The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 343: Chapter 343 Miscalculation (two in one)

On the other side, Song Jingchen glanced indifferently at the corpse of the man in black on the ground, bent down and pulled out his long sword from him, he frowned, the skills of these people...

He didn't go any further, because this person came from there.

These people are still active in this mountain, at least it means that they are indeed still hiding in this mountain.

Song Jingchen changed direction, and was about to greet Tuanzi to follow, when suddenly his heart stabbed.

The unforeseen pain made him groan, and he subconsciously raised his hand to cover the position of his heart, and the hand holding the sword tightened.

"Ow~" Danzi seemed to sense his emotions, and uneasily used his forelegs to scratch the dead branches on the ground a few times.

"Can you find out where Jiajia is?" Song Jingchen looked at Tuanzi suddenly, feeling a little nervous.

Tuanzi made a low "Ouch", turned his head and ran into the forest, Song Jingchen tapped his toes, and Yun Qigong followed.

"Young madam!" Yitong, who was lying on the ground and could no longer stand up, called out in horror when he saw this scene.

The man in black was also stunned. He knew very well that with the speed this woman just showed, she could completely dodge this sword.

Shen Yijia didn't seem to feel the pain, and quickly clasped the hand of the man in black that was holding the sword, and grinned at him—

The pupils of the man in black shrank, and the uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger: "You..."

Crack - broken wrist bone.

The man in black groaned in pain, and at the same time, he slapped Shen Yijia's right shoulder with his left hand, trying to let her go.

There was an urgent voice in his heart urging him to get away from this woman quickly.

But, Shen Yijia managed to catch him, how could the ducks he got have a chance to fly away.

She swallowed the fishy sweetness that rushed to her throat, resisted the pain of the broken bone on her shoulder, and threw a punch against the abdomen of the man in black.

"Pfft~" The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood, and his tall body arched up.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

Her knees slammed down the man in black three times.

Man in black:"……"

Painful to the point of loss of voice.

This woman... is too cruel!

He knelt down with his legs clenched.

Looking nervously at Shen Yijia's tube: he seemed to hear the sound of broken eggs.

Leaving aside the hostile relationship, as a man, he suddenly felt a little sympathetic to the man in black who fell into the hands of the young lady.

Shen Yijia didn't know what she was thinking, the current height of the man in black made it much easier for her to fight.

"It's a pity? It's not a pity at all, because the one who is going to die is you and not me?"

She punched him in the jaw.

Another punch hit him on the cheek, chest...

Punch after punch, she was completely arrogant and unruly.

Let the man in black endure the severe pain while being unstoppable and unavoidable.

With a plop, the man in black was finally overwhelmed and fell to one side, with his hands still covering a part of himself.

Shen Yijia shook her body, staggered over and squatted down in front of him. She endured the severe pain in her hand and took out the silver hairpin from Tie Dan from her bosom, and smiled proudly.

If possible, the man in black would rather kill himself on the spot, not counting the next three. He only felt that his internal organs were all smashed by the punch just now.

Right now, he couldn't even move if he wanted to, so he could only stare at the blood-covered woman in front of him with horror.

The person in front of him smiled so sweetly, but his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

He remembered that Fang Cai was also smiling like this...

A silver light flashed before his eyes--

"Ah, my eyes..."

"I originally wanted to dig it out, but it seems a little disgusting." Shen Yijia seemed to explain, wiped the man in black with the silver hairpin, and put it away again.

The last man in black who was besieged by the crowd gradually fell behind. Hearing this painful cry, he looked back subconsciously and shouted in shock, "Third Brother!"

It was also this distraction that a sword penetrated his chest...

Shen Yijia saw that the man in black gave a painful cry and then there was no sound. She stretched out her hand and breathed faintly.

She breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to stand up, but she stumbled to the ground.

Mo Yuan, who had been left far behind by Shen Yijia, also arrived at this time.

She hurriedly ran up to support Shen Yijia, and when she saw the injury on her body, her pupils shrank: "Miss."

Shen Yijia looked at Mo Yuan: "Help me pull it out, it's uncomfortable."

She was referring to the long sword still stuck in her left shoulder.

Her right shoulder was slapped, and her entire right hand couldn't use much force. The right hand that she had used just now was unable to lift it up.

It's also because his right hand can't use all his strength, otherwise the man in black would have been beaten to death by her long ago.

She had promised Tie Dan to let him take revenge herself, so why don't she leave a breath for him.

