The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 384: Foreclosure (two in one)

The scorching sun was in the sky, but it did not persuade the people who were watching the excitement outside Jingzhao Mansion at all.

Even in this half-day effort, more and more people came to watch.

Even if you can't squeeze in, stand outside and listen to the sound.

Obviously it's just a nursing room, and by the way, it's a small matter that loses face. Those who don't know it think that this is a big case.

In the lobby, Xuanyuance sat on the left, and behind him stood Shen Yijia and Chu Feng.

Thanks to him, Shen Yijia was cleared of suspicion, and with Xuanyuan Ce as a backer, Master Cai didn't dare to ask her to kneel again.

The Shen family brothers and sisters stood opposite them. As for Shen Pingxiu, they were carried to the Houya for the doctor to diagnose and treat.

For the sake of her son, Mrs. Zhang refused to admit that she was Shen Pingxiu's outer chamber, but she refused to say anything else.

But the three women were different. They were told to identify Shen Yijia. This rhetoric was no longer available, and they were not given the opportunity to collude with each other in advance. The three words were all flaws.

Even the people who were watching the lively outside heard something wrong, and Mr. Cai couldn't even try to cover up for the Shen family.

He could only bite the bullet and continue to ask, and it didn't take long for a few women to stand the pressure and tell the truth.

Shen Ping's time to cultivate this outer room is not short, and he will go to it once or twice a month, even if he is careful, he will be bumped into sometimes.

These women had seen him before, and they identified him on the spot, so the idea of ​​framing it would naturally be self-defeating.

Including the fact that someone came to coerce and lure them to give perjury last night, as well as the identification of the second lady of the Shen family.

Everyone thought that even if it wasn't Shen Yijia, there was someone else, but they didn't want the truth, but the Shen family directed and acted.

The onlookers were in an uproar.

"Didn't you just say that you love that second Miss Shen? Why doesn't this look different?"

"There's a lot of stuff going on in high-profile households, what people say is what they say, do you still take it seriously?"


"It's said that if you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather. Miss Shen must have been heartbroken if she didn't want to go home after her marriage." A woman said with red eyes.

She herself was brought up by her stepmother, and she never opened her mouth when she heard others crusade against Shen Yijia.

I don't know if I thought of my own experience, so I covered my mouth and sobbed and cried.

If she had half the courage of Second Miss Shen to cut off contact with her mother's family, she would not live such a bad life.

Shen Wenbo's face was terrifyingly gloomy. Not only did the Shen family not pick up the lost face, but they personally put it in front of everyone, making them step on it again.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Those people were not sent by our Shen family at all."

The only thing he is happy about now is that when he went to bribe those people last night, he kept an eye on it, and he didn't come forward and didn't send anyone from the government.

"So someone is acting under the guise of the Shen family?" Master Cai tried his best to keep his head off.

"Naturally." Shen Wenbo said something he didn't believe, and cupped his hands: "As for who is impersonating our Shen family, we will investigate this ourselves, so we won't bother the adults."

He didn't mention a word at first when Mrs. Zhang said that she was not Shen Pingxiu's outer chamber, but he, including Shen Pingxiu, did not deny it.

Master Cai also had indirect amnesia, so he responded and didn't completely tear off the fig leaf of the Shen family.

Xuanyuance was not the king of Daxia after all, even if he was not used to it, he could not interfere too much. He watched the whole process with cold eyes.

No one noticed, a young servant squeezed out of the crowd when he saw this.

He walked straight to a carriage parked opposite Jingzhao Mansion, bowed and said, "President, Madam Song is fine now."

Then he told what he had seen and heard.

After a long time, I heard Dean Lu in the carriage sigh deeply: "The current officialdom..."

As long as anyone who is not stupid can understand this case, this is why the Shen family poured dirty water on Miss Shen, who had lost her mother since childhood, in order to cleanse Shen Pingxiu.

As for who kidnapped him out of the city, nobody cares anymore.

Zhang Niangzi falsely accused others. According to the Daxia law, the false accuser sits back, which means that the false accusers will be punished with the penalty of being falsely accused.

If Shen Yijia is convicted of the crime, her head will be beheaded. Correspondingly, Mrs. Zhang was betrayed by Qiuhou and asked to be beheaded.

Because she refused to tell the instigator, this can only be done by herself.

Listening to the result of Mr. Cai's punishment on her, Mrs. Zhang slumped to the ground.

