Not knowing whether it was grievance or embarrassment, Shen Yijia blushed and looked at Song Jingchen with her cheeks puffed up.

The whole face expresses a meaning, if you don't coax me, I will be angry.

Song Jingchen moved his fingers, resisting the urge to poke, this girl doesn't have a long memory, if she let her go so easily, she would definitely commit the crime next time.

So he also pulled his face down, looking even more angry than Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia's eyes widened: "." Why is this still angry, it was obviously himself who was beaten, even if he looked good, he had to be reasonable, right?

However, her eyes were sore, and she didn't wait for Song Jingchen to coax her.

Shen Yijia was wronged: "You are unreasonable."

Song Jingchen: "You did something wrong."

"Where did I go wrong, I obviously wanted to surprise you." Shen Yijia refused.

That's what was written in the book, but in order to get better results, she got a fake kidnapping and asked Mo Yuan to send a note.

There are surprises and joys, right?

Song Jingchen's mouth twitched, but he didn't feel it, but he was scared.


The wind blew and ruffled the hair on Shen Yijia's temples.

Song Jingchen stretched out his hand.

Shen Yijia was startled, she took a few steps back, her back was against a peach tree, and she resolutely protected her ass.

After finishing the work, he stretched out his hand to block in front of him: "Do you know whether the gentleman speaks or does not, you have to tell me where I am wrong first."

Spanking is too shameful.

She pinched her fingers and secretly decided that Song Jingchen would be welcome if she did it again.

The big deal is not to slap in the face!

Song Jingchen noticed the movement on her hand, and after a moment of silence, he had already discovered that this girl would unconsciously squeeze her fingers when she wanted to do something.

So she is...

Thinking of this, his head was full of black lines, and he clasped Shen Yijia's hand angrily and pulled the person in front of him.

Shen Yijia was startled and saw that the hand did not go around behind her, but gently pulled her messy hair back behind her ear.

Immediately, Song Jingchen's helpless voice sounded in his ears.

"In the past, there was a boundary, and every winter, horse bandits would enter the village to burn, kill, and loot, and they often ran away after looting.

The government didn't take them seriously, so people from each village came together to discuss a way to let each village find a safe haven, whether it was a basement or a cave.

In this way, I have escaped several bandits until one time..."

Song Jingchen's voice was unhurried, and Shen Yijia swore that this was the first time she had heard him say such a long series of words, and every sentence was easy to understand.

So she listened very carefully.

If Shen Yijia had a normal living environment in his previous life, he would know that this is actually a copy of the children's story "The Wolf is Coming" that every child in the previous life knew.

But unfortunately she didn't, so I heard that because one person joked about the news that the bandits had come down the mountain several times. In the end, the bandits really came, but no one believed them anymore. As a result, she was still angry when the bandits slaughtered the village.

Then she reacted angrily, and she lied about being kidnapped and the person who lied seemed to be of the same nature.

Shen Yijia: Xiang Gong is still the same Xiang Gong, and she took great pains to make her realize her mistake.

She glanced at Song Jingchen's expression, and said a little guilty: "Then if you beat him, don't be angry."

Song Jingchen took a deep look at her and said with a half-smile, "Is that so?"

Shen Yijia snorted, thinking that he meant that three hits were not enough, and she scratched her head with her free hand.

There is no longer the righteousness before, and he said vaguely: "Then can you not spank or spank anywhere else."

After she finished speaking, she spread her palms up and took the initiative to reach out to Song Jingchen, she was too cowardly and too obedient.

Song Jingchen's heart was moved slightly by her appearance. If it wasn't for the girl's small movements of pinching her fingers, she would have almost been deceived by her.

Song Jingchen let go of Shen Yijia's hand and raised it.

Shen Yijia closed her eyes...

There was no expected pain in his hand, but an icy cold touch on his forehead.

There used to be Huadian, but since Mo Yuan's potion came out, it disappeared.

But only one day at a time, that is, she has to apply it once a day.

Shen Yijia opened her eyes and looked up, she saw Song Jingchen put a finger on her forehead, that finger was slender and slender, it was so beautiful!

Want to pinch.

Song Jingchen could see what she was thinking at a glance, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he curled his fingers and quickly flicked a note on her forehead.

He was afraid that Shen Yijia would not have a long memory afterward.

However, seeing the red mark on Shen Yijia's forehead, he regretted it again...

"His" Shen Yijia's attention was on that finger, and she took a deep breath without realizing it.

Song Jingchen regretted it even more now, and forgot what he said earlier to make her remember, so he stroked the red mark with his fingers.

He frowned and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Shen Yijia wanted to act coquettishly and say it hurt, but seeing Song Jingchen's self-blaming expression, she immediately shook her head: "It doesn't hurt."

This is the truth, this is where she is, and she was raised after she came to this world, otherwise, when she was in the compound before, she didn't even blink...

Seeing Song Jingchen still staring at her forehead, Shen Yijia rolled her eyes.

"Actually a little bit, but..." Shen Yijia paused, and when Song Jingchen finally turned his eyes from her forehead to her face, she grinned: "If there was a kiss, it wouldn't hurt at all."

Since I came to Qilin Mountain, the beauty Xianggong has always been busy, or with those generals, not to mention kissing and hugging, even the two of them have very little time to talk.

Thinking about Shen Yijia's grievance, but Beauty Xianggong is busy with business, and she can't disturb him.

Song Jingchen was slightly startled, and then looked at her forehead, which had returned to a fair forehead.

Meeting Shen Yijia's bright eyes, he shook his head helplessly, bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

Satisfied, Shen Yijia pursed her lips, the meaning is obvious.

Kiss here too.

Song Jingchen laughed softly, but not as she intended.

He is a normal man, and he is still facing a woman who can easily affect his mood. After a few incidents that almost went wrong, in order to prevent himself from hurting her, he can only...

With Shen Yijia's accusing eyes, Song Jingchen took her hand and walked to a peach tree, pinched a note blown by the wind and asked, "You wrote all this?"

Speaking of these, Shen Yijia is proud, and she doesn't care that Song Jingchen didn't kiss her, she nodded proudly, and corrected: "Copy it."

Song Jingchen raised his eyebrows and pointed at one of the words with his long fingers: "Can you copy a wrong word?"

"May I be like the stars and the king like the moon, and the lights are bright every night" by her as "晈"

Shen Yijia: "..." Did you focus on the wrong point?

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