"Miss, let's go down the mountain and pull up again..." Mo Yuan's tone was a little trembling.

She didn't have any medicine on her body, if she drew her sword directly...

"I'm still not your lady? If you want to pull it out, pull it out!" Shen Yijia urged.

Mo Yuan glanced at her, closed her eyes, held the hilt, and pulled the sword out with gritted teeth.

The gushing blood instantly dyed the clothes around the wound red.

Shen Yijia groaned in pain, her eyes darkened and she almost fainted. She subconsciously tried to force a drop of spiritual liquid to take it, but she paused when she thought of something.

Before planting potatoes, she used up all the spiritual liquid she had saved, and then she used it up when she encountered wolves in Qilin Mountain.

One drop of spiritual fluid is collected in fifteen days, and two drops a month.

In the past two days, she has used two drops, and now she only has the last drop of spiritual liquid, which was gathered this morning.

In addition to being a little reluctant to give up, she also has a concern that if she takes it now, I am afraid it will not take an hour, and the injuries on her body may be completely healed.

How do you explain it in public?

Her physique is special. In fact, even if she doesn't take spiritual fluid, she can recover slowly, but it may take a little longer.

After thinking about it for a while, big drops of sweat had already appeared on her forehead.

Whether to accept or not to accept, Shen Yijia's tangled brows are wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Mo Yuan thought she was in pain, and hurriedly said, "Miss, I'll take you down the mountain."

After that, he reached out to help her.

Shen Yijia had a sword wound on her left shoulder, and Mo Yuan naturally went to support her right hand.

Shen Yijia was caught in the difficulty of choosing, and she didn't hear Mo Yuan's words at all, and she was touched by her inadvertently.

Shen Yijia sucked in a breath of cold air, gritted her teeth and said, "The right shoulder seems to be dislocated, you help me take it back."

It was also thanks to the fact that the man in black only used less than 30% of the internal force because of the pain, otherwise it would not be as simple as dislocating, but would have shattered her shoulder bones.

Mo Yuan pursed her lips, stretched out her hand and pressed it on her right shoulder, followed by a click.

Xu Shi was already numb from the pain, but Shen Yijia didn't feel much. She moved her right hand and was about to praise, "You are awesome."

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound of leaves flapping in the woods. It wasn't from the wind. It was more like something swept across the branches and leaves, and the speed was extremely fast.

Shen Yijia lost too much blood, which made her not smart brain turn more slowly.

She was still wondering how the sound felt a little familiar.

Mahjong and the others who had just experienced a fierce battle and stopped to bandage each other looked stunned and stood up to surround Shen Yijia.

"Mo Yuan, take the young lady away, hurry!" The body that supported the displacement of the internal organs stood up and said eagerly.

"Why..." Shen Yijia was stunned for a moment, and only after one word did she realize why she was familiar with it, wasn't that the voice brought out by the man in black flying up and down the tree just now.

Now those noises are not coming from one direction, it can be seen that there are many people coming.

The chilling air was approaching quickly, and Mo Yuan also felt it, and without saying a word, hugged Shen Yijia by the waist.

But it was too late.

The sound stopped in the open space around them, Mo Yuan's pupils shrank, and nine people had surrounded them.

One of the nine people glanced around coldly, and his eyes paused on the bodies of the three men in black.

In fact, the man in black at Shen Yijia's feet still breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't even utter a sound, so it could be ignored.

He said coldly, "You killed people?"

No one paid him any attention.

Mahjong and the others have long been tense, and all of them are reluctant to deal with one person, but now there are nine...

Shen Yijia patted Mo Yuan's hand and motioned her to put herself down, she didn't need to struggle anymore, she forced the last drop of spiritual liquid to the tip of her tongue and swallowed it.

If you die, you need to explain shit.

As soon as she took the spiritual liquid, she could clearly feel that the blood from the wound on her shoulder had stopped, and her right arm was not as painful as before.

But it will take time to fully recover...

She thought about the success of getting away from these people's noses, but it turned out to be impossible.

It's okay for her to say it alone, but there are so many people here, even if she is cruel and can ignore these people, then there are Li's group nearby.

So she just gave up on the advice.

Feeling that a gaze that could not be ignored was fixed on herself, Shen Yijia looked up and saw that it was the person who spoke just now.

He is different from the other men in black. Others wear black half-face masks that cover their eyes, but his is silver, and he is obviously the leader of the men in black.

