"Kirisu-sensei, please bear with it, it will hurt a little."After carefully observing the scope of the swelling, Nangong Yan decided on the massage technique.

Until now, Kirisu Mafuyu, who was still confused because Nangong Yan suddenly took off her shoes, finally came to her senses.

"……Okay, I get it now."But why does it seem like she still hasn't recovered from what she said?!

Nangong Yan's palm slowly grasped the soles of her feet.

"ah~!"A super cute cry came out of her mouth.

Nangong Yan's heart trembled violently, and his"benevolent heart as a doctor" at this moment was almost broken!

Why? Isn't sexy enough? She even manages to be cute!

Yang looked at the two of them with strange eyes, and the cat's face was full of question marks.

"Teacher... please be patient."Taking a deep breath again, Nangong Yan began to activate her blood.

"ah~!"Is it my imagination? It seems like this cry is cuter?

Nangong Yan's hand trembled... Of course, the massage hand was still very steady, and any instability caused him to forcefully control his body and pass it to the other hand.

Feeling Nangong Yan's wavering, Kirisu Mafuyu, who blushed with embarrassment, began to try his best to control his voice.

The massage was able to continue.

Nangong Yan was filled with emotion. When he was alone with Kirisu Mafuyu, he was really being tested all the time!

"By the way, teacher, are you so afraid of bugs?"Nangong Yan started chatting with her while massaging her.

Kirisu Mafuyu became a little stiff instantly.

"Ahaha... That's right... As a teacher, isn't it a bit embarrassing to still act like this? Nangong

Yan shook his head:"No, most girls are afraid of bugs, right?" This is not surprising. Even most boys are not afraid of bugs, but they still feel uncomfortable when they see them."

Tirisu Mafuyu breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was true, he still tried not to let his students know about it!

Then, Nangong Yan asked curiously:"Speaking of which, what are the bugs in the teacher's house? fixed?"

He is not pretending to be curious, he is really curious! He has been curious all the time when he was chasing fans!

When cockroaches appeared, it was true that I was the one who helped her solve them, but what about before? Who did she ask to solve the cockroaches before?

Always. It’s not like there have never been cockroaches before, right? Isn’t the appearance of cockroaches purely for the purpose of sending assists?! It’s really not good to compare this in the drama, after all, it can’t stand up to scrutiny! But now, Nangong Yan really wants to Learn about

"pesticides……"Kirisu Mafuyu's murderous intent was astonishing,"Spray the whole house with insecticide...and then go live outside for a night."

Nangong Yan was shocked! This god-like operation is really not something ordinary people can do!

They chatted like this from time to time, but most of Nangong Yan's attention was focused on massaging her. Kirisu Mafuyu looked at Nangong Yan who was massaging her seriously, and felt a little strange for a moment... Why was his heart beating so fast?

No, no! Don't think too much! I just met him! What's more, she is still a teacher and a student...

Just like this, her face kept changing…

…… twenty minutes later

"Kirisu-sensei, stand up and try!"Nangong Yan, who was squatting, tried to relieve his already numb legs.

Kirisu Mafuyu looked at her ankle with a surprised look on her face. The swelling had completely disappeared!

However, she did not get up immediately. She tried to use force until she felt no pain. He slowly stood up and walked back and forth for a few steps, his eyes were full of excitement!

"It's amazing...I can't feel the pain at all."

"Although it no longer hurts, you have to protect it consciously and supplement it with more nutrients to recover quickly!"Nangong Yan suggested.

This was not cured directly by him. If he was hit again, the swelling would still appear!

Kirisu Mafuyu nodded in understanding, turned around and looked at his entire chaotic room, his eyes trembling. Shake

"I'd better be busy with the teacher tidying up the room. Nangong Yan stood up and rolled up his sleeves,"By the way, teacher, it's not good to stack items like this. If nothing else, the gaps between these items can easily attract the things you hate most, teacher."."

Ignoring Kirisu Mafuyu who became stiff again, Nangong Yan said while tidying up:"Teacher, you don't want that kind of thing to appear in your home, right? Therefore, you still have to clean it up consciously!"

How should I put it? She has already packed all the garbage. It's just that the big plastic bags for garbage are piled up a bit haphazardly. The messy items on the floor and bed are actually all useful! It's just that they are not classified and arranged neatly.

·········Asking for flowers·····0It

’s relatively easy to pack it up like this!

Picking up a piece of clothing that fell on the ground, Nangong Yan looked at the fierce cover under the clothing with twitching eyes.


Nangong Yan looked sideways slightly, glanced at Kirisu Mafuyu with his hands behind his back and his eyes wandering, shook his head and laughed.

In twenty minutes, everything was sorted out at Nangong Yanfei's speed!

Then it took another fifteen minutes to clean up!

During this period, two Xiaoqiang were swept out, and Nangong Yan finally succeeded in killing them despite being heavily obstructed.

As for what kind of obstruction... the description is a bit dangerous, so I'll omit the process!

Nangong Yan, who had been busy for half an hour, didn't even break a sweat. Looking at Kirisu Mafuyu, who was feeling more and more embarrassed, Nangong Yan smiled and said,"Did you see that? If the house is not kept tidy, it will be easy to attract that thing."........0

Although there are still general tidyers, the number will be much smaller, but needless to say, it is good to have her free to tidy up the house.

"……I see."The shivering Kirisu Mafuyu nodded, but it's hard to say whether she can do it. After all, this kind of laziness has become her habit.

Look at the time, it's a little after four in the afternoon, and then look at Kirito There was no abnormality in Su Mafuyu's ankle, so Nangong Yan simply decided to help him to the end!

"Kirisu-sensei, do you have any cooking ingredients at home?"

"there is nothing……"Kirisu Mafuyu shook his head,"Most of the time, I order takeout."

"All right. Nangong Yan shrugged,"I'm going to buy some materials. Teacher, please wait for me a moment.""

"By the way, Yang, please wait for me here too!"After saying that, the person disappeared.

Kirisu Mafuyu and Yang looked at each other in confusion.

"Surprised... Nangong-san is really an incredible person."Tirsu Mafuyu touched Yang's head and said softly

"Meow~? (This person called Teacher, is he talking to me?)" Yang looked at her and yelled, then licked the cat's paw.

"Do you think so too?"

"Meow~~? (It seems that he is indeed talking to me...but what are he talking about?)"

One person and one cat, the conversation seems to be quite happy?

_Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading - Collection

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