After Shen Yijia couldn't help laughing out loud, Brother Hao was completely sad, no matter how much she comforted her, it didn't work.

Shen Yijia could only hand over the heavy responsibility of coaxing the little awkwardness to Sister Huan.

Although Sister Huan and Brother Hao have a lot of differences in their personalities as they grow older, the innate spiritual connection between dragon and phoenix cannot be changed.

After a while, the two of them gathered together to discuss the little story written by Brother Hao.

Most of them were said by Brother Hao, and Sister Huan listened with relish and added a few words occasionally.

Shen Yijia touched his chin, maybe every child has a ten-foot-tall hero living in his heart with three heads and six arms?

Can anyone really grow up like that?

In the noodle restaurant, Feng Manman stared blankly at the small porcelain box placed in front of him.

Is Brother Xiao going to marry?

Yes, in order to prevent Feng Manman from having undeserved thoughts, Xiao Ruoshui did not say that Xiao Qirui was arguing at home to break off the marriage and marry her, but was beaten to pieces by General Xiao.

She only said that Xiao Qirui was going to get married soon, and because of the great defense between men and women, the matter of delivering medicine to her in the future would be handed over to her own sister.

"If you have any difficulties in the future, come to me directly, don't go to my elder brother, Miss Feng should know to avoid suspicion, right?" Xiao Ruoshui said lightly.

Feng Manman's eyes blushed instantly: "I didn't..."

"Well, I know, you haven't gone to my eldest brother, because my eldest brother can't worry about you because of guilt, so you must rub this medicine well, and when your face is healed, you can marry and have children normally, so that my eldest brother can You don't have to worry about you anymore."

Xiao Ruoshui felt that at this moment she was like a vicious mother-in-law in a talk book, but there was no way she could let this woman destroy her elder brother.

There are many ways to repay her kindness, and it doesn't have to be her eldest brother's life.

"I...I understand, please tell Brother Xiao for me, he doesn't have to blame himself, everything is of my own accord, even if the face is not cured, it doesn't matter..." Feng Manman said with tears.

Xiao Ruoshui: "..."

She really didn't like people who were crying like this, making it seem like she was bullying people, and besides, what she gave was medicine, not poison.

However, thinking that this person is also Xiao Qirui's savior, Xiao Ruoshui resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said patiently, "Don't worry, this medicine will definitely help you get rid of the scars on your face."

Xiao Ruoshui believed in Shen Yijia, and even Shen Yijia was full of praise for Mo Yuan's medical skills, so Xiao Ruoshui naturally believed in the ointment made by Mo Yuan.

Feng Manman pressed the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, and bowed to Xiao Ruoshui: "Thank you."

Xiao Ruoshui said nothing, took out a money bag and put it on the table, turned and left the noodle shop.

She was still riding in a rental carriage, and she didn't bring her maid out.

Except for the four of them in the family and a few people around Xiao Qirui who knew what happened to Xiao Qirui, even Aunt Qiao's mother and daughter didn't know the specifics. The people in the house only guessed that he had made a mistake in the army.

So this matter is still covered up to death for the time being.

Just as the carriage turned out of the alley, it almost collided with another carriage that was about to turn. Xiao Ruoshui swayed, frowned and lifted the curtain. The curtain of the carriage on the opposite side was also lifted.

A woman about her age.

The two looked at each other, the woman smiled politely at her, Xiao Ruoshui rolled her eyes, and lowered the curtain...

I don't know if she didn't read the almanac when she went out today. When the carriage turned into Chang'an Avenue, she almost collided with a horse again.

This time, it was because the other party's horse was too fast, so the driver pulled the reins in time to prevent a car accident.

Xiao Ruoshui was miserable. One of them couldn't stabilize, and hit her head on the carriage and made a "dong" sound, causing her to take a deep breath.

She was so angry that she was about to scold when she opened the car curtain, but the other party didn't even realize it. When Xiao Ruoshui probed out, she only saw the back of a man in the distance.

"In a hurry to reincarnate?" Xiao Ruoshui cursed in a low voice, gritted his teeth.

In fact, it was almost the same as reincarnation. The man rushed all the way into Xuanwu Street, and finally stopped at the Taifu Mansion.

"The villain is from the ancestral house, and I have an urgent matter to see the adults." The man was in a state of embarrassment, and his face was dripping with sweat. He reported his identity without waiting for the concierge to ask.

The porter was busy and led the person in.

Mrs. Zhao had already explained that once someone came from the ancestral house, they would immediately take him to see him.

"Sir, it's not good, there is an accident at the iron mine." When Fang saw someone, the man hurriedly said.

