Needless to is definitely the fault of the school!

The nine Muses have been fighting for their school!

As a result, none of the nine people had much free time, so Rin naturally didn't have time to meet other cats.

But... even if it was possible, Hanayo, Honoka and the others would still be worried, right?

Rin probably had her own considerations. If she delayed the performance due to allergies, she would probably blame herself to death.

So it can be regarded as the result of everyone’s tacit understanding!

"Long time no see everyone."When he came in front of everyone, Nangong Yan said hello

"It’s been a long time… Huh? Honoka scratched her head,"Have we not seen each other for a long time?""

In an instant, several people rolled their eyes...

Nangong Yan nodded seriously:"Of course! Think about it, the last time we met was at the end of Golden Week, which was May 7th, right? It's May 18th now, more than ten days ago, isn't it? Honoka couldn't help but nodded:"It's been a long time indeed. I always feel like time flies by so fast!""

"Everyone is practicing every day……"Xiaoniao said,"Once you get into it, you won’t feel the passage of time."

"After working so hard, 26 must be confident!"

The nine people looked at each other and smiled, saying that they didn't dare at all, but they definitely had confidence!

"Let’s not talk about us for now. Tojo Nozomi said with a smile,"Let's talk about Mr. Yan's recent situation!"

"I? What do I have to say? Nangong Yan spread his hands,"On the blog, on the website, you will know what I am doing if you just look at it.""

"That's right……"Nozomi nodded, but still asked,"But I still have a question."

Question? what? Ask me about the unspoken thing? We tacitly don’t ask!

Although he was thinking this, he still said:"Senior Xi, just ask if you want to."

"Why is the game's release date delayed?"

Nangong Yan understood. Tojo Nozomi is indeed a very smart person. She should have discovered something.

"Because I have to prepare for the autograph session tomorrow!"Nangong Yan gave the standard answer.

Xi shook his head and said:"Others may believe it, but I don't believe it, because Ms. Ayano is preparing for Mr. Yan's autograph session, right?"

"This one……"Nangong Yan chuckled,"Keep it secret!"


"Okay, is it so difficult to accept my kindness?"Nangong Yan said directly,"When you finish this campus tour, I will tell you even if you don't ask me."

Eri finally stood up:"We think so too. We know that you are probably afraid that we will be distracted, so you won't tell us, but……"

"Yan Jun should also understand this kind of heart that doesn't know but wants to know, right?"

Nangong Yan:"……"

This time Nangong Yan was speechless. Why was he curious?

This is indeed the truth. Sometimes not knowing is more confusing and disturbing than knowing!

The most obvious example is the concealed illness!

It is clear that he has cancer and is almost in the final stage. Various symptoms appear, but his family members try to hide it from the patient!

It makes the patient more and more suspicious of his illness, leading to rapid deterioration!

Although it is related to being suspicious, is it really okay to hide it like this? But everyone has their own understanding!

What Nangong Yan is thinking now is, if he doesn't tell them, will they keep thinking about it and get distracted these days? It would be a big problem if you lose focus during the performance!

Thinking of this, he regretted coming here today! If they hadn't come, maybe they wouldn't have had such an idea.

Sighing, Nangong Yan said:"It's been just a few days, and you still give me problems.……"

Xiaoniao was a little embarrassed. She told everyone her guess, which made everyone want to know more and more about it. Normally, she could suppress her thoughts, but when she heard that Nangong Yan was coming... she couldn't suppress it. Living!

Looking at so many expectant eyes, Nangong Yan felt a little weird. Why was he like a baby bird waiting to be fed?

Shaking his head and throwing this thought out of his mind, Nangong Yan said:"Okay... you are right, I have been postponed these days just for you." The nine people had guessed before, and as soon as Nangong Yan's words came out, they There were no surprises.

Nangong Yan continued:"You should still remember, I said before that I need your help with many things."

They nodded, guessing this step.

"So this time I came to Muse to do the voice acting for the game."


"Eh?"Honoko opened her mouth.


Nangong Yan patted his ears, secretly thinking that he is indeed a singer, and his ears were shaken to the point of tinnitus.

"Look, I told you not to tell you, but you have to ask, this time you tell me whether I can be distracted?"Nangong Yan shrugged.

Xi shook his head and smiled bitterly:"It's really hard to say... Although we also knew that you must have something to ask us, we didn't expect it to be such a big deal.……"

"Dubbing for games… Dubbing for games……"Hua Yang kept mumbling, his eyes getting brighter and brighter,"Looking more and more like a professional idol!"

"That's right!"Nicole nodded, she was also very excited at this moment,"Many idols dub for various games and animations, and many voice actors have become idols because of this! Idols and voice actors can be said to be very close!"

"We have never been exposed to this……"Zhenji said calmly,"I don't think this is an easy thing."

Zhenji's basin of cold water made everyone else 933 calm down too.

"Maki is right."Hai Wei said aloud,"With Yan Jun's speed, the game is probably almost finished, right? Even if it is postponed for a few days this time, I still feel it is not enough"

"Then we have to give up, meow~?"Rin was still getting close to Yang Minato, but suddenly he answered the call

"But……"Xiaoniao also felt that it was really hard for Yanjun to find him and the others, so was it really okay to just give up?

Nicole is also a little unwilling. As long as it is related to idols, she wants to do anything!

You said something to each other, everyone expressed their own opinions, but Honoka didn't say a word.

Looking at Honoka in this state, Nangong Yan smiled!


"Everyone……"Honoka finally spoke,"Actually, it's useless to think about it so much now. What we have to prepare for is the next performance, right?"

"Although it is true……"Nico wanted to say something else, but Honoka interrupted her.

"Nico-chan, only after this is completed can we think about what to do next, right? Honoka raised her head and said with high spirits,"Whether we can do it or not, it is actually Flame Lord who has the final say!" If Lord Yan didn't have confidence in us, I believe he wouldn't have come to us, let alone the delay of the past few days!"

"So... after the campus tour is over……"Honoka faces Nangong Homura

"The rest of the time will be left to Yanjun!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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