The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 382: Splashing Dirty Water (2 in 1)

The people around you said what I said, and the Li family listened to them, and they finally pieced together the whole story.

They believe that Shen Yijia beat people, but it is absolutely impossible to say that she is willing to pay 100 taels of silver to buy others, let alone plan to frame and kill people.

This is slander at all!

Lin Shao asked worriedly, "Auntie, what should I do? Sister-in-law will be fine, right?"

Li clenched the Supa in her hand tightly. Two years ago, the Duke Fuguo's mansion was framed, and the man in the family was taken away by the forbidden army who broke into the mansion.

This morning, the yamen suddenly came to the door and wanted to take Sister Jia away without saying a word. She took a sigh of relief before she fainted.

Until now, Li's head was still buzzing, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

She didn't go to comfort Lin Shao, but turned her head and instructed Mo Yuan: "Go and find out where your uncle has gone, and let him come back soon."

Mo Yuan didn't move, and if the people inside dared to do something to the young lady, she was going to kill her.

Li Shi said anxiously: "Only your uncle can save Sister Jia now. There will be nothing wrong here for the time being, hurry up!"

Mo Yuan glanced at Mrs. Li, then looked back at the person standing in the hall, frowned and turned to squeeze out of the crowd.

In the high hall, Mr. Cai did not expect that the second Miss Shen family was such a delicate little girl. She was not afraid to say anything when she saw him, and her eyes were still staring at him.

He coughed lightly, slapped a jingle, and shouted, "Song Shen, the bold, why didn't he kneel when he saw this official?"

Oh, to go to court is to kneel!

Shen Yijia glanced left and right, and met Shen Wenbo's half-smiling eyes.

She pursed her lips and walked towards Shen Wenbo.

Everyone was still wondering what she was going to do when they saw that the little lady suddenly raised her foot and kicked Shen Da Gongzi's knee.

Shen Wenbo never thought that Shen Yijia would dare to do something to himself in court, and staggered down to his knees.

He snorted, the smile on his face changed to a pained expression, and he glared at Shen Yijia angrily: "You..."

Shen Yijia raised her little hand and patted Shen Wenbo's shoulder, stopping him from trying to stand up, and grinned at him, with a face that didn't need to thank me too much.

Immediately, he knelt down beside him, raised his small face and looked at Mr. Cai, who was still stunned on the high hall.

Look, we're all on our knees and you can start.

To outsiders, Shen Yijia's movements seemed light, including the kick just now. After all, how strong can a little girl be?

But Shen Wenbo, who had experienced it himself, only felt that his shoulder was almost dislocated, and the kicked leg was still numb.

Shen Wenbo's face twisted for a while, he has an official position, and he is not the person involved in the case, so he doesn't need to kneel.

Just as he was about to stand up, Shen Yijia's faint voice came from his side.

"Kneel down, otherwise... hum."

The threat is not too obvious.

Shen Wenbo's face changed several times, and he sneered when he thought of something.

Let this little bitch be proud for a while, then she will cry.

Yesterday, Shen Pingxiu only wanted to vent his anger by tricking the first suspect, Shen Yijia, into returning to the house and beating him to death.

Shen Wenbo felt that this was inappropriate, and when he said his idea, Shen Pingxiu immediately agreed.

This incident has already happened, even if someone is killed, in addition to being happy in the heart, it will not help the matter, and it will bring other troubles.

After all, this time is different from the past, Shen Yijia is already married, and it is not that they can kill by killing.

Shen Wenbo first asked Chen to find Mrs. Zhang and analyze the stakes with her.

Lady Zhang knew that Shen Pingxiu's downfall would not do her any good.

And she knew about Shen Pingxiu, and now, even if Chen killed their mother and son, the man probably wouldn't even blink.

Chen shi shouted cordially from one sister to the next, and said sincerely that it is not easy for a woman, and she understands everything.

He also promised that as long as she came forward to testify, she would be kept safe, and she agreed to bring her son into the palace.

An aunt who stays in the backyard all year round, who will remember her in a few years?

How could Mrs. Zhang not know that there is not much sincerity in it.

But she had no other choice. If she didn't agree, neither she nor her son would want to see the sun the next day.

She also knew that the Chen family would not save her, and only hoped that Shen Pingxiu would save her son's life for the sake of making up for her faults. Anyway, it was Shen Pingxiu's own blood.

So there was the matter of suing Shen Yijia this morning.

Shen Wenbo's idea is not poisonous, so Shen Pingxiu has changed from the object of everyone's ridicule to the victim.

