The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 360 The events of the year (one more)

It's a pity that the host is destined to be disappointed. These fish in the release pond live a life of being fed by people every day. They are not only fat, but also wasteful.

Stupidly, when he saw the food, he jumped up, and soon after the bait was put down, there was movement below, and the fishing was accurate.

In just a quarter of an hour, Xuanyuance's fish basket was already full of lively fish.

The fish jumped out of the fish basket and Xuanyuan Ce didn't care, he let them jump on the ground.

The host saw his eyelids twitching, and folded his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, the patron of Xuanyuan should understand the principle of taking enough time."

"I don't know." Xuanyuance said coolly.

Without raising his eyelids, he picked up the fishing rod, took the stupid fish off the hook, and threw it into the fish basket, put on new bait and threw it down: "I only know that if you don't tell me that you are in this pool The fish really can’t be saved.”

After that, he handed the fishing rod to Chu Feng to signal him to continue fishing, then got up and picked up the fish on the ground back into the fish basket.

The firewood was already piled up beside him, Xuanyuan Ce took out his dagger and tried to kill the fish.

"Amitabha." The host sighed and compromised: "What do you want to know?"

The host is very regretful now. A while ago, his right eyelid twitched, and he knew there was nothing good. If he knew that this fellow was coming, he should go out and hide.

Xuanyuan Ce's dagger had already touched the stupid fish's belly. Hearing his actions, he looked up at the host and said, "Has she been here before?"

The host sighed, stepped forward, rescued the fish in his hand, and threw it back into the pond. He looked at the direction the fish was swimming and said, "I've been here."

Xuanyuance's heart tightened, his mouth opened and closed, and it took a long time to find his own voice: "When?"

It has been seventeen years, and this is the first time I have heard about her from someone else.

The host gave him a sideways glance and said irresponsibly, "Forget it."

Xuanyuan Ce sneered: "Chu Feng, kill the fish."

The host got angry, let out a breath, and said, "It's too sunny here, and the sun makes my head a little dizzy. Maybe I'll remember it if I take a rest in another place."

"You monk can run away from the temple, but these fish can't." Xuanyuan Ce threatened, and instead ordered: "Put the fish back."

Chu Feng threw the fish in the fish basket back into the pond and muttered, "Fish, eat a bite to gain wisdom. Next time, you can grow a snack. This time, it's time to go ashore and see the world."

Seeing that the two were far away, he hurriedly shut up and followed.

Not far from the release pond, there is a pavilion for people to rest. The pavilion is full of bamboos, and the bamboo forest forms a natural barrier to isolate the prying eyes of outsiders.

Chu Feng followed, and Xuanyuan Ce waved: "Go find a shady place."

In other words, stay where it is cool.

Chu Fengmo flew up and jumped to a big tree.

The wind rustled through the blown leaves, he nodded with satisfaction, it's cool here!

Only then did Xuanyuan Ce look at the host: "Do you remember?"

The host coughed lightly: "Seventeen years ago."

Without waiting for Xuanyuan Ce to ask, he said again, "I stayed for more than half a year and then left. Later, I never saw her again."

"When I sent you a letter back then, why didn't you say it in the reply?" Xuanyuan Ce suddenly stood up and stared at the host. Frost shrouded his whole person, like a long sword with cold light.

The first person she met in this world was herself, and the second was the old bald donkey in front of her.

The two of them were also the only people she trusted.

Knowing this, he immediately sent a letter to this person after she disappeared, but there was only one wordless reply in the letter from this person to him.

He even wrote to this person every year in the future, asking her if she had been here, but he answered nothing.

In addition to the one at the beginning of the year, a total of seventeen letters with the character "No" were received from him.

Now he tells him that she has lived here for half a year, half a year, a full half a year...

Xuanyuan Ce closed his eyes and sneered: "Don't you often say that your family doesn't lie?"

If he didn't recognize this, how could he believe it.

The host looked at Xuanyuan Ce who was on the verge of fury with a foolish expression on his face, and sighed: "What I wrote is helpless.

The hostess is my savior. She doesn't let me say it, so I can't say it. A wordless word means helplessness. "

The host was about to say directly, you are stupid, you can't understand, do you blame me?

Xuanyuan Ce choked: "Why don't you say it's nothing out of nothing?"

The host gave him a strange look: "Aren't they all the same word?"

Xuanyuan Ce: ...

"Don't forget that when she treated you, I found the medicine, so your benefactor is not only her."

"That's why the old man hinted to you, otherwise he would not reply to you."

The host said it as a matter of course, Xuanyuan Ce was so angry that he almost jumped, and if he didn't reply to the letter, he would still feel that something was wrong, so he went to Daxia himself, but this person did reply!

The righteous words returned a "no" word.

The host saw what he was thinking, and with a little guilt, he turned his eyes elsewhere, and said in a grand manner: "After so many years, I can't imagine that the old man will eventually lose his trust and benefactor.

That's all, the old man is a person with one foot in the coffin. If you want to know anything, just ask. "

Anyway, the benefactor didn't tell the whereabouts at all, and even if he asked, he didn't know.

His abacus crackled, but he didn't think that what Xuanyuan Ce asked next was not this at all.

"When you met her...she was pregnant?" Xuanyuance's voice trembled a little.

He also accidentally learned from a doctor that she was pregnant.

Now that I think about it, the reason why she stayed here for so long back then was probably to raise a baby.

The host was startled, and his thoughts flew to seventeen years ago.

There was a lot of rain in April that year, and there were relatively fewer pilgrims coming to Lingyin Temple to offer incense, so the temple was closed early.

One night, a wounded woman suddenly collapsed outside his meditation room.

After recognizing the person, he was busy calling someone to find the doctor, but the man grabbed his robe tightly: "Don't...don't let people know that I'm here...keep...keep the baby in my belly... "


Chu Feng leaned on the tree trunk and closed his eyes in a bored state. A bug flew around his face. He stretched out and waved it several times, but he didn't wave it away.

When he opened his eyes, his mouth opened instantly, and he didn't react until the bug flew into his mouth.

Bah Bah, and he looked in the direction of the Free Life Pond again in disbelief.

The fire that he had piled there to frighten the host had already been lit, and there was a long string of fish on the fire.

A petite figure was squatting beside the pond, killing fish and removing their scales, with a large insect sitting beside it.

Chu Feng felt that he must be dazzled by the heat, otherwise, except for his prince, who would be so bold to catch fish in the release pond of Lingyin Temple.

No, that man was bolder than his prince, who just caught the fish and didn't have time to kill it.

He rubbed his eyes and looked again. The fire was still there, the fish on it was still there, and the people who killed the fish were still there.

For sure, he didn't look at it!

Thank you Beimu Nanci for the reward

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