Mrs. Zhao also just resigned, and he hadn't even changed his official uniform. Hearing this, he felt a little stunned: "What's the matter, didn't you ask you to clean up those people?"

Back then, when he reported the abolition of the crown prince, the family of Fuguo Gongfu died and was injured. Now that Song Jingchen is back, he doesn't need to think about it to know that he will not let his Zhao family go.

If his hands are clean, there is no need to be afraid of Song Jingchen, but he has an iron ore that he mines privately.

You must know that iron is an important material for making weapons, and it has always been controlled by the government. It is a felony to discover that iron ore is concealed, let alone mining it privately.

Once this is known by the above, his Zhao family's head is probably not enough to cut off.

As a courtier, what do you do to keep iron ore privately? Do you want to make weapons, what do you want them to do, or do you want to rebel?

He said no, who believed?

"The little ones did prepare to deal with all the miners according to the instructions of the adults, but I don't know who leaked the news, and a few people ran away while we were not ready. ." The man said and buried his head.

Even if they were accidentally overheard when they were talking, there were their people everywhere around the mine. If no one rescued them, it would be impossible for ordinary people to escape.

"Where's Magistrate Yang? Is he dead, and how many people can't even catch him?" Mrs. Zhao said angrily.

The place where the private mine is located is only a day's journey from the capital, and it is also where his ancestral home is located.

Although it is close, up to the county magistrate, down to a registrar, they are all their own.

This is why it has never been discovered.

The man buried his head lower: "The county government suddenly caught fire, and the magistrate Yang died."

Those who were burned alive, waited for the yamen to put out the fire, and Magistrate Yang had already been burned beyond recognition.

Zhao Taifu's pupils shrank, and he slumped back on the Taishi chair.

What he feared the most had happened.

"Sir, what should I do now?" The man was also afraid, this was the crime of beheading.

Mrs. Zhao lowered his eyes: "I think about it, you go down first."


When the man retired, Mrs. Zhao summoned his personal entourage again, took out a letter that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it to him: "Take someone to go, put this letter in the Yang County magistrate's mansion, and by the way bring the insider to him. all……"

He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This private mine can't be saved, and now I can only try to get rid of myself as much as possible, otherwise once he is involved, the person who can't protect him will not come forward to protect him.

Knowing that he was behind him, apart from the magistrate, there were only a few confidants he sent to watch, the so-called insiders.

At the same time, Song Jingchen also received a letter from Yaoji, looking at the content above, the corners of his lips lifted into a mocking smile.

Mrs. Zhao! It was bolder than he thought.

It's a pity that all the clues are broken when the surname is Zhao, but the master behind him is completely unavailable.

But he is not in a hurry, it is the fox who will always come out.

Fuguo Gongfu's hatred, grandfather and father's two lives, those people will have to pay it back sooner or later.

Not one can escape!

Nan Feng stood opposite the book desk, and when he saw the smile on his face, he shivered inexplicably. After seeing the gentle appearance of his master in front of the young lady, it was strange that he suddenly showed such an expression.

"Master, come out quickly."

Shen Yijia's voice came from outside the door, and the murderous aura on Song Jingchen disappeared instantly, he put the letter on the candlestick and lit it.

Open the study door and go out.

The sky will be dark, and in the yard, Shen Yijia is leading Brother Hao and a few to string the sliced ​​meat together with bamboo skewers.

The meat was sent by Chu Feng, and Shen Yijia only knew after hearing what he said that the beautiful uncle thought Beijing was boring and went to the royal hunting ground.

Originally, Xuanyuan Ziming and the others were all ready to come back, but because of Xuanyuan Ce's sudden visit, they could only stay there for a few more days before returning today.

"Xianggong, eat barbecue at night." Shen Yijia shook the skewered meat and said confidently, "You come to roast."

In fact, Mo Yuan's roasted meat is also delicious, but it's not the same as the roasted meat by the beauty Xianggong.

Song Jingchen's lips curved slightly: "Okay."

Nanfeng: Sure enough, it's different.

There was a charcoal basin on the table, Shen Yijia found an iron mesh to stand on it, Song Jingchen glanced at the meat skewers placed next to it, and then looked at the iron mesh.

Shen Yijia blinked: "Just put the meat skewers on it."

"Will this roast really taste better than the roast we usually eat?" Brother Hao swallowed and asked.

Shen Yijia: "Of course, why don't I bake a bunch for you first?"

Brother Hao was startled: "Forget it, sister-in-law, you have been tired for so long, let eldest brother bake it."

