The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 372 Beat up the scumbag, find out the truth (two in one)

Shen Yijia didn't expect her luck to be so good.

She was so busy these days that she couldn't find time to find Shen Pingxiu, but the man brought it to her by himself.

It would be a waste of this great opportunity to do nothing.

What made her even more unexpected was that this dog man was still carrying the Chen family's outer room on his back.

Chen Shi was dignified and virtuous on the surface, but he was actually the most jealous, otherwise the back house of the Shen residence would not even have a concubine.

If the Chen family knew what this dog man did, wouldn't the Shen family be in a mess?

She originally wanted to find a place where no one was around and beat her up to get some interest first.

When he thought of something, he knocked the person unconscious and threw them into the carriage. He went to buy some incense paper money, and ordered Mo Yuan to leave the city.

She went to Wang's burial place according to the original owner's memory.

When Wang died at a young age, Chen said that the bad luck would ruin Feng Shui, and persuaded Shen Pingxiu to find another place to bury her instead of the Shen family's ancestral grave.

Shen Yijia felt that if the Wang family was alive, they would be grateful for Chen's decision.

The carriage stopped at the foot of a mountain on the outskirts of the capital, Mo Yuan followed behind with incense candles and paper money, and Shen Yijia carried Shen Pingxiu up the mountain.

At this time, it was noon, and the hot sun made Shen Yijia sweat. She wiped her forehead with her sleeve, and was stunned when she saw a lonely grave not far away.

Based on Shen Pingxiu and Chen's urination, they would definitely not send someone to take care of them. Shen Yijia thought that he would see a scene where the grass on the grave is half-height.

But I didn't want to say that the surrounding area of ​​the lonely grave was so clean that there was not even a single weed, and there were two white and fat steamed buns in front of the tombstone.

In the memory of the original owner, since the second elder of the Wang family passed away, the Wang family has become a helpless orphan.

If it weren't for this, the two elders of the Wang family would not have chosen the poor Shen Pingxiu for the Wang family.

So she really couldn't figure out who else would come here to worship Wang.

"No no no~"

At this time, Shen Pingxiu, who had been bumping all the way on the carriage, suddenly woke up.

Shen Yijia came back to her senses, and unceremoniously threw the person in front of Wang's tombstone.

She walked over and touched the two steamed buns. They were soft and had some residual warmth, indicating that they were released today.

Shen Yijia frowned, could it be that beautiful uncle?

No wonder she thought so. She had previously determined that Uncle Beauty was the one who could not ask for Wang's, and it was normal for her to come to worship after learning of her death.

What Shen Yijia couldn't figure out was that there was no trace of anything burned here.

Uncle Beauty doesn't look like someone who is short of money, so why didn't he even bring paper money candles when he came to worship once.

It's really not good, you put some meat, what's the matter if you put two steamed buns.

But she also thought about it, it is already a matter of love and righteousness for others to come.

At least it's better than her, who has occupied the body of other people's daughters. If it wasn't for a whim today, she would never have thought of coming to worship, Shen Yijia said ashamed.

Thinking like this, she temporarily ignored Shen Pingxiu who was constantly struggling.

Lighting the candle, knelt down on Wang's tombstone and burned the paper money bit by bit, while whispering, "If you have a spirit in the sky, you should have seen your daughter already.

I didn't mean to occupy her body either. She was already dead when I came here. If you don't believe me, you can ask her.

But although the responsibility is not mine, it is a fact that I used her body. To express my gratitude, I will avenge your mother and daughter.

I won't let anyone who harmed you or bullied your daughter..."

After thinking about it for a long time, I don't know if it was Shen Yijia's illusion, but she saw that the flames on the two candles moved without wind.

What the hell!

Shen Yijia was so frightened that she sat on the ground, her face turned pale instantly.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Mo Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to help her up.

Shen Yijia regained her senses, glanced at Mo Yuan, calmed herself down and looked at the candle again, and was relieved when she found that nothing was different.

She has never harmed Wang's mother and daughter, so she shouldn't be afraid.

After she figured it out, Shen Yijia looked at the tombstone and assured in a low voice, "Don't worry, I will definitely not make the Shen family feel better."

After saying that, he threw the remaining paper money into the fire, got up and walked to Shen Pingxiu's side and gave him a hard kick.

He didn't know when the thing in Shen Pingxiu's mouth was freed by him, and he exclaimed in pain: "Ah~ who are you, quickly let go of this officer, otherwise..."

Before finishing a sentence, Shen Yijia kicked again.

She didn't know where she had kicked, and could hear a click.

Shen Pingxiu lost his voice in pain, and the whole person curled up into a ball.

