Didn’t Koka know?

Of course she knew.

But she is unwilling to believe that the justice she once adhered to has collapsed, and she is unwilling to accept the fact that the navy is so dark!

She did not finally agree to Bucky joining the Pirates, nor did she want to escape back to the East China Sea to find out the truth.

Even if the Navy hurt her deeply, she still chose to trust the Navy again.

I believe that the Navy will find out the truth and will bring the murderers to justice!

Coca remained a prisoner tied to a pillar on the deck

Heavy rain pouring down, thunder!

In the past, when it rained heavily, Bucky would let him hide in the cabin to shelter from the rain.

Now it is Koka himself who does not want to leave the pillar.

She seems to be going to remind herself in this way that she is a prisoner, a navy and never a pirate!

She admits she was shaken when Bucky said he could help her.

The world government fabricates facts, and the Navy issues a bounty order to arrest itself.

And when she found the marshal expecting fairness and justice

The marshal told her that justice had nothing to do with her anymore.

Even the truth… She didn’t even know, she didn’t deserve to know.

She believes that she is not a pirate and has never done anything harmful to nature.

But she was still branded as a criminal and classified as a pirate.

“What is justice in this world?!”

In the rainstorm, Koka roared angrily and questioned who.

But all that answered her was a louder thunder than a sound and more ferocious raindrops.

In the cabin, Nami and the others looked at Koka with some sympathy.

“If we hadn’t tied her back, maybe she wouldn’t have been wanted by the Navy.” Nami said sympathetically.

“But she could die in the fishing town.” Klein said.

“But she must feel more uncomfortable living than dying now.” Nami sighed.

“As long as people live, they will not be sad all the time. But when a person dies, he is really dead, and there is nothing. “Klein, who has experienced more life and death adventures, sees more things through.

Nami has a heart to help Koka, and although she has average senses for Koka, she has been together for so many days.

Seeing Koka so painful, she couldn’t help but sympathize with her kindness.

It’s just that she also knows that Bucky won’t agree unless Koka joins their pirate group.

“Hey, Akin, are you really going to be your former captain?” Kabaji asked, looking at Akin, who had never liked to talk.

Akin said grimly, “No. ”

“That’s weird.” Kabaji muttered as he pinched his chin.

“I think maybe it wasn’t Crick who did it, but it must have something to do with Crick, otherwise why would the Navy say that similar things happen everywhere Crick goes?” Mochi speculated.

“Do you know what something like that is? And you believe what the Navy says? They can even deceive Koca. Kabaji said with disdain.

“If you want me to see what must be happening in Fishing Town, there must be an ulterior secret, and Koka and Crick were just pushed out to carry the pot!”

“When you say so, I want to go back to the fishing town to see what the secret is.”

“Now the fishing town must be surrounded by the navy, you are careful whether you go back or not!”

Several people talked to each other about Koka and the fishing town.

Under the rainstorm, gossip seems to be their best thing to pass the boring time.

“That Punte guy went to Arrita’s boat, and we couldn’t get him to make us something nice to eat in this situation.”

“I think we should find a new chef!”

“I have to ask the captain about this, the average captain is not recruited.”

“Ponte’s strength is so weak, did he stay?”

“That’s that guy is perverted enough… I heard that the kid used people to make ingredients, and I think this kid will definitely be called an ‘ogre’ after being rewarded by the Navy! ”

“Speaking of which, we as pirates don’t even have a bounty, which is really embarrassing!”

“Do you think the cabin is too small? Some training equipment can’t be put down. ”

“That’s because some of the structures were modified to connect part of the cabin to the deck, so the interior space was smaller!”

Several people thought about Nami planting orange trees and several huge fierce beasts raised by Mochi.

“The rain is getting less!”

“Look at Koca, she seems to have fainted?”

“She’s going to be fine, is she?”

Just as Nami was about to go out and carry Koka back to the cabin, Bucky didn’t know when he would show up on deck.

He untied the rope that tied Coca.

“I don’t need the help of pirates,” Koka said a little unconsciously.

“Are you going to die then?” Bucky said lightly.

“I’ll just…” Before he finished speaking, Koka completely fainted and fell into Bucky’s arms.

Bucky picked up Koka and went to the cabin to throw it to Nami, “Take her back to your bedroom, dry her and change her clothes, I’ll go to Arrita and ask if anyone knows medical skills.” ”

The drawbacks of not having a ship doctor are revealed, and whether the crew is sick or injured, they have to rely on their own strong self-healing ability.

If the self-healing ability is poor, it may be fatal.

When I came to Arlita’s ship, unfortunately no one knew how to heal.

But Ponte knew some dishes that would help his health, and Bucky asked him to make some.

It is better to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor than to let Koka heal itself.

Although she is a female swordsman, her physical fitness is indeed not strong.

Rain after sunny days,

The sun hit Koka’s face through the window, making her eyes flutter slightly.

The good-looking eyelashes trembled a few times, and she opened her eyes.

“Nami?” Koka wanted to get up, but felt weak.

Nami pressed her down on the boat, “You have a fever, better lie down and rest.” ”

“No, I don’t want help from pirates.” Koka gritted his teeth and tried to get up again, but was easily pushed down by Nami.

“Are you really going to die here?” Nami’s words silenced Koka.

She doesn’t want to die, she also wants to know the truth and wants to wait for justice from the Navy.

But she really doesn’t want to be helped by pirates, she is afraid that she will fall inside and accept the identity of pirates.

She’s not a pirate!

She didn’t want to admit the fact that she was a criminal.

Nami changed the hot towel on Koka’s head and picked up the water that she didn’t know what ingredients were made of.

“Drink it, it’s good for the body.” Nami said.

Koka stared at Nami, his mouth motionless.

Nami rolled her eyes, “If only you could give me some Bailey in the future, how about the deal we made?” ”

“I don’t make deals with pirates… Woooo

Halfway through Koka’s words, Nami poured water directly into Koka’s mouth.

“If it weren’t for Captain Bucky’s order, I wouldn’t have bothered to save you.”

Although Nami sympathizes with Koka, she doesn’t want to care much about Koka’s bad attitude.

They are not companions, and they hate us.

Why should I ask to save you?

ps: Today’s last change, some accidents were written a little earlier today than yesterday, the amount is not less (whispered BB). Then thank you for tips and flower tickets, tomorrow the author will also try to update O(∩_∩)O

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