The outer room is fake, the mastermind is still a daughter, and there will only be more sympathy at that time. Who will remember the fact that he swaggered through the market with those two thighs bare.

This matter can be considered to be solved from the root, but Shen Yijia, who is the culprit, cannot escape death.

In order to avoid Song Jingchen coming out to interfere, he also specially asked the second son to get him out of Beijing. When he came back, the matter was already settled.

Mr. Cai on the high hall patted the jingtang wood: "Song Shen, Zhang sued you for bribing her to slander the court officials first, and you want to kill and silence later, can you plead guilty?"

Now I'm just talking about what Mrs. Zhang sued. If she admits it, she will be kidnapped, beaten up court officials, and unfilial.

Assaulting a court official is a serious crime of beheading. If you are punished for several crimes, you can be beheaded several times.

"What?" Before Shen Yijia could speak, Shen Pingxiu, who was lying half-dead on the wooden frame, struggled to sit up and looked at Shen Yijia with grief: "You did it? Second girl, you just don't listen to discipline, I thought. You have lost your mother since you were young, and you are so indulgent, but I don't miss you..."

He shed tears as he spoke, all saying that it was a man who didn't cry easily, but he didn't get to the sad part.

Let's not say whether it's true or not, his behavior made the people who were watching outside sigh for a while.

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes, her back was straight: "I didn't do it, I don't recognize it."

Master Cai stared at Shen Yijia for a long time, but did not find a guilty conscience on her face, and turned to the three witnesses kneeling in the middle.

The area in the south of the city is populated by ordinary people. How dare they go against the officials, they have long been coerced and bribed by Shen Wenbo.

When Master Cai asked, he said the prepared remarks in one go like pouring beans in a bamboo tube.

It was nothing more than to prove that Madam Zhang was a widow, and seeing Shen Yijia to find Madam Zhang on the day of the incident.

After they finished speaking, the yamen who went to the city gate guard and took out the city record book also returned.

Registration is required to go out of the city, and it clearly states the time when Shen Yijia went out of the city, which was an hour before Mrs. Zhang reported the case.

At this time, there was a commotion among the people watching.

Master Cai frowned and asked Master to see what happened.

After a while, the master came back, followed by a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy.

The young man was so frightened that he didn't dare to look around, so he knelt down and kowtowed.

The master whispered a few words in Master Cai's ear. Master Cai raised his eyebrows and looked at the young man: "Who is in the hall and why are you making such a fuss outside?"

The young man shrank his neck and said shiveringly, "Caomin, Caomin is the guy at the Shoucai Shop.

A day ago, I saw this little lady come to the shop to buy incense paper money. "

The reason why he remembered it was because Shen Yijia was good-looking, so he took a second look.

In this way, as soon as you get in touch with the place where Shen Pingxiu was found, things will all go right.

Mr. Cai slapped a jingle on the table, and said solemnly, "Song Shen, there are witnesses and evidences, what more do you have to say?"

Shen Yijia didn't even know that the Shen family was so powerful, she figured out her itinerary that day in one day.

And this guy, who happened to be watching outside, and then recognized her, she didn't believe that there was such a coincidence, it must have been arranged in advance.

"I went to buy paper money, and I also went out of the city." These two things are ironclad, and there is no way to deny them.

As soon as she said these words, Shen Pingxiu and Shen Wenbo both flashed smug looks, not to mention how the crowd was watching.

Shen Yijia blinked and continued innocently: "But I didn't do other things. Is it illegal to buy paper money and go out of the city?"

"As for what the three of them said..." Shen Yijia looked at the three women kneeling in front with a look of contempt: "Who knows if they have been bribed, after all, some people have big business and want to bribe a few people. What a problem."

Shen Wenbo sneered: "You mean these people are arranged by our Shen family to slander you?"

Shen Yijia tilted her head and looked over: "You admit it?"

Shen Wenbo choked and snorted coldly: "What nonsense! If we hadn't heard this today, we wouldn't have known you were so vicious."

He seemed annoyed, and said again: "It's just that you never return to your mother's house for so many days when you return to Beijing.

This time my father had such an accident, was injured and was in bed, and I wanted to see you, and yesterday I specially ordered someone to go to the Song Mansion to find you, but I don’t think you would not only ignore it, but also say bad words…”

"Brother Bo, don't talk about it, I didn't discipline your second sister well..." Shen Pingxiu shook his head painfully, and vividly portrayed the image of an old father who was heartbroken by his daughter.