After a long time, she suddenly knelt down and climbed in front of Shen Yijia: "Mrs. Song, it's the slave family who has been fascinated by ghosts. Mrs. Song has a lot of people. Please spare the slave family this time."

Shen Yijia pulled out her feet, curled her lips and said, "It's not me who can save you, it's you. As long as you say who ordered you, you naturally don't have to die."

To die is the messenger.

Madam Zhang paused and looked at Shen Wenbo blankly.

Shen Wenbo's eyes froze, and he leaned his body without a trace, and a small and delicate longevity lock leaked out from his waist.

Lady Zhang's pupils shrank, it was given by Shen Pingxiu when her son was born, and she has never left her for so many years.

She closed her eyes, and suddenly laughed wildly: "It was the slave family, it was made by the slave family, no one instructed the slave family..."

It's her, it's all her own doing.

In fact, Shen Pingxiu disappeared that day, so when she went to report the case, she could not say that she belonged to his outer room.

But she is not greedy enough!

She thought that she would not be able to be a dark room all her life. Now that she is still young, Shen Pingxiu can come every once in a while, but what about when she is old and fading?

She thought that she had a son by her side, as long as this matter was exposed, Shen Pingxiu would bring their mother and son into the house even for the sake of her son.

But she didn't expect things to be so serious, and she didn't expect Shen Pingxiu to be so heartless.

When Chen shi kept their mother and son in the firewood room for a day and a night, and Shen Pingxiu didn't show up, she knew that this move was wrong.

But regret is too late.

Mrs. Zhang cried and laughed for a while, and kept repeating these words, as if she was crazy.

Master Cai waved someone to take her down.

As for the three women, one of them perjured 20 boards, and they had to hand over all the money they got for perjury.

When the matter came to an end, Mr. Cai was relieved and just wanted to call to retire.

Shen Yijia stood up and said, "What about me? I was brought to court early in the morning by you like a prisoner. ?"

Master Cai's eyelids jumped: "Then what do you want?"

He just wants to get rid of people early.

"Hmm." Shen Yijia thought for a while: "I was slandered by them, so the mental damage shouldn't be too much. Of course, if I don't give it, then I can only continue to sue, and I must find out what's behind..."

He had never heard of the mental damage fee, but he understood what Shen Yijia meant.

That's asking for money!

The Shen family's fig leaf was torn apart without giving money.

The corners of Mr. Cai's mouth twitched. In order to please King Jing, he had already helped the Shen family before, so he couldn't push people out when it was over.

However, it is best to solve it with some money, and he agreed immediately: "It's not too much, then..."

Shen Yijia reminded: "That lady just said that I promised 600 taels of silver before and after I bought her."

Master Cai was shocked: Six hundred taels! Why don't you go grab it.

A look of contempt flashed in Shen Ruyun's eyes, and she disagreed: "Second sister, how are you..."

"Don't talk yet." Shen Yijia was impatient to listen to her pretense, and interrupted her unceremoniously.

Shen Ruyun's nails sank into the flesh.

She is a dignified princess, how can this girl dare to talk to her like this?

She really wanted to call Shen Yijia's mouth no matter what, but with so many people watching outside, she still had to maintain the image of a good sister.

After all, she can "let" even her own marriage, so what's the point of being scolded lightly.

And she was also afraid that Shen Yijia would really hold on to this matter.

What is going on with the Shen family? Shen Yijia doesn't care, but she can't. If her parents' family is too unbearable, how can her reputation as the eldest daughter of the Shen family get better?

She took a deep breath and glanced at Master Cai.

Master Cai gritted his teeth: "Okay, six hundred taels are six hundred taels."

"It's not 600 taels, 600 taels is just the price of one person, just now four people have identified me, a total of 2,400 taels, rounded up is 2,500 taels." Shen Yijia stretched out four fingers.

Can you still count?

Mr. Cai's eyes widened, not expecting that Shen Yijia would dare to speak so loudly.

He looked at Shen Ruyun again, he couldn't give out the money, could he?

Shen Ruyun bit her silver teeth, closed her eyes and nodded, she didn't pay attention to the thousands of taels of silver, but she was unwilling to think that it was for Shen Yijia.

Master Cai then nodded: "It should be."

He instructed the master to get the silver note.

The people who were blaming Shen Yijia just now are all looking at the Shen brothers and sisters with contempt.

But because of Shen Ruyun's identity, she didn't dare to be as blatant as when she scolded Shen Yijia.

But around like this, it also made the Shen brothers and sisters angry.

