do with the money.

  Su Binglan and Shen Qiuhua sat down at a table.

  Su Binglan put a big box on the table.

  The hearts of everyone in the tofu shop were raised.

   Everyone is nervous.

  Everyone was quiet for a while, and then began to whisper: "Is wages really paid today?"

   I didn't ask the people around, they really doubted that they heard it wrong, don't be excited.

   "I heard Aunt Shen say that she was going to pay wages. Miss Su came over in person. She was still holding a box, which should contain copper coins."

   "I also suspected that I heard it wrong just now, but it turned out to be true."

   "It's too hard to believe. I didn't expect to be paid at the end of the month. I thought it would take another half a month to pay the wages."

   "The Su family are all good people. Girl Su won't cost us our wages. She asked us to work in the tofu factory, but to help us, they would use people from our own village."

   "Yes, Miss Su only recruits women, that's to help us."

   "With these 150 wen, I'll be willing to eat meat dumplings when I get home."

   "No, I'm willing to go back and make steamed buns with white flour. I used to eat whole grains at home."

   "It's all the same. I make a wild vegetable soup on weekdays, and I can't bear to beat an egg."

   "With these 150 wen, life will be easier."

   "This is only one month's wages, there will be wages every month, and you can make a lot of money in a year."

   "Miss Su said before, there are bonuses."

   "If there is a bonus, how much money should it be?"


   Everyone whispered and discussed, the voices were very low, but they couldn't hold back their excitement.

  Su Binglan took out the salary slip, and then began to say: "Everyone line up, I will call someone, and the person I will call will come and collect the wages."

   "Lin Dahua."


   Lin Dahua was excited when she heard calling her first, and the answer was very loud.

   She walked towards Su Binglan, but when she walked, her legs felt a little soft.

   When she walked, she felt her legs flutter.

   She stood in front of the table and looked at Su Binglan without blinking.

  Su Binglan said to Lin Dahua: "The basic salary is one hundred and fifty cents, and the bonus is more than nine hundred cents. I will give you one tael of silver. The total is one tael of silver and one hundred and fifty cents. You can take it."

   said, Su Binglan gave the money to Lin Dahua.

   Lin Dahua was shocked.

   She stood there, stunned, unable to react at all.

   A tael of silver?

   One tael of silver and one hundred and fifty cents?

   Did she really hear it right?

   She never took a coin or two at once.

   In previous years, when you planted crops, when the harvest was good, you could get one tael of silver, which was still the grain harvest for the whole year.

   But now, she has one or two silver coins a month in bonus.

   She thought the prize would be a few pennies at most, so she was happy too.

   But she didn't expect it to be a tael of silver.

   She was so excited, her heart was beating so fast.

  Why are the legs still a little soft?

   Shen Qiuhua looked at Lin Dahua's expression and said with a smile: "Hurry up and pay the people behind."

  Lin Dahua came back to her senses. She swallowed and asked in a low voice, "Auntie, is the bonus a tael of silver?"

   She was really afraid of making a mistake.

Shen Qiuhua understood Lin Dahua's mood very well, and she said seriously: "Dahua, our tofu workshop's benefits this month are not bad, we calculated the bonus of more than 900 yuan, but Bing Lan said, I will give you a tael of silver. "

   "It's true, there's no miscalculation, take it."

   Lin Dahua's eyes suddenly turned red, "Ai."

   At this time, Su Binglan handed one tael of silver and one hundred and fifty cents to Lin Dahua, and said, "This is only the first month. In the future, our tofu workshop will produce more, and there will be more bonuses."

   Hearing this sentence, Lin Dahua's heart seemed to have hot lava flowing through his mouth, which was warm.

   It feels like the whole person has endless energy.

  Lin Dahua stretched out his hands to hold the silver in his palms.

  Su Binglan said: "Sign here to indicate that you have received this month's wages. If you can't write, just draw it as your own mark."

   Few people in the village are literate, especially women, many of them do not know a word.

   So Su Binglan thought about letting them draw any symbols.

   She thought that she could teach everyone to write their own names later.

  Lin Dahua is illiterate, but fortunately he can write his name in a crooked way.

   Then Lin Dahua received her wages and went back to where she stood before. She could not go back until it was time for her to finish her work.

   At this moment, her heart fluttered.

   What Su Binglan and Shen Qiuhua said just now, everyone in Tofufang heard.

   Everyone's eyes widened at this time, and they all forgot to react and forgot to speak.

   It is really shocking that there are so many prizes?

  A tael of silver, everyone dare not even think about it.

   Before, they thought that they would have 150 wen a month, and they all laughed when they were working.

   At this time, seeing Lin Dahua receiving one or two hundred and fifty wen, they were all shocked and didn't know how to react.

   (end of this chapter)

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