"Let... let it go..."

Even if you can't see his expression, you can imagine that it must be distorted.

Shen Yijia raised her leg and wanted to kick again, but when she thought of something, she closed her foot again. She squatted down and dragged the sack to Wang's tombstone.

Reaching out his hand, he wanted to untie the sack, and thinking that the person inside was undressed, he simply tore a hole at the bottom of the sack.

Shen Yijia grabbed Shen Pingxiu's hair and let his head leak out.

Just as Shen Pingxiu was about to turn his head to see who dared to treat him like this, his head was held down by a force.

Only the words "The Tomb of the Late Wife Shen Wang's Ruxuan" appeared in his pupils.

Shen Pingxiu's pupils shrank, and he asked in horror, "You, who are you?"

Shen Yijia sneered and cleared her throat: "How did you force Wang to die?"

Because she deliberately lowered her voice and Shen Pingxiu was in a huge panic, she felt that the voice behind her was dark and deep.

He wanted to shake his head in denial, but he couldn't move his head at all, so he could only tremble: "I, I didn't kill her, she died of illness..."

Shen Yijia listened to this impatiently, pulled his head and slammed it on the ground, causing blood to splatter on his forehead, and the blood line ran down his forehead, looking particularly oozing.

"One more wrong word, and I'll screw your head off." Shen Yijia frightened fiercely.

She couldn't figure this out before. In the dream, the original owner overheard him asking where Wang's things were.

If it was the map of the secret room, why did he not doubt that the jewelry box had been in the Shen family for more than ten years.

As soon as the original owner got married, he seemed to agree, and even let Shen Ruyun chase after her all the way to Xiagou Village to ask her for it?

Seeing Shen Pingxiu lying there and not speaking, Shen Yijia pressed his head slightly harder.

"I, I overheard that Mr. Wang left her a large sum of money, and there will be a chance for promotion. I think, I want to use the money to clear it up... But she said that the money is for the second girl as a dowry, so she can't verb: move……"

Shen Yijia frowned, isn't it the same thing? Then who sent him to find the jewelry box?

"I, I just want to find the money, who knows that she is so sick that she can't stand still, I just nudged it..."

This is the same as what the original owner saw, watching his father kill his mother with his own eyes.

Xiao Yijia was so frightened that she hid back in the room, and then she became seriously ill and directly forgot this memory.

The more Shen Pingxiu said, the more righteous he felt: "I am her husband, it is her god, it is not right for her to take money..."

Hearing his shameless sophistry, Shen Yijia gritted her teeth angrily, and pressed his head "bang bang bang" several times.

Noticing that Shen Pingxiu rolled his eyes and was about to faint before he stopped: "Where's the money?"

Shen Pingxiu's head was dizzy, and he couldn't think about anything at all. He was answering based on the fear of the people behind him: "The money, the money is all given to my father-in-law. He said he would get me through."

The father-in-law in his mouth is naturally Chen's father, Chen Shangshu.

Shen Yijia has a toothache, this person is so stupid, no wonder he took the position of waiter for more than ten years. It is estimated that the Chen family sold him and gave them back to count the money.

In fact, Shen Pingxiu also regretted it later. At the beginning, he barely made it to the top two in the palace exam, and it was only because of Chen Shangshu that he was able to stay in the capital.

At that time, he had to rely on Chen Shangshu for everything, and naturally he had no doubts about his words.

But he didn't want Chen Shangshu to abandon the filthy wife of the Wang family as soon as he was in power. He was afraid that he would treat the Chen family like that in the future, and he simply didn't want him to climb so fast.

Can want to understand how? He still has to rely on his Chen family in Beijing, is it possible that he can still get the money back?

Later, if he could go further, it was because he had been obedient to the Chen family for so many years, so he felt a little more at ease.

If he had been down-to-earth at the beginning, even if he was out, as long as he made a good political achievement, after more than ten years, I am afraid that he would be able to be promoted to the capital.

It's a pity that Shen Pingxiu now has no choice but to continue to be with the Chen family.

Because if he does anything else, he will offend the Chen family, and it will be even more difficult to get him.

Shen Yijia didn't know Shen Pingxiu's grievances over the years, she only knew that the money that belonged to the original owner had been lost by this person.

She gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to slap someone to death, and asked the last question: "What exactly is in the box that Wang left to Miss Shen?"

"Box? I don't know. Someone came to me and said that someone put something in Wang's place. As long as I give it to him, he will let me get what I want..."

Shen Yijia: "Who is that person?"

"I don't know, that person is holding the royal token, and I haven't even seen his face."

Shen Yijia: This person is so stupid, how did he pass the imperial examination?