Especially Shen Ruyun, no matter how she is at home, she has always been the object of praise from others. When she has been like this, at this moment, she only feels like a light on her back.

She looked at Shen Yijia and said softly, "Second sister, we were also misled by others. We thought that you really did these things. Fortunately, the misunderstanding was resolved."

In fact, Shen Ruyun has always been not a smart person. When she is not out of the cabinet, she has a good reputation outside the cabinet.

In fact, it's still stupid in nature, just like now, she feels that Shen Yijia doesn't intend to completely tear her face off with her mother's family if she only needs the money.

She gave a ladder, and Shen Yijia should go down.

Anyone who has a brain should know that it is best not to say anything at this time, let alone provoke Shen Yijia.

But she did.

"Misunderstanding? You don't know if Lord Shen has a nursery room, doesn't he have a point in his heart?"

Shen Yijia was so disgusted that she didn't know what else to wash at this time, and everyone was not blind.

The word "father" is not worthy of Shen Pingxiu.

Shen Yijia didn't want to bother anymore, she just wanted to solve it with her fists after going out, and noticed the people outside with their necks hanging out.

She rolled her eyes and blinked: "If you want to say a misunderstanding, I was the one who misunderstood me. It turned out that I was a maid for you since I was a child, and I was punished to kneel in the yard in the winter, and it was right to lock me in the woodshed at any time. I'm good. Then I don't really care that you are good to me. "

When all the evidence pointed to Shen Yijia, no one would believe these words when she said it, but now it is different.

Shen Yijia didn't know, as soon as she said these words, Xuanyuance's hand under his sleeve clenched into a fist, and his whole body exuded a strong killing intent.

"And you mentioned the matter of changing relatives." Noticing the panic on Shen Ruyun's face, Shen Yijia smiled: "If you don't tell me, I will forget, I am an orphan who has no mother and can't even get enough to eat, how can I have the ability. Take the marriage from you.

Originally, I didn't understand why you suddenly asked me to marry a month before the wedding date. Now that I think about it, did you already know something? "

what do you know?

Do you know that Fuguo Gongfu will be implicated in the case of rebellion or do you know that someone will frame Fuguo Gongfu?

This is worth thinking about.

If it is the former, why not report it to Your Majesty after knowing it?

If it is the latter, could it be that his Shen family also participated in the frame-up?

Master Cai almost knelt down, this girl not only has a big appetite, but also dares to say anything.

At the same time, he secretly scolded King Jing for marrying such a stupid thing.

Shen Wenbo's pupils shrank, and he reprimanded, "Shen Yijia, stop talking nonsense."

Shen Yijia tilted her head innocently: "Am I right? Otherwise, why is it so coincidental? At that time, Shen Ruyun's dowry should have been almost prepared, right? Every shop in the capital that can be named should be able to find it. .

But when it came to an end, he let me get married, and let me get married with an empty box..."

Not afraid of offending the then prosperous Fuguo Gongfu.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts so much..." Before Shen Yijia finished speaking, Shen Ruyun covered her stomach and exclaimed.

The maids she brought with her screamed in panic, "Please ask the doctor", "There is a little grandson in the belly of the princess" and so on.

Shen Yijia turned her head away in disgust and started pretending again.

Mr. Cai is one big and two big. He ran out to be a monster while pregnant, and he hurriedly asked people to invite a doctor.

"Go home." Shen Ruyun screamed.

She secretly squeezed the hand of her maid, Lian'er. Lian'er understood, and hurriedly greeted others to help Shen Ruyun leave.

Shen Wenbo also followed the trend.

Master Cai:  …

What's the matter!

And your father doesn't want it?

Taking a stack of silver notes from the master, Shen Yijia was overjoyed.

Fang walked out of the lobby, and several people from the Li family gathered around.

Li Shi's face was full of guilt, and he opened his mouth to say something.

Shen Yijia smiled and showed her the silver note: "Mother, look, it's a lot of money."

She knew what Li Shi was feeling guilty about, but she was not the original owner, and Li Shi had always been kind to her, so she couldn't blame her for the original owner.

Furthermore, if the original owner was in a place like the Shen family, if nothing happened to the Fuguo Gongfu, even if the Li family chose the original owner, the Chen family would not let her get married.

After all, it is too simple to destroy a person's marriage, as long as the innocence and reputation of that person are destroyed.

Chen shi was a little more ruthless and killed the original owner directly. It is not impossible for her to elope with someone.

Thanks to Mo Xi Wuxia for the reward, I started to prepare for the explosion on the 7th, oh, my head is big

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