Shen Yijia:  …

Together with Mo Yuan and Nan Feng, there were eight people in total. Naturally, Song Jingchen couldn't cook alone. Shen Yijia felt itchy, so she set up a simple grill and wanted to try it for herself.

As a result, her proposal was unanimously rejected by the whole family.

Shen Yijia:  …

Mo Yuan expressionlessly took a handful of meat skewers and put them on it: "Miss, just sit and rest."

Sister Huan breathed a sigh of relief, holding an ice bowl and stuffing it into Shen Yijia's hands: "Yes, sister-in-law, you eat this first, with crushed peanuts and candied fruit in it, it's delicious."

Don't make it too obvious that you dislike it.

Shen Yijia puffed out her cheeks and scooped a spoonful of crushed ice into her mouth.

Song Jingchen looked funny: "Come here, I'll teach you."

Shen Yijia was happy.

Crowd: ...

Fortunately, Song Jingchen knew Shen Yijia's craftsmanship in his heart. What he said about teaching was really hands-on teaching. He would never let her put any seasonings, nor let her hands touch those meat skewers alone.

In terms of cooking, Shen Yijia has a very strong ability to turn magic into decay.

Shen Yijia: Roasted loneliness!

The family was eating fragrant barbecue when there was a knock on the door.

"I'm going to open the door." Shen Yijia ran to the door before she finished speaking, and she opened the door: "Who is it?"

"Brother and sister."

Standing outside the door was Shangguan Yu, and next to him was Lian Shan.

Without waiting for Shen Yijia to ask, he continued: "I went hunting with the envoy for the past two days, I brought some prey back, and brought some for you to try."

Shen Yijia raised her eyebrows, how come one or two came to deliver meat to them, and the uncle beauty hasn't finished eating yet.

Just when Shen Yijia was stunned, Shangguan Yu turned around and lifted a cage out of the carriage: "If you were lucky enough to catch it, I will send it here together."

In the cage was a little fox with a snow-white body, with two jet-black eyes staring at Shen Yijia, and its fluffy tail raised high.

Shen Yijia stared at the little fox for a while, then frowned: "Its meat doesn't seem to taste good."

Shangguan Yu had a meal:  …

"Jiajia, who is it?" Seeing that Shen Yijia hadn't come back for a long time, Song Jingchen followed out uneasy.

Seeing that it was Shangguan Yu, the smile on his face narrowed a bit: "Come in."

It just so happened that Brother Hao and the others had almost eaten. Seeing a guest coming to the door, Mrs. Li saluted Shang Guanyu and took them back to the backyard first.

For a while, there were only three masters left in the yard.

Shangguan Yu glanced at the roasted meat left on the table and smiled: "It seems that my prey was delivered late."

Song Jingchen didn't answer him, and said lightly, "Have you had dinner? If it doesn't help, just sit down and eat together."

Shangguan Yu didn't dislike the leftovers from other people's food at all, and sat down opposite Song Jingchen with a robe: "I'm just hungry."

In addition to the small cage, the person who came in behind Lian Shan also carried a basket of processed meat.

The prey they brought back from hunting was not much, and the palace was definitely going to give it away, and it was going to take up the bulk of it. With the addition of a few princes, it would be good to have one basket left.

Shen Yijia didn't think too much, and asked Mo Yuan to put the meat in the ice cellar, and sat down with the little fox to tease.

The little fox Xu is not aware of the dangers in the world, and is not afraid of Shen Yijia at all. He was carried out and placed on the table and did not know how to run. Instead, he jumped into Shen Yijia's arms and played cute at her.

Shen Yijia licked a handful of fluffy fox fur, and hated iron and steel on her face. No wonder she was caught. Did you know that if your meat was delicious, you might not see the sun tomorrow?

The little fox said he didn't know, and turned over on Shen Yijia's lap, revealing his snow-white belly.

As if to say, stroke here.

Shen Yijia:  …

How could Shen Yijia know that foxes are the most cunning and know that they can't escape. Of course, they want to please their master as much as possible.

Shangguan Yu stopped eating after two skewers of barbecued meat. He took the tea from Lian Shan and rinsed his mouth before saying, "The county magistrate of Songshan County is dead."

Song Jingchen retracted his gaze from Shen Yijia, his eyes darkened: "Oh? Really."

Shangguan Yu rarely had a smile on his face, and said seriously: "Zhao Taifu's ancestral home is in Songshan County. When he came forward to testify against the fifth brother, I have been investigating him for the past two years, but unfortunately I..."


Shen Yijia: Why don't you let me barbecue?

Crowd: What level do you have no points in your heart?

Shen Yijia: ︵へ()︵

Thank you Anna, Kitano Luoqing for the reward. refill

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