Not being able to ask anything, Shen Yijia simply pushed the person back into the sack.

"What do you want to do, I said everything you want to know, just let me go..."

Shen Yijia: "I want to fuck your uncle."

After all, she squeezed the hole, lifted the sack and went to the ground...

Shen Yijia was sweating profusely, and didn't stop until Mo Yuan reminded that there was no movement inside.

She threw the person away, looked at the tombstone and said, "Today, I will help you order interest first."

Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill him directly?

"Miss, are you sure he's still alive?" Mo Yuan asked suddenly.

Shen Yijia waved her hand: "Don't worry, I've used up my strength."

She bowed to Wang's tombstone again before taking Mo Yuan down the mountain.

As for Shen Pingxiu?

Hehe, when the outer room wakes up, it will definitely go to the official, and naturally someone will come to find it.

But in this way, the Chen family will definitely know the existence of the outer chamber, and then there will be a good show.

When he got down from the mountain, Shen Yijia didn't go back to the city directly. Thinking that the whole place came out, he simply went to see the dumplings, and brought some fish back with no money.


Looking at the man who was squatting and catching fish happily, Tuanzi rolled his eyes, and the feeling of seeing the unscrupulous master coming to see him so quickly disappeared.

It feels that catching fish is the purpose of this person, and it is just a matter of convenience.

Shen Yijia thought that she couldn't get dirty here, so she didn't kill it here this time, and was going to take it back and deal with it.

"Duanzi, no one else has come here to steal fish these days." Shen Yijia took time to look back at the dumplings. Why did she feel that there were more fish here than last time?

The troupe shook his head "Ouch".

What can it say, it has been guarding for a few days and has not seen anyone stealing fish, but from time to time it can see someone coming here to release fish?

Especially the man last time, who would pour a bucket of fish into it every day.

Shen Yijia didn't know what it was thinking. It would be good if no one came here. Her subordinates kept moving, urging Mo Yuan to quickly string the fish with the rattan.

Mo Yuan was silent for a moment, then looked at the stone tablet standing next to it, the three characters of Free Life Pond were particularly striking.

It turned out that the lady said earlier that a pond with a lot of fish was found in the mountain, which was a release pond, but is it really okay to catch fish in the release pond?

Thinking of this, the movements of her subordinates also accelerated, and she must leave before being discovered...

"Cough cough."

A cough came from behind.

Mo Yuan was startled and immediately dodged in front of Shen Yijia.

The latter did not panic at all, and turned his head with bright eyes and asked in the direction of the voice: "Uncle Beauty, is that you?"

As soon as she finished her words, she saw Xuanyuan Ce, who had a pale face, come out of the bamboo forest with the help of Chu Feng.

"Are you ill?" Shen Yijia was surprised, seeing her for a few days, how could a good person become a little white flower who seemed to be ravaged.

The corner of Xuanyuance's mouth twitched, and inexplicably understood her unfinished words, and waved his hand in disgust to let Chu Feng walk away.

He walked to a big rock and sat down, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, just a little cold."

Chu Feng rolled his eyes: I didn't know who he was going to support before.

Wind chill? Shen Yijia strangely looked up at the big sun in the sky.

Thinking of something, she skewered the fish in her hand, and ran to wash her hands before pulling Mo Yuan over there.

"My family Mo Yuan is very good at medicine, let her show you."

Before Xuanyuance could speak, Chu Feng stood in front of him: "No need, the host master has already sent someone to invite Miss Ji, and they must be arriving soon."

It is said that what kind of master has what kind of servant, Miss is so unreliable, Chu Feng dare not hand over his prince to others.

Shen Yijia tilted her head, clearly feeling that Chu Feng was very hostile to her this time, and she thought she owed nothing to these two.

The idea of ​​asking Mo Yuan to help him is because of how good-looking the uncle is, but even if the other party is not happy, she will not stick to other people's cold buttocks with a warm face.

Shen Yijia puffed out her cheeks, pulled Mo Yuan, turned around and left.

Anyway, the fish is almost caught.

Xuanyuance gave Chu Feng a warning look and said, "Wait a minute."

Shen Yijia stopped and turned around: "I'm going home." If you have something to say, just say it.

Xuanyuan Ce put his hand on his lips and coughed a few times before saying, "Then there is work."

Shen Yijia snorted at Chu Feng, just about to tell Mo Yuan to take good care and show him.

At this moment, a monk walked over quickly.

When the visitor saw the string of fish, it seemed as if he hadn't seen the fish. He folded his hands together and recited the Buddha's name to several people before saying to Xuanyuan Ce, "The host asked the disciple to come and tell the donor Xuanyuan that Miss Ji is here."

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