If it weren't for the wrong timing, Shen Yijia would have wanted to applaud him, which was even better than the acting skills of the actors on the stage.

It's no wonder that when he was young, he was able to trick the second veteran of the Wang family into handing over his precious daughter to him.

Mr. Cai didn't know if he had the intention of watching the play, but he didn't say a word, and let the father and son of the Shen family sing and fight like a woman below.

"Father, what does this have to do with you, who would have thought that our Shen family could produce such a..."

"What's the motivation?" Shen Yijia interrupted Shen Wenbo impatiently: "Since you treat me so badly, why should I do these things that are not good for me? I'm not impatient anymore."

Master Cai: How do you feel that he is no longer needed here?

Shen Pingxiu's pupils shrank, if you want to talk about the motive, you have to start with Wang's death...

"Because of jealousy." A female voice sounded from outside the crowd.

The onlookers automatically gave way.

Shen Ruyun, who was wearing a princess dress, was surrounded by several maids and walked in.

She walked to Shen Yijia and looked at her condescendingly, with a look of sadness on her face: "I didn't want to say it, but you've gone too far this time, this is your own father, how can you do it."

Shen Yijia: Who am I and where am I? Am I on the stage by mistake?

Shen Ruyun pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, and smiled mockingly at Shen Yijia where no one could see.

Shen Yijia: "You laugh so ugly."

Her voice was not too loud or too small, but it was loud enough for people to hear, and everyone didn't care whether it would offend or not, and glanced at Shen Ruyun's face.

Shen Ruyun: ...

She took a deep breath, pretending she didn't hear it, lowered her eyes and continued, "Back then, your biological mother saved Mrs. Song who was pregnant in October, so the Song and Chen families entered into a verbal marriage contract.

When the eldest son of Song reached the age of marrying a wife, Mrs. Song went to the Shen family to discuss the marriage. She didn't want Mrs. Song to choose me instead of you for some reason.

But you saw the power of the Fuguo Gongfu at that time, you went on a hunger strike at home, and forced me to give you the marriage with death. Father couldn't bear to see you like this, and finally agreed.

But I don't want you to get married on the day..."

She didn't go on, but everyone understood that on the day of marriage, her husband's family was involved in the case of rebellion, and the two elders died one after another.

For this reason, many people in the capital said that this second lady of the Shen family was a tough one, and that she had destroyed her husband's family.

Two years have passed, if Shen Ruyun hadn't mentioned it today, they would have almost forgotten about it.

Shen Ruyun's remarks firstly showed that Shen Yijia was favored at home, and secondly, it implied that she even dared to rob her sister's marriage, what else could she do?

As for Mrs. Song's not choosing Shen Yijia, what else could be the reason, but that she was unbearable as a good match and had problems with her life.

At the same time, all the responsibility for the sudden change of words of the Shen family was put on Shen Yijia, and the rest of the Shen family were forced to help.

Shen Pingxiu has a heart that loves his daughter.

"You were kicked out of the capital, but I was married to King Jing as a concubine. You were jealous of me, unbalanced in your heart, and felt that your family owed you, so you attacked your father."

Following Shen Ruyun's conclusion, the onlookers began to discuss one by one.

"It's too vicious, I even robbed my sister's marriage."

"No, it's obvious that my life is too hard to kill my husband's family, and my life is not good, but I still have to come back to resent my parents' family."

"My main house is in Liu'er Street. Yesterday, I heard it for real. The servant of Shen's house knelt in front of the gate of Song's house and begged Second Miss Shen to go back and take a look. Do you know what that Second Miss Shen said? ?" The boy asked mysteriously.

Someone asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

The little servant put his hands on his hips and his chin on one, pressing his voice: "If you are sick, you can seek medical treatment from a doctor. If you are dying, go to the coffin shop to order a coffin. What are you doing with me? Why do you still want me to make money?"

Shen Yijia's eyes and ears are bright, and she can hear the comments of the outsiders clearly.

Don't say, that tone, I learned quite like her.

Someone exclaimed: "Oh my God, isn't this cursed to death? That's her own father, so I'm not afraid of thunder."

"It's no wonder that Mrs. Song didn't look down on her at the beginning, and I don't know if it took a few lifetimes of bad luck to marry such a person into the family."

"This kind of person can't see the good of others. I don't think this case needs to be tried. She must have done it."

"Tsk, I really can't tell. He looks so innocent and doesn't know the world, but he has such a bad heart."

Thanks to Mo Xi Wuxia, 878368047 for the reward

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