The Sickly General’s Spoiled Wife Has Space

Chapter 811: Fragrant and crisp (four more)

   Chapter 811 Fragrant and crisp (four more)

  Lin Dastool was stunned when he looked at the people who came around all of a sudden.

   So many people?

  Lin's stool had never set up a stall to sell anything before, and he was worried at first if he would shout a few times.

   At this time, he looked at everyone who came to ask questions, and he smiled and said: "This is a wild vegetable naan, one for three cents, this is a meat naan, one for five cents."

   In fact, there is very little surface for the scones, and the scones are very thin, and the scones will be huge.

   But the price is not expensive, and the scones are also delicious.

  The big guy has never eaten such scones, mainly because some people didn't have time to cook in the morning and planned to buy something to eat around here.

  No, I came here after smelling the scones.

   "Bring me a scones to try."

   "I'll have a meat scones."

   Everyone thinks this scones look very thin and may not be full.

   But they have never eaten this kind of scones, and they dare not buy more at once. What if they are not delicious.

   So everyone is thinking of buying one and tasting it first.

   Hearing that so many people wanted to buy it, Lin Dastool was stunned.

   He was a little excited in his heart, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"it is good."

   He hurriedly filled everyone with scones and sold scones while collecting copper coins.

  Lin's stool was originally a sitting chair, but doing things while sitting was slow.

   He stood up.

   It is convenient to hand it to everyone while standing.

   At this moment, everyone also saw the legs of Lin's stool, and everyone's faces showed sympathy.

   Everyone was thinking about taking care of Lin Taishou's business.

   The person who was going to buy a scones originally said, "Bring me two meat scones."

   "And me, I also have a big appetite, one meat naan and one vegetable naan."

   Soon, there was a long queue behind.

   Lin's stool was a little too busy, but his face was very excited and his eyes were a little red.

   He didn't expect the business to be so hot.

   He came to the door to set up a stall, but he only brought more than 30 scones, and he was worried about whether he could sell it.

   But soon, more than 30 scones were sold out.

   Fortunately, Mr. Cai came out with two clean baskets.

  Each basket was replaced with cloth, and a lot of scones were placed.

   "The scones are here."

  Lin set up a stall downstairs to sell scones, and Mr. Cai made scones in the house.

  Cai thinks, do more before going to work, so that Lin's stool can be relaxed.

   She made some more and just took it out.

   When Mr. Cai came out, he was stunned.

   She never thought there would be so many people, and the scones were sold out in no time.

  Cai shi's face was overwhelmed with excitement.

  Cai Shi was so excited that he almost missed Lanzi.

  Cai came back to his senses, hurriedly took Lanzi over, and placed the scones.

   Then she was in charge of collecting the money, and Lin Dastool was in charge of packing the scones for everyone.

   There will already be someone eating the scones.

  A bite of the scones, crispy and crispy, with a crisp sound.

   "Yeah, so crispy!" Someone took a bite and looked at the scones with an incredible feeling.

   These scones are delicious and crispy, with a very good texture.

  The fragrance diffused in the mouth, and people couldn't help but be intoxicated.

   "Not only is it crispy, but also very fragrant." Some people started to eat it.

   I couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

   "This meat and vegetable taste different, but both are delicious."

   When the people in the queue behind heard this, they hurriedly bought two.

   People who only bought one scones at the beginning have to queue up to buy again, and one is simply not enough.

   And still such fresh food.

   "I've never eaten such a crispy cake before."

   "No, and with stuffing, it tastes really good."

  Someone ate one quickly, and then queued up to buy it again, and there were still some unforgettable memories.

   Everyone looked at the long queue, especially when they heard someone said to buy three scones directly, they were a little unhappy.

   "The shopkeeper, can we still buy scones when we line up?"

   Everyone is really worried that when the line reaches them, the scones will be gone.

   They saw that there were not many scones on the table on Lin's stool.

  Cai said with a smile: "Also, there are still at home, and I will take it down in a while."

  Chai hurried back to bake the rest of the cake.

   Mrs. Lin looked at Mrs. Cai's hurry and asked, "Is it okay outside?"

   "Mother, the business of the large stool stall is very good. There are many people in line. In a while, more than 80 scones have been sold. I will bake some more when I come back."

   "Fortunately, I made some more noodles in the morning. Thinking that this is the amount for a day, I guess I sold it early in the morning."

   Upon hearing this, Mrs. Lin's eyes also lit up.

   "Over 80 scones were sold in a while?"

   Mrs. Lin suspected that she had heard it wrong.

  Cai shi smiled and said, "Yes, mother, it's true. When I just went out, I saw so many people queuing up, and I couldn't believe it."

   Mrs. Lin was too excited to speak.

   A scones are three cents, and eighty are two hundred and forty cents.

   It’s only one morning, and you can imagine how much you can earn in a day and how much you can earn in a month.

  Thinking of this, Mrs. Lin warmed up in her heart.

   "After a while, after Xiaoxi goes to school, I will help you with a stool, so you can go to work with peace of mind."

   "Mother, don't be tired. I still have a break at noon. I'll be back at noon to help."

  The paper mill is very close to here, with the embroidery workshop in front and the paper mill next to it.

   It is much more convenient for her to walk home to help make scones and sell scones.

   The more he thought about it, the more energy Cai had in his heart.

   I feel that it is convenient to do anything here, and there is still a rush.

   At this time, the dish was baking pancakes, and there were smiles all over his face.

  Lin Xiaoxi is also very sensible and understands that Daddy's scones are very popular.

   He said: "Grandma, mother, I will help when I come back from school."

   Mrs. Lin said: "Xiaoxi can study hard, and our family will be better off, so we don't need Xiaoxi's hard help."

  Xiaoxi helped a lot, and Mrs. Lin was also distressed.

   "Yes, Xiaoxi just needs to study hard, and your father and I can be busy."

   Mrs. Lin said: "Don't be tired, come back at noon is the rest time."

   "We have a lot of time off at noon, mother, you don't have to worry."

  Cai's hands were quick and quick, and he quickly baked the cake and took it down.

   But Mr. Cai has been paying attention to the news from the paper mill.

   Seeing that it was almost time for work, many big guys from the mills and workshops went in to work, and the doors of the paper mill were still closed.

   Many people also lined up outside.

   Everyone waited for the paper mill to open and asked when they would start work.


   Mr. Cao sent his granddaughter Cao Shan to the medical school. On the way, he passed the Xiufang Distillery Grand Theater and many shops. Looking at the lively scenery around him, he was filled with emotion.

   When I arrived at the entrance of the medical school, I met several people who wore the same clothes as Cao Shan.

Some    also came from Fucheng.

   "Uncle Cao, you are also here to send your child to study at the medical school."

   "Yes, I didn't expect the medical school here to look so big."

   "I heard that you can learn a lot in it. The group of students who studied with the dean last year can now help people take the pulse and take medicine, and they can even bandage wounds to stop bleeding. It's amazing."

   (end of this chapter)

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