The Sickly General’s Spoiled Wife Has Space

Chapter 433: Filial piety and sensible

   Chapter 433 Filial Piety

  Su Binglan told Su Fengzhang and Su Wenxian some specific precautions and then went back.

  She painted some wine jars and bottles after she went back.

   is a new style, and it looks good in such a wine bottle.

   After Su Binglan drew the drawings, he went to Liuteng Village.

   When Su Binglan came to Liuteng Village, several villagers on the streets of Liuteng Village recognized her.

   "It's Miss Su."

   "Miss Su!"

   Because several people from Liuteng Village went to Suteng Village a few days ago to interview for the work of the embroidery workshop.

   At that time, a lot of people went to Liuteng Village, so after a while, several people on the street recognized Su Binglan.

   Everyone warmly greeted Su Binglan.

  Su Binglan also nodded with a smile.

   Actually, in Embroidery Workshop, Su Binglan recruited more people than Liuteng Village and Stone Village.

   Mainly because these two villages are close.

  Because everyone started working in the embroidery workshop, they still had to go back and forth to live.

   Only the dormitory has been built, and everyone feels that they can live in the dormitory at night.

  Su Binglan's recruiter also considers this aspect.

   The embroidery workshop is very big, and she will recruit more people in the future.

   But at present, we can only recruit some people first, and when the embroidery workshop is really on the right track, we can recruit some more people to work.

  If there were too many people all of a sudden, her aunt would be too busy.

   Of course, there are many people who book orders with the embroidery workshop.

   But Su Binglan couldn't take so many orders all at once, and could only take less orders all at once, because she was too busy.

  Su Binglan knew that the things made by the embroidery workshop would be popular, but she did not expect it to be so popular.

   On the day it opened, some people wanted to order in large quantities.

   But it will take time to get all the backpacks, handbags and puppets and sweaters we need.

  Some people from Liuteng Village did not go to the interview, but when they heard that this was Miss Su, everyone knew that it must be Su Binglan from Suteng Village.

   Then everyone saw Su Binglan heading towards Su Ji Taofang.

   When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but discuss.

   "Su Ji Taofang, is it really Miss Su's business?"

   "I heard that Miss Su rescued the Tao family. Even the money they bought for pine wood was settled, and the pottery kiln was bought and the money was given to the Tao family."

   "No wonder Tao Zheng just called his two sons back from the dock. He went to the town to go to the market and bought a lot of things. It turned out that Miss Su helped them solve the problem."

   "I said, how can I write Su Ji Taofang so well."

   "Someone saw them going to Suteng Village to deliver goods this morning. The big pots and jars were burned, and I don't know what to do with them."

   "Don't worry about it, at least the Tao family has been rescued, life is getting better, and there is a smile on Li's face. Miss Su is still a good person."

   "Our second girl went to the embroidery workshop to work. She said that the embroidery workshop was very good, and even if she didn't know anything, the team leader would lead them and teach them hands-on, and she was very patient."

   "The atmosphere inside is good, she has met many little sisters, and everyone helps and learns from each other."

   "Grandma Wang's granddaughter also went to the embroidery workshop. People who didn't like to talk before are willing to talk in just a few days."

   "And the embroidery workshops are all women. If the girl goes to her house, the family can rest assured."

   "Before it was dark, everyone went home from work. More than a dozen people from our village went to the embroidery workshop, and everyone came back from get off work in the evening."


   Everyone talked about the pottery workshop, and then they talked about the embroidery workshop.


  Su Binglan came to Suji Pottery with the blueprint.

  Tao Zhenggang, Li Shi and their two sons are packing pine wood.

  Although Su Binglan explained that the things to be burned were ready, they did not slack off and were still making preparations.

   Wait for the girl to arrange the work, so they can continue to do it.

   During this time, Tao Zhenggang's family lived a normal life. The family stayed together every day and could eat three meals a day at home.

   There was no pressure, and the whole family had a smile on their faces when they were burning pottery.

   In fact, pottery firing is a craft.

   Now Tao Zhenggang's family can make money with this craft, and they are very happy.

  Especially there is no burden and no fatigue, they can sleep well every day.

  Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong cherish the life that they can make money at home now.

  I have worked hard outside, been cold and starved, and then I know how good it is to have a good night's sleep and a hot meal at home.

   And they don’t have to feel homesick anymore, they can see their parents every day.

   You can do things with your parents and make money together as a family.

  Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong talk a lot to their parents every day.

   The family chatted and laughed happily.

   is no longer the oppressive atmosphere it used to be.

   When they saw Su Binglan coming, the whole family was very excited.

   "Miss Su is here!" Seeing Su Binglan, Mrs. Li hurriedly stood up.

   "Miss Su!" Tao Zhenggang was also respectful to Su Binglan.

   "Miss Su!" Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong looked at Su Binglan and stood restrained.

  Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong met Su Binglan for the first time.

   When they saw Su Binglan, they felt that Su Binglan had a noble and powerful aura.

  Su Binglan smiled softly and said, "Everyone sit down, don't be so restrained."

  Su Binglan looked at Tao Zhenggang and said, "Uncle Tao, I have seen the wine jars and wine jars you burned, and they are well cooked."

  Tao Zhenggang said embarrassedly, "Miss Su has won the prize!"

   Although he said so, he was still very excited and happy to be praised by Su Binglan.

  Tao Zhenggang rubbed his hands together, he didn't know where to put them, and he was thinking that Miss Su would praise him.

   Mrs Li went to pour water to entertain Su Binglan and said, "It's also the two big Yong Er Yong who helped burn a piece."

  Su Binglan saw Tao Dayong and heard that Tao Dayong was eighteen years old.

   Tao Eryong was only fourteen years old.

  Su Binglan saw Tao Dayong and felt that he looked calm and good-looking.

   Of course, Tao Dayong had heard about his daughter-in-law running away.

  Su Binglan said: "Aunt Li, they all look good."

   "Miss Su has won the prize. The two sons are indeed filial and sensible."

   Mrs. Li hoped that Su Binglan would notice her two sons, and she also thought that the two sons would work under Su Binglan in the future.

   If you can work under Su Binglan, you really don't have to worry about anything.

   Miss Su is a very good person.

  Su Binglan smiled and said: "Aunt Li, the scale of our pottery workshop will not only be this size in the future, but will also expand. At that time, both of them can be the stewards of our pottery workshop."

   Li was even more excited when he heard it, "Thank you so much, Miss Su. If it weren't for you, Miss Su, the two of them are still working on the pier. It's too hard, and I can't help worrying about them every day."

   Mr. Li was a little scared when he thought of this.

   If it wasn't for Tao Dayong and Tao Eryong coming back to talk about those things, she wouldn't know.

   For the Li family, Su Binglan saved their family and was their benefactor.

   (end of this chapter)

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