The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 301 Intercession (one more)

With a loud "bang", Shen Yijia threw the person against the wall.

"Ah..." Someone among the girls exclaimed, and was soon covered by the people around them.

The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood and stared at Shen Yijia, who had come to him.

Shen Yijia put her small face on the belly of the man in black, stretched out her hand to grab the other's neck, and only heard a click, and the man lost his breath on the spot.

At this time, Song Jingchen also rushed over, took a look and turned around: "Jiajia, come out."

Shen Yijia let go of her hand and glanced at the girls who looked at her with hope but didn't dare to make a sound.

He pursed his lips and walked towards Song Jingchen.

"Please save us..."

A cowardly voice came from behind.

Shen Yijia took a step, and before she could speak, Song Jingchen's cold voice sounded again: "Someone will come and take you out in a while."

He took Shen Yijia's hand: "Let's go out first."

"Yeah." Shen Yijia also knew that these people were not easy to see.

After walking for about a stick of incense, there was suddenly no way ahead.

Seeing Shen Yijia staring at the stone wall in front, Song Jingchen reminded aloud, "This should be a secret door."

"Oh." Shen Yijia nodded and patted the wall casually.

With a click, the stone wall in front of him slowly moved to both sides.

Shen Yijia: She just wanted to try whether the stone door was hard.

Song Jingchen's mouth twitched: "..."

He just estimated the direction of the secret passage. If nothing else, the other exit of this secret passage should be in Jing'an Temple.

When this secret passage came to an end again, there was a row of wooden stairs in front of it, and I went up the stairs...

Just as Song Jingchen thought, the two had already returned to Jing'an Temple when they came out of the secret passage.

Looking at the neat and elegant room in front of her, Shen Yijia had a guess.

"Let go of my daughter."

A shrill voice sounded outside, and the two looked at each other and walked out.

Then she saw Mo Yuan put her sword on Liu Piaopiao's neck expressionlessly, and Thirty Thousand who was standing beside her was obviously injured.

The two turned their backs to them, and in front of them was a group of people headed by Liu Deyi and Zeng.

Zeng shi looked at Mo Yuan with red eyes, and that voice just came from her mouth.

The two sides were so confrontational.

The appearance of the two immediately attracted the attention of Liu Deyi and others. He looked at Song Jingchen angrily: "You and I have neither injustice nor enmity, why do you want to meddle in your business?"

"Are all those who you locked up have hatred for you?" Shen Yijia asked angrily.

In the incident of abduction and trafficking of young girls in Anyang County, the person was rescued in time because of Song Jingchen's intervention.

But even if it was like this, several women chose to hang themselves afterwards, thinking about what she saw just now.

Those people are not as old as her, in this ancient times when women's festivals were taken very seriously.

What they will face in the future, Shen Yijia understands even if they can't imagine it, those people's lives are ruined.

"These things have nothing to do with my daughter, she doesn't know anything, you let her go." Zeng cried.

From knowing that someone had entered the secret passage, Zeng knew that they could not escape this time.

Shen Yijia glanced at Liu Piaopiao's back, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

Song Jingchen said, "Let her go."

Mo Yuan paused, then retracted her sword and retreated to the side of her master together with Nan Feng.

Liu Piao Piao stood there motionless, looking at Zeng Shi who was crying heartbroken, she closed her eyes in remorse.

Just now her father brought people here, they could have escaped, but it was because of her...

The sky suddenly snowed heavily, and snowflakes fell one after another.

There was a fire outside the temple, and after a while, the fire came to the front, and the small yard was surrounded by water.

It was the monk from Jing'an Temple who brought Shangguan Han and others here.

When the fight broke out here, they hid, and did not dare to come out until they saw officers and soldiers coming up.

Shangguan Han waved his hand: "Grab them all."

Xu Shi knew that resistance was useless, and the people brought by Liu Deyi threw away the swords in their hands.

"Are you alright?" Shangguanhan asked when he approached, not daring to call Song Jingchen's cousin in front of outsiders.

"Nothing." Song Jingchen said lightly, then turned to look at the group of monks and asked, "Are all the people in the temple here?"

The old monk looked around at the people present, chanted the Buddha's name and just wanted to answer.

Then Puchen jumped out: "I know, I know. The two senior brothers Yanming and Yansong have come down the mountain."

Everyone hid behind the Buddha statue, and Pu Chen felt that it was too stupid, so he hid in the grass behind the temple, and happened to see the two brothers coming down the trail from the back.

He was afraid that the two would compete for territory with him, so he didn't say anything.

Song Jingchen frowned.

"I asked people to surround the foot of the mountain, they couldn't escape." Shangguan Han said.

Song Jingchen didn't say anything, he could only pin his hopes on them.

There was a heavy snowfall, and everyone's heads soon covered with snow, and the group pressed people to the front hall under the advice of the little monk Puchen.

Next is the trial.

Liu Piao Piao watched her parents being taken away, tears falling down her cheeks.

Shen Yijia saw that she had nothing to do here, thinking of those women in Shishi, who asked the old monk for more than a dozen monk robes, and brought Mo Yuan to go to Shishi.

Liu Piao Piao suddenly ran over to stop the two of them: "You... can you please help King Anle and let him save my parents and my parents?"

Shen Yijia looked at her like this and sighed: "Come with me."

She took Liu Piaopiao directly to the stone room.

Just now they asked them to wait, but a dozen people really didn't dare to move, and they still kept the same way that Shen Yijia left, without even moving their positions.

Liu Piao Piao covered her mouth and looked at the scene in disbelief, she trembled all over.

The wound on the girl's door, the blood stains on the stone wall...

Everyone told her that all this was the abuse of her parents.

Those people didn't seem to expect that Shen Yijia would really come back, their eyes lit up instantly, but they shrank back in fear when Shen Yijia approached.

Shen Yijia frowned and asked Mo Yuan to throw the monk robe over.

"Put it on yourself."

The girls looked at each other and decided that Shen Yijia was not in the same group as those people, so they dared to quickly pick up the clothes and put them on.

"Can you go by yourself? Go out with me when you're dressed." Shen Yijia said.

At this time, someone whispered: "She is the young lady of the Liu family. Could it be that Liu Dashan sent someone to rescue us?"

The words Liu Dashanren were like a slap in the face and slapped on Liu Piaopiao's face, she staggered and turned around and ran away.

Shen Yijia had a headache and corrected: "It was me and my husband who saved you."

Liu Dashan is right to arrest you.

Instructing Mo Yuan to bring these people, Shen Yijia turned around to catch up with Liu Piaopiao.

Shangguan Han sat in the meditation room and listened to Zuo Fei's report on the interrogation results.

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