The man looked at her for a long time and sneered: "Miss Shen? It looks like Song Shizi has come back? It's better that way, so that we don't have to go to him with a few burdens."

The burden in his mouth refers to the three of Li Shi and Hao Ge'er. They originally wanted to catch these three people from Song Jingchen's hands and change them back to the list before killing them.

But now that I think about it, everyone has already come, and it doesn't seem to make any difference to kill them directly.

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes: "It's as if you've already caught someone."

It took ten days for no one to catch anyone, but I was so embarrassed and embarrassed.

The leader paused, looked at the corpse under her feet, and suddenly asked, "You killed the third child?"

Shen Yijia raised her foot and kicked the man in black, raised her eyebrows and said, "You mean him? Or him?"

She reached out and pointed to the corpse of the first man in black that she killed not far away.

The leader's eyes turned cold, and murderous aura appeared all over his body.

"So what? What if it's not?" Shen Yijia folded her arms around her chest, and she frowned when she accidentally pulled the wound, and quickly continued as if nothing had happened: "Fuck you."

The leader: "Stinky girl, don't be mad, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, anyway, no matter who killed it, none of you can escape today."

Shen Yijia touched a bulging purse in her arms by holding her chest.

She was overjoyed, but didn't show it on her face, and continued to use a very beating tone: "Then you just talked so much nonsense? You don't want to kill us people with your mouth, right?"

A few mahjong people twitched at the corners of their mouths. Although it was nice to see the young lady scolding others, is it really good to die like this?

The leader was obviously provoked by Shen Yijia, and waved his hand: "Go."

At the same time, the nine people held their swords and rushed towards Shen Yijia and others who were surrounded by the city in the middle.

Shen Yijia was stunned. Generally, strong people should not be very arrogant. If they felt that their opponent was a scoundrel, they only sent one person to deal with it. As a result, one by one, they were beaten in the face and sent to death?

Sure enough, the words in the book cannot be completely believed.

Fortunately, she didn't expect the other party to be fools too much, and she yelled: "All squat down."

Everyone doesn't know why, but they do it subconsciously.

The sound of smashing the air sounded, and one after another hidden weapons flew out of Shen Yijia's hands and attacked the nine people separately.

The man in black subconsciously blocked with his sword.

The "hidden weapon" was easily broken by them, and the powder filled their surroundings.

"No, it's a trick." Someone in black scolded.

The nine people quickly backed away, covering their mouths and noses.

The head of the person changed his face: "Smelly girl, are you cheating?"

"No." Shen Yijia shook her head with a serious face: "My father-in-law said that this is called a soldier who never tires of deceit."

The leader almost clenched his teeth, only women and villains are difficult to support.

He stopped arguing with Shen Yijia, and secretly checked his body...

Shen Yijia succeeded in one move, and received a wave of admiration from everyone. She raised her chin and said again: "You guys have been poisoned by my herbs, it's best not to act rashly, otherwise..."

"We're not poisoned at all, come on." The leader interrupted Shen Yijia's words with a loud shout.

Not poisonous?

Mahjong and the others twitched the corners of their mouths and hurriedly greeted the man in black.

The leader, Xu Shi, was maddened by Shen Yijia, and the tip of his sword pointed directly at Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia was also stunned. The paper bags contained all the powder that she had mixed with the poisonous weeds that Mo Yuan had collected before, and she also took the name...

How could it not be poisonous? It should be poison on top of poison, right?

"Wait a minute." Shen Yijia yelled.

But no one paid her any attention.

Shen Yijia's mouth twitched: You are still not villains, can't you talk more?

Mo Yuan had been standing by Shen Yijia's side, and she went up to meet her.

However, she was not that person's opponent at all. After the two of them made more than a dozen moves, her body was knocked out.

Shen Yijia whipped out the whip around her waist, relieved her some momentum, and then retracted it.

With no obstacles in the way, the leader turned to Shen Yijia.

She quickly dodged to avoid the strike from the man in black.

This series of actions affected her still unfinished injury, causing her to grin in pain.

Another sword qi attacked from behind her.

Shen Yijia rolled on the ground, and the long whip in his hand threw out with a cracking sound.

The leader waved his sword to block.

Mo Yuan rushed up to help, and the two and the leader passed nearly a hundred strokes.


The two were kicked out.

The leader had a very clear goal. He didn't even look at Mo Yuan, he just stared at Shen Yijia.


Thanks for the unfamiliar \u0026 familiar, END, natural reward, refill

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